Transformers: Revenge of the something or other.


So there's a new robots in disguise movie. I haven't seen it but I'm making this thread because you guys need to start making threads for summer popcorn flicks.

I guess my biggest question is now that Shia is gone Is this finally a good transformers movie???? And do I needs to watch the previous movies to understand this one? Because I've only seen 1.5 out of the 4.
You shouldn't watch these movies, because they suck. There is literally nothing that should make you think this movie will be good.
Rakon said:
You shouldn't watch these movies, because they suck. There is literally nothing that should make you think this movie will be good.
The sucking is the point.
You watch them to turn your brain off for 2hrs while eating popcorn.

That is their entire purpose for existing. It needs explosions, shitty jokes and shiny CGI.
madster111 said:
Rakon said:
You shouldn't watch these movies, because they suck. There is literally nothing that should make you think this movie will be good.
The sucking is the point.
You watch them to turn your brain off for 2hrs while eating popcorn.

That is their entire purpose for existing. It needs explosions, shitty jokes and shiny CGI.

No. Movies should not be about explosions and CGI. That attitude is what is ruining the industry. Why would they bother making a good movie if they can put bad ones out and still make money!

Stop ruining things you ruiner
Oh please.

Just because a movie like this is super popular in theaters doesn't mean that all of a sudden the 12 Years A Slave or Dallas Buyers Club isn't going to be made. Nothing is ruining the industry.
My friends saw Transformers 4: Age of Extinction last Friday night. They invited me to go but I didn't, I heard terrible things.

I got an e-mail from a friend while I was at work, and this is all he said.

"I saw the new Transformers last night. IT WAS SO SHIIIIIIIIT."

That's all I need to know.
I was interested in seeing this but then I heard it's pretty bad. I mean, I expected bad but not really bad. If it's better than the 2nd and 3rd Transformers I'll probably enjoy it. If it's on par or worse I'll likely not care for it. I guess I'll still it because robots in disguise beating each other up.
Only thing i got to say is that i did like marly mark more than shia and john goodmans transformer was the best one of the bunch
I posted my review in the last movie you saw thread, but I'll sum it up by saying I really liked this Transformers movie, and I hated the last two.
Paradox said:
I posted my review in the last movie you saw thread, but I'll sum it up by saying I really liked this Transformers movie, and I hated the last two.

I might enjoy it then. I found the first one to be quite entertaining but was severely let down by the 2nd and 3rd.

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