That Kim Davis. Am I right guys?


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A bit of background info for those of you who haven't been paying much attention to this interesting lady: Kim Davis is a government employee who issues marriage licenses and the like. She refused to issue a same sex marriage license to a same sex couple and another couple for religious reasons. A Judge said that she had to follow the law. She decided that an appeal to the Supreme Court, you know, the people who ruled in favour of same sex marriage across the nation, would back her. So she appealed and they said "nope. Do your job." She refused, was held in contempt and instead of recognizing the court's ruling has decided to go to jail, likely not passing go or collecting 200 dollars in the process.

That's fine. I wouldn't want a woman who's been divorced multiple times and had extra marital affairs putting her bad juju all over my marriage license.
She probably thought the right wing social justice warriors would back her all the way to, well, not to the supreme court obviously given their ruling, but to, at least, infinity and beyond?

she's dumb as fuck, yeah. And that's why I hope to hear her rant on the news circuits someday.
I, too, like to act as a government official while refusing to do what the government tells me.

Here's a good question:
Why the fuck is their system set up so that they cannot fire a public official when it is needed?
madster111 said:
I, too, like to act as a government official while refusing to do what the government tells me.

Here's a good question:
Why the fuck is their system set up so that they cannot fire a public official when it is needed?

I'm sure if she was denying a license to own a firearm she would have been. Because 'Murica.

I dont think she's trying to die for the cause!

She sounds like a bellend. Like GL says, people trying to force their beliefs on others and not recognising that the world is changing for the better. "Traditional" people shall we say!
Well, she wants to go to jail for her religious belief. I'm pretty sure she would die for her god.
The sad part is I bet religious groups around the country will donate to her. It is soo easy for people to benefit from stupid shit these days.
madster111 said:
Here's a good question:
Why the fuck is their system set up so that they cannot fire a public official when it is needed?

she was elected - You can't fire an elected official (ie the president) but ytou can vote to appeal the election results.. but in Kentucky she was elected and in the state they voted against same sex marriage so low chance of her being evicted from office.. Why you need an elected vs an appointed official to issue marriage licenses is beyond me.

So, she has to resign.. Which she wont.. which is ok by me. stay in there and rot for your beliefs.. Mandela would be proud.. until then, life and progress will be passing her by.

but dont think this is a small pocket in rural Kentucky.. America is in decline no matter what laws we pass or the supreme court affirms, because a large segment of our population (libs and cons) are morons, except of course you fine gentlemen! 8)

I dont envy being a parent in 2015..
Sourdeez said:
The sad part is I bet religious groups around the country will donate to her. It is soo easy for people to benefit from stupid shit these days.

That's why the judge chose to put her in jail rather than fine her, even against the wishes of the ACLU.
That sh*t would really upsets me too if a song I made was being used incorrectly. Kim Davis really needs to be taught about the U.S Constitution and learn she can't use a religious figure to not grant a marriage license. F*cking dumbass.
What bothers me about this is that if Kim Davis was a Muslim woman denying services to people on that ground there would be an uproar.

..or maybe not.. I would love to see an islamic public servant do that same thing.. PLEASEEEEEEEEE

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