An interesting game involving Guilt


This was taken from a video game. A game I don't think many of you will play. Don't worry, it's not spoiling anything for it's simply a mingame. I replayed this game recently with a couple friends and we actually spent a good hour debating this. I hope this isn't TL; DR because it's quite interesting.

In this game a story is told involving four characters:
-Prince Wilhelm
-Princess Celestine
-Celestine's father the king
-And a bull

"Prince Wilhelm is passionately in love with Celestine. But she does not love him. One day, Wilhelm comes to the King and asks for Celestine's hand in marriage. Celestine begs the king not to marry her to Wilhelm, but the king ignores her pleas. Royal protocol insists that he must say yes to the match. They are married and Wilhelm takes Celestine back with him to his kingdom. That night, he attempts to consummate the marriage, but the distraught Celestine flees. She runs from the safety of the castle and across a field, ignoring the sign which warns of danger. In that field is a bull, who, seeing the girl, charges her. She falls under his hooves and is killed instantly."

The idea of the game is to figure out who is most guilty for Celestine's death. Who's fault was it that she died? Categorize the four characters from most guilty to least guilty and explain why you put them in that specific order.

Most Guilty -------> Least Guilty
1. ----> 2. ----> 3. ----> 4.



i kid i kid..

edit.. changing thoughts

knowing females celestine almost guaranteed lead the prince on. maybe showed a little underboob, flirted a little, just to know she still had it. this in turn made the prince fall in love, and to assume due to her actions, celestine must certainly feel the same way. then when he asked the king for her hand in marriage and she opposed he was like oh no you manipulative bitch, you can suffer the consequences of your actions and be an example for all the other manipulative bitches.

so she gets married and doesn't want his stanky dirtiness all up on her, so she flees, eventually getting pwnt by a bull.

so my order is this.





guilty to least guilty

if it wasn't for celestines mind game she never would have been in this mess in the first place, and no one would have been killed. next in line is the bull, being directly responsible for her death. the king had no idea her death would come from this, it's one in an trillion, he was just teaching her a lesson, a lesson that she needed to be taught due to HER OWN actions. without her or the bull he never would have got her killed. and the prince is just an innocent little fairy boy that really needs to impose his alphaness and step up his game.
1. The Bull (the motherfucking cold killer!)
2. Celestine (dumbass for not reading the sign)
3. The Prince (shouldn't have forced what she didnt want)
4. The King (was only following the law. Was it his law? I dont know)
The bull would not have killed her if the princess did not flee

The princess would not have fled if the prince did not marry her

The prince would not have married her if he was not allowed.

The King allowed the marrage.


1. King (most guilty)
2. Prince
3. Princess
4. Bull (least guilty)
1. Celestine. Bitch shouldn't have run away. There were many other ways she could have settled her difference, but running into a bull isn't one.
2. The King. Should have listened to his daughter. I'm sure there were obligations, but knowing royalty, I'm sure there were plenty of other options as well.
3. The Prince. Should have listened to his beloved. I'm sure he loved her, but he could have discussed things better with her than forcing his hand.
4. The Bull. If she had jumped off a cliff, would you blame gravity for her death? The unyielding ground? No. You can't blame a bull for trampling a dumb bitch, just as you can't blame a bee for stinging you if you put your hand in the hive.
This would be ruled an accidental death and nobody would be at fault.

The bull would probably be put down, however.

Because, I mean... ribs.
MattAY said:
I personally love Stal's take on this.

Because, you know....ribs.

i love stal's take on everything

he's the whole package. now that he's taken it just makes me want him that much more.
1. The princess needs better perspective. She's a princess, she lives 100 times better than anyone else in the world and the only thing that is asked of her is to marry not for love, but for political reasons. Sorry, but the trade off sounds pretty nice to me. If I were her, I would be...a girl...woah! Also, I would've married, consumated and continued to live the extravagant royal life.
2. The prince is a big, dumb animal that is horny. Dude, she' just not into you. If your love is so great than you would care about her happiness. If I were him, I would extend the courtship or, you know, realized that I'm a frickin' prince and find someone with a bigger dowery ;).
3. The king is placed in a hard position. Sometimes the king has to follow the rules, and sometimes he is the rule. I'd say show some back bone, but hey, royal weddings are more about politics and saying no could've ended in a war. A good king thinks of his people. If I were him I would've explained his wife, the queen's experience if similar.
4. The bull is a big, dumb animal that is territorial. She encroached on his area and he defended it (and well, if I might add). If I were the bull, I would have stomped her into the ground too.

I hate putting the princess first, it feels sexist.
By the way Liquid, is there an actual answer? Since it sounds like if you got it right, you'd open a door or something. Like most Silent Hill puzzles.
hm.. that is a toughie

moral vs protocol

protocol would win. It's the princess' fault. She knew the times she was living in. You can't just defy your father -- a king, no less.

My heart says it was the king's fault.. but protocol says it was Princess Celestine's own fault. Now the king will probably kill himself over this mess... unless he had a son, and if so, pfff no biggie.


it was different times, man. different times... you can't blame the l{ing (no, really, you can't)

sry, bull and the prince were tied for the least guilty.

so.. princess (most), king (second most), and tied are the bull (Bull just being Bull) and Prince (Prince just being Prince)
This sounds like one of the earlier on side quests from KOTOR with small bits and pieces changed. I say the number one person is her dad though, of he had listened to her she would have never been married
The bull is what killed her, this is something that cannot be denied, the bull is most guilty. Celestine found herself in a position she had no control over, she's not to blame, all she wanted was her freedom, making her the least guilty. The prince was the one who asked the King, making the prince more guilty than the King for putting him in that position


1. The Bull
2. The Prince
3. The King
4. The Princess
The bull is the one who killed her. That is a fact. However, he is a bull. He cannot think like us people do.

So I would say that:

1. The Princess. She's the one who went and got herself killed. She ignored the clear signs of danger and went off and found danger. I mean, this is like Darwin Awards kind of stuff.

2. The King, the Prince, and the Bull.
What the King does is what he has to do. He doesn't have a choice in the matter, so you can't hold him accountable. The Prince does what he's told to do from the start. Find a beautiful princess and marry her. And the bull is a bull. He only knows how to do 4 things: eat, shit, mate, and charge. And since he is an herbivore, doesn't have to poop, and she wouldn't be there if she wanted to mate, he charged.
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
WickedLiquid said:
Royal protocol insists that he must say yes to the match.
Royal protocol.

I'm actually serious. If you blame anything, blame that.
That's my first choice too, but here's my list I composed of
1. Prince Wilhelm: That S.O.B. wanted marriage to Celestine, but was shut down. So that panzy goes and ask her father because royal protocol insist the king to say yes.

2. Princess Celestine: If it wasn't for the fact she tried escaping her problem, she would have been safe in nice castle. It made it even worse when she was running from the bull.

3. The King: He had allowed the marriage due to royal protocol

4. The Bull: Yes, the bull did kill her, but this killed her accidentally. The bull was just protecting it's territory. Bulls charge at running objects because they feel threaten and Celestine was running. If she would have walked safely in the field she might have survived.
I don't know you guys, I still believe this is cause and affect.

The King's actions lead to the Prince marrying Celestine. Which lead to Celestine fleeing . Which lead to the bull ultimately killing her.

It all started with the King. Not to mention his daughter pleaded not to marry him. The King should've put more thought and responsibilty into his actions, otherwise she'd still be alive.
MattAY said:
By the way Liquid, is there an actual answer? Since it sounds like if you got it right, you'd open a door or something. Like most Silent Hill puzzles.

There is no right or wrong answer. However, depending on how you place the characters says a lot about your personal views on guilt. It's a psych profiling game that reveals a bit about yourself you may not have realised.

I'll post what profile you all fit later, once more people get a chance to debate this. Like I said, two friends and I debated this for a good hour. I believed the King was most guilty while another insisted the bull was first and the third said it was Celestine.

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