Sports and Exercise - What do you/would you like to do?

I can't do exercise in the morning. I wake up Monday to Friday at 6:30 AM, have something to eat, have a shower, get dressed, get to work by about 7:15 AM. Lately I find I have to go to work early otherwise I won't get a park (I'm supposed to start at 8 AM but I start early because of this).

To be fair, I could wake up earlier to do exercise but damn it, I love my sleep.

I guess what you could try and do is look at your current schedule. When do you have your classes, when do you work, and when it comes to your apartment, what needs to be sorted and managed? Some careful planning may be able to help you.

It's hard, but you've gotta try and find a balance in your schedule. Below is my schedule...

Work: 7:15 AM - 4 PM, Monday to Friday
Gym: 5 PM - 6 (sometimes 6:30) PM, Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Judo coaching: 6 - 7 PM Tuesday/Thursday, 10 AM - 11 AM Saturday
Judo training: 7 PM - 8:30 PM Tuesday/Thursday, 11 AM - 12:30 PM Saturday
GR Strips work: Wednesday 6:30 PM onward (usually between 2-4 hours depending on the comic)

That's pretty much my schedule. Work and judo coaching and judo training are things I have no control over in terms of time, but at least with gym and GR Strips I can be a little flexible. I've found this works for me so far.

There are times though when the schedule becomes... interrupted, so to speak and I have to skip something like the gym, or adjust my GR Strips schedule slightly, but it happens.
Caught the bar in an awkward position in the bottom of a clean last week hurting my hand, so OHPs are out of the picture for the time being - sucks cause that's my weakest compound lift by far.

Oh well, my journey to a 4 plate deadlift should end next week though.
That's absolutely brutal. Sorry to hear about that. Hope your hand recovers soon.

The heaviest I've ever dead lifted is 170kg (372 pounds), which isn't that great. I'm aiming for 180kg (maybe 190kg - 396/418 pounds) in about two months time.
Master_Craig said:
gopstopper said:
I dont think any of you will be able to do it.

That's a bit of an arrogant assumption, man. Have a little faith!

Regarding WickedLiquid's exercise, I could totally get in on that.

it was more of a motivational "You cant do it" lol But in all seriousness, I dont think many really could.
Shameless bump because I hit my 405 lb deadlift goal last night. I was actually feeling really good, so I managed to get all the way up to 455 lbs / 205 kg.

That's a 200 lb increase since I started lifting again last July.
Fuck yeah, Green_Lantern. Great work! Wish I could lift that.

I'll be attempting a 170 kg (374 pounds) dead lift in about two and a half weeks time, so wish me luck there. :P I haven't pulled that much in a while.
I certainly believe everything gobstopper has to say.

Grats on the dead lift green. What do you squat?

And when you're talking about a lift just to clarify the standard way to say how many plates you lifted is just saying how many per side. 3 plates = 315. 4 plates = 405, like GL said it.
What's your ROM on squats? Parallel, ATG?

How much do ya weigh?

Decent lifts man.

I'm past shooting for PRs now. Sucks when something in your life passes you by. No serious injuries ever just recurring wrist, shoulder issues. Hurt my shoulder a little in high school and it's never been the same. Really catching up to me at 30.

Still lift heavy just never really go below the 6-7 rep mark anymore. Slow steady and controlled as possible. I still am progressing strength wise decently. Just slower progression for sure.

In it more just for the size and health now.
intoTheRain said:
What's your ROM on squats? Parallel, ATG?

Full range of motion, like here - ... full-depth

intoTheRain said:
How much do ya weigh?

At the moment I weigh 103.4 kg (227.9 Ibs).

intoTheRain said:
Decent lifts man.

Thanks man. :)

I'm on a completely new diet and training routine. Three days a week at the gym, three days a week at judo, diet is the same everyday, about 3,200 calories daily of protein, some carbs and mixed green veggies. Dropped almost 5 kg (11 Ibs) in just under two weeks.

It's only been two weeks but I feel a hell tonne better. I feel faster at judo, it's easier to move into the throws I want to do and I'm throwing guys my size so much easier now. Maybe it's all in my head, but I feel a huge difference already.

Sorry to hear about your injury. I have a few niggling injuries from judo that pop up from time to time. My left shoulder (it likes to occasionally pop out), my right ankle, sometimes my lower back. Meh.

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