Transformers : Dark of The Moon

I saw it last night based on your recommendation, Lethan. I didn't love it but I did enjoy it. These movies have exactly what I expect, robots fighting. I could care less about the romance. It's just a side distraction from what I really want to see.

The 3D was the best I have seen since Avatar. Bay did a nice job of using perspective to enhance scenes and not consistently throw things at the audience. Nice slow and smooth panning allowed you to take in the action and enjoy the scenery. If you go in expecting a shallow action ride, then you won't be disappointed.
I've been hearing from people whose movie tastes I trust say this movie is good (or at least decent), absolutely hated 2 and enjoyed 1 and I was super cautious of seeing the third one but my buddies and I are gonna watch it in D-Box seating this weekend so I'm honestly excited. If I walk in with low expectations it should be okay and besides compared to two it must be good (right?). I hate though how common folk boast that each Transformers movie is the best thing ever in fact the past four movies I've seen in theaters when they show the DoTM trailer people applauded. Really? Did no one in these theaters watch revenge of the fallen. Plus DoTM is 155 minutes long which is just a couple of minutes shorter than Avatar so this movie better not damn bore me (I think that was incorrect word usage but I wanted to use damn in that sentence somehow).
I'm actually kinda shocked that producers green-lit a 3rd Transformers movie that's 2 and a half hours long considering how much criticism part 2 received. They must've had huge balls.
used44 said:
Criticism, sure. But they make f****** MONEY.
It was a steaming heap of shit, but they made a massive amount of money off it. They knew #3 would be exactly the same. Even if it is shit, all the 13yo kiddies would go along with all their friends and think it's the BEST MOVIE EVAR.
Why do you think it was released when it was released?
Went and saw it yesterday because it's half price at the movies. I found it had some funny moments and overall I was entertained so I can't complain too much.
Saw it last night..... humor of a 12 year old, plot with a attention span of a child with ADD, more holes that a block of swiss cheese and somewhat decent action but overall I kinda hated it. I say it's alright but that's being generous but it wasn't as bad as Transformers 2... But it's still bad
used44 said:
Criticism, sure. But they make f****** MONEY.

True, but I would figure everyone who paid to see part 2 and hated it would skip this and just stream it online or wait for Blu-Ray. Yes, it's naive of me to think people would be that intelligent, that's why I'm not a Producer.
danielrbischoff said:
Dark of the Moon sucked. My girlfriend and I walked out of it after an hour when the asian guy started sexually harassing that employee.
I first saw it by myself.... i walked out.
The next week, me and my brother wanted to see ironclad but we missed it, so he forced me to watch transformers... i hated him for doing that ever since.

The upside? well i found out the guy who made the incredibles is making the next mission impossible and the trailer look awesome!

But beside that, transformers... SUCKED! the autobots got like 15 lines in total and only 20 mins of screen, everything else is human human human and shia leboeuf trying to get laid.

Anybody think the way starscream died was bull crap? My friend almost walked out after that, he told me he wanted to vocalize his anger in the theater and I imagined his lone voice yelling out: "BULLS***!!! I WANT MY F****** MONEY BACK!!!!!!"

Also what doesn't make sense to me is that in the first it took Optimus almost 30 minutes to almost kill Megatron but in the second when he gets parts from a old fart he kills the guy badder than megatron in 10 seconds and in this one kills a even badder dude and megatron (with one arm). Then again why am I trying to make sense out of a Michael Bay movie

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