So has anyone seen Avatar yet?

i have to admit if i watched Avatar on a 28 inch tube tv with no surround sound i'd make it through a first viewing, consider it enjoyable despite being far too drawn out, and never watch it again.

it requires epic sound on an epic screen with 3D glasses to be in fact, epic. whereas many movies are epic regardless, and i WOULD watch multiple times on a 28 inch tube TV (and have, the 28 inch tube being my old baby :)).

for what it is when seen the way it is meant to be seen, sure not many things compare, but seen in any other setting it would be just another average movie.

and i LOVED avatar and watched it twice, so i'm not a hater just to hate. not even really hating. just bein honest.
oh god but the whole plot was sooooooo bleeh. Yeah yeah, watch it for the special effects but even then i was falling asleep at times and mind you, i saw it 3D also.

I wanna watch Star Treck on 3D though, that would be amazing.
Just seen it...finally. In 3D. I think if you're gonna see it, 3D is the way to go. Though I can't really say cause I haven't seen it 2D, but still. First 3D movie I've seen, pretty sweet. Smoked some hash and weed before hand (if I'm gonna see a movie as hyped as Avatar in 3D, I wanna be ripped...I can enjoy it sober later with a rental). Though, the visuals (plants) in the movie were sweet too. Wish there was that kinda sh*t here. Well, on the surface, not in the ocean...

I too thought it reminiscent of Fern Gully. So what?
LinksOcarina said:
do you all consider Star Wars to be a masterpiece?

I think with something like Star Wars and its universe, it's something you'd have to be indoctrinated into, and I never had that guy push Star Wars onto me till I was already 12 or 13 or 14 - by then I had other hobbies - so I don't believe I'd go so far as to say it's a masterpiece, but I have gained a respect and appreciate its place in pop-culture lore. Like, I get it. Do I believe it's a bit over hyped? Yeah, sure, but what isn't?

Funny thing is someone tried getting me onto the Star Wars bandwagon because I'd get a new Star Wars Kenner action figure about once every month in the mail when I was really young. ... er_01_.jpg
I thought I had won some cereal box contest or something. Or that the mailman really liked me.

For certain, the thing I liked most about Avatar the 2nd time around was the build-up. The machinery, the Avatar compound, and other glossed over aspects or features of the Avatar universe. guess I'm star wars hooked
Favorites this year:

Up - It probably won't win, but a masterpiece as usual.

Fantastic Mr. Fox - Should have been nominated for best picture over The Blind Side, even if it weren't to win. The fact that Up is nominated for best picture but no other animated movie is kind of spoils the best animated feature category. I don't really understand what the academy is doing anymore, they need to get their shit together.

The Hurt Locker - You know, I liked this movie a lot for its intensity, but I'm not so sure about a personal connection. It does some brilliant things with convention that make it really unique and effective but I'm not sure how many times I would watch it. But that just comes down to my personal taste, because one of my favorite movies of the year was definitely...

Funny People - I know most people really didn't like this but it was such a perfect depiction of stand-up comedians, and it implied so many themes and paths and did so in a way that was realistic and subtle enough so they never needed to be patched up. It wasn't that funny, but...I don't know, it just resonated with me personally, and I could tell Apatow really cared about it. I don't mind if a movie is flawed if it's flawed in a way that further reveals the state of the director. It was just really honest and personal the whole time and that made it really easy to watch for me. But I understand it fucks up storytelling wise here and there and just isn't everyone's cup of tea.

That being said, I didn't get to see as many movies this year. Didn't see District 9 or Star Trek.
See Star Trek.

I watched my bootleg of Avatar again today with Abby this time. She is more open minded when it comes to movies. She thought this movie was a good scifi flick. Reminiscent of The Abyss.

To back up my "Fern Gully" comment, just take a look at the scene with Giovanni Rabasi and the dozers when Sully was standing in front of them. That was almost shot for shot Fern Gully.

Anyhow, I still say this isn't the best movie I've seen this year and not the best movie on the Best Picture List. I think The Hurt Locker should win, but I want Up in the Air to win- I actually think that move had the best writing, directing and acting out of anything this year.

Anyhow, Avatar is going to die down after all the marketing blitz stops. Count on it.
Also, Julie and Julia was pretty good. Meryl Streep should win the oscar for that role.

And to answer Link's question- Empire Strikes Back is the masterpiece. You just need the other two as book ends to complete the story.
I saw Avatar few weeks back and enjoyed the experience. It was my first 3D movie and everything looked real pretty. Story was kinda "meh I knew it" mixture of Pocahontas and Dances with the Wolves, but still quite enjoyable.

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