My beef on vegans


I don't know about you guys but i've yet to see a vegan who doesn't look like a gust of wind could blow them over. I mean, i guess they're healthy for not eating fast food and what not, but they don't appear to be strong at all. My friends who are vegan or vegetarian always give me crap about eating meat because they say it's not healthy. But isn't it also unhealthy to limit your body to certain proteins and look like moby? And if people here are vegan or vegetarian the i don't mean any disrespect, it's your body and all...
My mom actually has to be vegan. She's really allergic to dairy and she has trouble digesting meat.

I wouldn't call her weak though. She makes sure to have a lot of protein in her diet, and beans and wheat are probably what she eats most. So it's not impossible to be a vegan and be strong. You could compare people who are weak from being vegan to people who get fat off of dairy and meat.

Also, good job on the thread title. "Today's comedians could learn something from this [thread title]."
I have seen vegetarians at the gym. But then, that's not vegan... Yeah, i could never understand vegans. I mean, milk? eggs? man! Even Foxes eat chicken eggs!
De-Ting said:
Also, good job on the thread title.
At first, just by the title, i thought this thread was about showing off you manly-hood :wink:
There's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian. As for vegans, well, to each their own. I just can't stand preachy vegans. Yeah, pork is pretty disgusting but chicken and fish can be healthy when cooked right. And cows need to be milked, you're not hurting them by drinking milk.
Yes it is healthy. I am a vegetarian of nearly 9 years and have had a dietician check my diet plenty of times (as she was cool to meet up with) and I'm getting absolutely everything I need. I've always felt sharper and better since. The only thing vegans commonly have issue with is vitamin b12 deficiency because of the exclusion of eggs.

Meat eating is like religion: Contrary to scientific sensibility and totally redundant in this day and age. The meat industry is responsible for more pollution and environmental damage than all of transport combined, and that's united nations findings, not PETAs. It's a total joke.

The evolutionary stage of mankind is that red meat is tolerable by the body once a week. This correlates with the fact that primitive man couldnt grab a cellophaned lump off a shelf, it had to hunt its food and wouldnt be successful all the time. This is also why red meat is known to rot in the colon and cause bowel cancer. The Cancer Society in this country have reiterated their suggestion that people eat much less for their health recently.

Honestly. Not 'strong'? What are you, a caveman?
Vegetarians are much healthier than Vegans, because they eat more of a variety. Meat has a lot of bad things in it, but eating the right meats in the right amount can be very healthy for you. You can still find all the nutrition meat provides in other foods, but not in such great amounts (ex: protein).
I agree with Wicked, it's not vegetarians that I have a problem with, it's pushy veggies. Red meat really is horrible for your body when eaten excessively though. That's why I for the most part cut it out of my diet four years ago, and every time I go back on that decision I PAY for it.

"I haven't had meat in 5 years."
"Well, I haven't had a banana in a month."
If it tastes good and you enjoy eating it: eat it. Just don't try to convince anyone else that what you are eating is better, whether that food is meat or veggies.

Mala's argument goes hand in hand with the smoking argument. Yes, it may be bad for us. But if we are enjoying this product without causing harm to anyone else, not pushing the product on anyone else, we should be able to enjoy said product without anyone coming up to us and telling us how wrong we are to enjoy said product.

I would also like to point out that many people who have lived beyond the age of one hundred, including Gertrude Baines, formerly the oldest person on earth, consisted of diets that had fried chicken, bacon and other fatty foods. All of these things are considered unhealthy for you.
malakian said:
Meat eating is like religion: Contrary to scientific sensibility and totally redundant in this day and age

Except for some reason religion still takes a big seat at the table, which isn't welcome. Meat's big seat at the table however, is more than welcome because honestly, for every cow you don't eat I'm sure GR will eat three.

malakian said:
Honestly. Not 'strong'? What are you, a caveman?

Spoken like a true person who is not strong trying to make the people who are strong feel stupid. It didn't work you damn vegetarian. Go hug a cabbage.

There is no reason to avoid chicken, fish, turkey, dairy or eggs for health reasons.. pork and red meat, sure.

But even red meat isn't so bad if eaten properly, just do so in moderation.

A person who gets their protein from those good sources listed above, along with a good healthy dose of veggies and fruit daily will be healthier than a vegan. Or at least feel better.

That said, if you choose not to eat meat, or any animal product all the power to you. I won't push my ways on you and I expect the same in return.

Every meal I eat in a day consists of a nice mix of healthy carbs, quality protein source, 3-4 servings of veggies and possibly a piece of fruit. I feel great.
I'd also like to reiterate that this thread isn't out to offend vegetarians. I was just curious how healthy it is to become vegan. They just look weak to me is all. And i'm not some steroid using ufc fighting douche :p
First of all...Hug a cabbage? You are a cabbage. You are both a twat and a knave, schimmel, and i'm not going to mince words about 'making people who are strong feel bad' with someone who has a flabby bicep with a colour-in on it. Mine is toned and muscular. You can 'eat three' dicks.

Trippy smurf: I think the 'lets go our seperate ways doing no harm' doesnt stand up to the fact it does do harm....If you have no qualm about environmental implications then I do agree with you, but it's not 'just like the smoking argument' in that the entire third world could be fed with the resources (grain/water) that go into US meat production. Not to mention the greenhouse gas and pollutants. After that consideration, it just comes down to whether you think your meat is worth the harm. At that point it's a choice I see as selfish, but a personal one nonetheless. I dont think anyone should be pushed to do anything against their will...The only thing I think everyone should do is at least rationally consider their position on something that has a scientifically charted negative effect on the world.

Also your argument is closer to the smoking one about the 100+ years lady. A lady just down the road smoked all her life and died at 104...You cant let an anomally overturn proven science.

Wicked, I dont think it's offensive, but bare in mind you are just taking a pool of people you've seen...I've seen plenty of meat eating women who are weak..because theyre genetically ladies, and naturally they are weak. Meat isnt some kind of popeye-like panacea that gives you mighty strength - but if your veggie friends are deficient in something beneficial in meat that could be a reason. Iron is a common one and can be easily gained elsewhere. If theyre iron deficient they might be a bit more lethargic when it comes to physical activity. If they're not, they're naturally just slim or not doing any regular exertion.
Whenever I see a woman vegan I think about the sentence my grandfather told me a long time ago:

'Vegan my ass ... she still probably digs a sausage and two balls every day or two.'

A bit ... offensive, but funny for me nonetheless. Hey, maybe we can even apply it to some men vegans! :p
malakian said:
Trippysmurf: I think the 'lets go our seperate ways doing no harm' doesnt stand up to the fact it does do harm....If you have no qualm about environmental implications then I do agree with you, but it's not 'just like the smoking argument' in that the entire third world could be fed with the resources (grain/water) that go into US meat production. Not to mention the greenhouse gas and pollutants. After that consideration, it just comes down to whether you think your meat is worth the harm. At that point it's a choice I see as selfish, but a personal one nonetheless. I dont think anyone should be pushed to do anything against their will...The only thing I think everyone should do is at least rationally consider their position on something that has a scientifically charted negative effect on the world.

Call me selfish for I drive my car to the grocery store to buy a steak.

I'm also horribly selfish when I order bluefin tuna at Japanese restaurants.

Oh wait, Its not selfish; you are just demonizing. The fact that little ole me eats red meat is not destroying the world.

The fact that the entire third world could be fed with a majority of the farm land that the American government is paying farmers not to use is a problem; but am I to blame because I have consumed products that use high fructose corn syrup along with my meat? And used a fossil fuel consuming vehicle to purchase those items?

I am well aware that the three largest producers of greenhouse gases are automobiles, cattle and swamps. All three of these are plentiful in the state of Florida. However I don't think the state should be paved over in order to stop the effect caused by all three.

Should we have alternative forms of power in our vehicles by now? Yes (which is also why I'm opposed to the notion of offshore drilling around Florida). Should we stop eating an animal that humanity has been consuming since the dawn of civilization? No. Should we find ways to more efficiently control the amount of land and natural resources used for livestock? Yes.

Do I feel selfish when I eat veal. Hell No.
WickedLiquid said:
And i'm not some steroid using ufc fighting douche :p

so vegans look weak and people who workout and fight are douches.

and wickedliquid is juuust perfect

DocMoc said:
Their dreads weigh them down.

i smiled.. i might have lol'd but i was chewing on a hamburger (srs)
What, trippy? Of course it is! It's DIRECTLY linked. Consumers are the only thing that drive demand! You're not making sense, youre just pointing out potential causes of guilt and answering rhetorical questions in which the rhetoric points to 'yes' with 'no'.

If youre not feeling guilty, then why did you bring up automobiles? The UN have listed meat as a bigger pollutant and threat to global warming than ALL transport - automobiles are scientifically small fry when you consider that also encapsulates all planes and freighters..
In the Vegan vs meat eaters debate I always side with the meat eaters. Not because it is the healthier choice ( Both can be healthy with proper nutrition) but because of a lot of vegans "holier then thou/ smells their farts in a wine glass" attitude about their diet.

Yeah I know meat eaters are dicks to vegan but the preachy vegan approach on personal lifestyle choice rubs my balls wrong.

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