So has anyone seen Avatar yet?

KoalaRainbowPoop said:
avatar to me is a anti-war movie. the blue aliens=middle easterns. their planet=oil. earth invades them for their resources.

I find it interesting that you interpreted it this way because I would have never thought about it like that.

Also, why are you so opposed to anti-war films? Is it because you are pro-war or because you feel that anti-war films are overplayed?
The movie has an interesting sci-fi concept and a good story, even if the basis of it is common and somewhat cliche, it is still unique.

KoalaRainbowPoop said:
sure, you'll play the hell out of a game that's all about war, but then turn around and say watch anti war movies. can't have it both ways.

also, we aren't children of the 60's. no matter hard ya try. let it go. live in the here and now.

Sure you can. Especially if you aren't thinking "hmm this is an anti-war film!" while watching the movie. Pro war or anti-war never pops into my head when I'm watching a film.

Also, your children of the 60s thing was lame. Who the hell wants to be a hippy? I know I sure don't. You're way off base trying to make that connection with people who don't want war going on around them.

On another note....I saw Avatar finally today in 3D and it was such a great film. Yes, the story felt familiar in many ways - It reminded me of many other films to have come along but I won't fault Cameron for that. What he did in creating Pandora was in the same vein as what George Lucas did in creating the Star Wars universe. He created a unique world, told a familiar story and did it in a way where it felt fresh and innovative for much of the films two hour and forty minute run time.
^actually I wish I was born in the '50s so I could be a child of the '60s but I know that won't happen. I do believe in peace, love, and happiness, even if I know it won't come about these days, but at the same time I'm also into videogames where you kill people. Call me a hypocrite but I still do both
DocMoc said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
avatar to me is a anti-war movie. the blue aliens=middle easterns. their planet=oil. earth invades them for their resources.

I find it interesting that you interpreted it this way because I would have never thought about it like that.

Also, why are you so opposed to anti-war films? Is it because you are pro-war or because you feel that anti-war films are overplayed?

i feel any movies with political undertones are played out. enough already. just tell me a good story without telling me what ya think about politics. thats all i want. a straight forward film without political overtones. thats all i want. i'm not pro war nor ant war. i just want a good movie thats not trying to sell me on a political veiw point.
But the problem is a ton of movies are political, or have political themes and tones to them.

If you want a good story, you need to look at drama films, not Sci-Fi or Fantasy. As much as I love Lord of the Rings, those movies were just as political as Avatar in many ways.

It's just the way movies are made now a days. It can be good and bad, but it is what it is.
I think it really says something about our country's situation when every little quabble or conflict can be directly related to something like it in politics.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
i feel any movies with political undertones are played out. enough already. just tell me a good story without telling me what ya think about politics. thats all i want. a straight forward film without political overtones. thats all i want. i'm not pro war nor ant war. i just want a good movie thats not trying to sell me on a political veiw point.

Regardless of what the director or writer tries to portray with their work, doesn't it come down to the audience to decide for themselves what they want to take away from the film? If you don't want a political lecture, then just take in the scenery and ignore the lecture.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
StalfrosCC said:
KRP, several of your posts in this topic have changed my mind about you. Not the disliking Avatar posts, I don't think I'll see the movie either, but several of your other posts have been eye opening.

hmm, dare i need to ask if you are being sarcastic or serious?

also all those that think i'm being a dumbass for being tired of anti war movies, well, too bad. there has been too many anti war movies coming out. sure, you'll play the hell out of a game that's all about war, but then turn around and say watch anti war movies. can't have it both ways.

also, we aren't children of the 60's. no matter hard ya try. let it go. live in the here and now.

I was being serious. Also, entertainment has been anti-war since, well, the first war. Look at 99.9 percent of Shakespeare's histories. This isn't a new trend.
yes, i know it isn't a new trend. just tired of it. i'll admit i don't follow politics as closely has everyone else does. but then again, i rarely watch anything. the showbiz industry is just too horrid these days
Am... Am i... Am i the only one who thought Avatar was PRO-war? (I.e the only way to deal with earthmen is to abandon our way and slaughter them! :twisted:) Kinda funny when for the first hour of the film it's about how the hero got in touch with nature and became a hippy.

That and the movie is more like dances with the wolves then the middle east conflict. And if you compare Real life wars with video game wars then i believe you need to get a life. In fact, I'm late for a Wow raid so... yea... I need a life too...
Yeah Lien you are. Obviously negotiating was not a viable option so the only other one was to stand up and fight.
Still though... Cameron's trademark is to show how futile it is to be warfare like and that some times, peace and motherhood prevails (see "the abyss" or heck "Aliens").

Couldn't he still put the war part but the hero find a peaceful way? Like the bada** general dude or the corporate guy starts to have doubts about killing innocents at the end of the film and they realize how futile all of this is? Or making a third side with humans and natives seeking a bloodless solution? Just so you know, the Anti-war people in the real world aren't joining side with the terrorist or the Iraqis rebels, they're for world peace and diplomatic negotiation.
Cause in the film, the Na'vee's future is uncertain! What's to stop the human from coming back! or to nuke the whole planet! From space even! Warfare conflict never achieve anything!

But then, i'm such a Cameron nerd, he's probably getting tired of all this hippy crap and just wants to see non sense bloodbath. Didn't stop me from seeing this twice! In imax too!
I saw it. I liked the blue people from mass effect better.

To be honest, you have to look at the blues as neanderthals, bigger tougher humanoids, with a distinct culture of their own (in fact the brief burial scene was very similar to what you'd find in a neanderthal grave) that were quite intelligent in their own environment. Humans being humans however, with better tech and usually better cunning (the main character was a human after all) lead the charge, to do what they do. I see the politics of the film, but it seems more like a struggle of instinct and culture more than pro-war/anti-war. Cameron wanted the politics, but in my view he failed (and the shaky close ups got old fast, big ship! ZOOOM IN!).

Look at the ending; the blues were a warrior culture fending off another similar culture that did try, weakly, to use diplomacy. They never bothered to engage dialogue. All that was missing was smallpox.
Lien said:
schimmel said:
^ And the humans raping their culture and building a civilization over it

They'll have to negotiate, although that never works. Force with arms or money, that does!

And about the raping cultures, if you look at the conquest of mexico, the aztecs, bastards that they were, had a lovely time raping other local indian cultures until the spanish show'd up and raped them all.

Every civilization has a habit of being a bastard; the euros give us yanks a hard time for being war mongers, yet you folks were at it for 100 years at a time!

culture raping is a part of human culture.
I finally saw this movie and I really enjoyed it. What an experience!

I thought the story was great: a classic tale about how you just can't take what belongs to someone else, in a fantastically realized world and love thrown in for good measure. The background leading up to the plot should have been more developed, and I think the world of Pandora would benefit from more stories that explore its incredible world.

The characters, aside from the overarching themes, were pretty much cardboard cutouts, but benefited from great acting.

Not all of its arguments worked (why was the imperialist force a corporation?), but it was a great experience nonetheless.

EDIT: I also found it humorously ironic that the Citizen Soldier video played before this movie.

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