So has anyone seen Avatar yet?

i saw it tonight in imax 3d. Visually it was amazing...but it was slow in parts and a little long. I don't want to spoil anything, but i fell asleep for about 20 minutes half way through and didn't miss anything.
Visually mind blowing, but the script and acting is beyond terrible. WAY too many plot holes for a sci-fi movie. When i saw it there was a guy watching it with headphones on. If you want some eye candy definitely see it, but if you are a stickler for cohesive story telling then don't keep your hopes up.
Weed helps.
This movie reminds me of the Polar Express....odd comparison maybe but hear me out. Both movies were technically masterful in terms of it's visuals, CG, etc. They looked damn good and were awesome. But both movies lacked something that made them special, they dragged at times, the story was kind of flat, the characters one dimensional, etc.

That being said, I give it a tentative go see it matinee type of deal recommendation. It's a nice piece of filler and it was a decent piece of Sci-Fi if you ask me. Not the best thing in the world, but adequate in many ways.
Caped_Crusader said:
example, have you heard about Harland Ellison or Poul Anderson? If not, read here: ... son-story/

and watch this:

Terminator Origins: Harlan Ellison

Don't get me wrong, I love Cameron and what he did with "Aliens" and "Terminator" movies was absolutely incredible. But still, it makes you wonder...

I watched the 8 minute youtube video on Harlan Ellison and it was a douche move of the studio/production company and to some extent Cameron. I will say though he took the basis of Ellison's story but he added so much more and created this great level of character development in T2: Judgement Day that his skill and ability is still obvious despite ripping off Ellison's earlier works. Good youtube video though!

The slashfilm article is pretty interesting and I have to say a little hard to ignore the comparisons. Hell it might have even been an unconscious influence like one comment suggested, if he read it when he was quite young - I doubt it though.

So perhaps Cameron isn't the best at creating original stories but what he does with the stories when he gets his hands on them is pretty impressive.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
i refuse to see this farce of a movie that is obviously a anti war statement. go suck my dick james cameron. you haven't made a good movie since aliens. go f*** yourself.


Oh dear, a movie that gives the message of how slaughtering people for no good reason is a bad thing. How will barbarians who think otherwise ever survive?

...Not that you actually know what kind of statement this movie makes since, as you admit, you haven't even seen it.
ShadeTail said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
i refuse to see this farce of a movie that is obviously a anti war statement. go suck my dick james cameron. you haven't made a good movie since aliens. go f*** yourself.


Oh dear, a movie that gives the message of how slaughtering people for no good reason is a bad thing. How will barbarians who think otherwise ever survive?

...Not that you actually know what kind of statement this movie makes since, as you admit, you haven't even seen it.


And what the hell is wrong with an anti-war statement? Especially when it's showing an overpowered fighting force coming and wiping out indigenous people. So if they made a movie about the conquering of the Natives of North America would you be protesting it as an "anti-war" film?
I just saw it in 3D. Pretty amazing, only some parts were completely foreseeable, and some of the voice work was off, but I liked the good messages it put out there, such as how much work and change you should go through before you decide to make a commitment, and get some hawt, blue tail.
ShadeTail said:
Oh dear, a movie that gives the message of how slaughtering people for no good reason is a bad thing.

Actually... this movie is a little... pro-war... I'm surprise the same guy who made the abyss ("give peace a chance") actually made this film were the ending is a huuuuge bloodbath supported by the hero and the natives' god. Couldn't Cameron put the war thing but make the hero stop the war with non violence?
Gandhi is spinning in his graves... ashes... whatever!

Still kicka**m though! gonna see it again tomorrow.
I thought it was an excellent movie. If it can get my fiancee to like sci-fi.... I just think as a movie, a 2 and a half hour story telling session, keeping one engaged in the story and interested in the characters, it succeeds. Not the best thing I've ever seen, sure, but I'm really hoping THAT will never happen anyway.
What really pisses me off is the McDonalds commercials comparing the taste and texture of their food to mind-blowing coolness of special effects and action. Like the dude's pulse quickens while eating a Big Mac and he squishes the bun a little more. Its called a heart attack. Or an eating disorder.
KRP, several of your posts in this topic have changed my mind about you. Not the disliking Avatar posts, I don't think I'll see the movie either, but several of your other posts have been eye opening.
Saw it a week ago with my girlfriend. :)

Really easy plot, one dimensional characters (an honest marine going a general that has gone mad? How many times have seen this happening on the big screen? :P ), but stunning visuals and a cool soundtrack. :)

Didn't go expecting much ... but I guess that my money was well spent. An enjoyable movie. Though I don't think that he'll ever be able to top The abyss or Terminator 2. :)

Still ... I'd recommend this. =)
StalfrosCC said:
KRP, several of your posts in this topic have changed my mind about you. Not the disliking Avatar posts, I don't think I'll see the movie either, but several of your other posts have been eye opening.

Before I post here I just wanna reiterate what Stal said, I couldn't agree with him more.

Anyway, I just saw this movie (in 3D of course) and it was fantastic. I can understand where a lot of people are coming from with saying it could have been an hour shorter, but I loved every second of it anyway. Granted, I saw it in the Dominican Republic so it was in English with Spanish subtitles, but when they were speaking Na'avi it was also subtitled in Spanish. Good thing I can understand the language, I guess. I get back to Michigan in a week though, so I'll be catching it in IMAX 3D for sure to A) compare the differences and B) not have to think so hard translating the subtitles for their language into English. It wasn't hard, but I'd get distracted in translating the dialog when I wanted to focus on what was going on on screen.

Fantastic movie nonetheless and I really want to see it again.
StalfrosCC said:
KRP, several of your posts in this topic have changed my mind about you. Not the disliking Avatar posts, I don't think I'll see the movie either, but several of your other posts have been eye opening.

hmm, dare i need to ask if you are being sarcastic or serious?

also all those that think i'm being a dumbass for being tired of anti war movies, well, too bad. there has been too many anti war movies coming out. sure, you'll play the hell out of a game that's all about war, but then turn around and say watch anti war movies. can't have it both ways.

also, we aren't children of the 60's. no matter hard ya try. let it go. live in the here and now.
War games are fantasy, your side is right, and pixels die. War is reality, people on each side die, and no side is right. I can play as many war games as I want and not worry about actual consequences to my shooting pixels. The military can play as many war games as they want and be accused of genocide or racism and it'll be true. Now you tell me the difference between digitally taking a life and taking an actual life.


Note: I do not disapprove of Obama at all, the video does for some reason, but I feel that if when you take office with two mistakes of wars already deeply underway you have no choice but to continue them. If we were to pull out of either place now we'd witness the worst civil war/genocide in the face of the planet, meaning sometimes we have to continue mistakes even if we don't agree with them.
so let me understand. you'll play a war game cause your side is right? so from my understanding of what you said., you play a russian soldier in ww2, then that means he is right and being a commie and gulags are the way to go? but say it's a modern gam like mw has the ruskies as the bad guys, would you still say they are right, or wrong, and why? cause the game said so? oh what a dichonomy we have here.

instead of listening to what other things tell you, think outside of their box.

avatar to me is a anti-war movie. the blue aliens=middle easterns. their planet=oil. earth invades them for their rescources. gee... where have we seen this before. gee, i just dunno.

also, i abhor propaganda movies of anysort. and that is what avatar is, a propaganda movie.
Calling it a propaganda movie is a bit of a stretch, even the Spoony one is wrong on that regard.

And if that's the case, wouldn't movies like Platoon, Hurt Locker, Jarhead, Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Red Dawn, and on and on be the same thing? And to go one step further, wouldn't those be worse because of the human actors used in them?

It is anti-war and pro-life in one sense yes, but so are a LOT of hollywood movies. You can't fault it for being original in that regard. Even STAR WARS was like that, it was about diversity, overcoming odds, going against an evil force (government=corporations people) and so on.

What is your point here? This is nothing new, nor is it that big of a deal if you really think about it.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
so let me understand. you'll play a war game cause your side is right? so from my understanding of what you said., you play a russian soldier in ww2, then that means he is right and being a commie and gulags are the way to go? but say it's a modern gam like mw has the ruskies as the bad guys, would you still say they are right, or wrong, and why? cause the game said so? oh what a dichonomy we have here.

instead of listening to what other things tell you, think outside of their box.

avatar to me is a anti-war movie. the blue aliens=middle easterns. their planet=oil. earth invades them for their rescources. gee... where have we seen this before. gee, i just dunno.

also, i abhor propaganda movies of anysort. and that is what avatar is, a propaganda movie.

No, like I said, a videogame is fantasy, your side is right because the creators tell you it's right, 'nuff said. In a war neither side is right (unless it was World War II, then the allied side was right). In modern wars people die for nothing.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
the blue aliens=middle easterns. their planet=oil. earth invades them for their rescources. gee... where have we seen this before. gee, i just dunno
I'd agree and disagree with this statement. Moreover I'd say if you want to compare this to anything it'd be the Pilgrims invading North America and raping the indigenous people of their way of life. With a lot more guns and "imperial walkers" than they had back then.

Either way, you compare anti-war movies to war games, and I disagree. I'll play a war game. Ultimately nobody dies and the story is slanted the way your side will want (sort of like the history of any war has fought. In US history Vietnam was called a "tie" when everyone knew the US lost that war). In real wars the specifics are a lot more complicated to understand. There is no right and wrong, each side is wrong. There is nothing that can't be solved without diplomacy, some people are just too quick to pull the trigger.

I hate war, I think it's the dumbest idea ever. People killing their own species over a simple disagreement, preposterous! If we were all just willing to sit down and listen without name calling things could be worked out a lot better.

Ultimately you can't judge a movie until you see it, and you haven't seen Fern Gully (I mean Avatar) so shut the hell up and shove your pro-war feelings up your ass until you do.

Rant over.
Honestly, I don't think there's anything wrong with the whole anti-war message in the movie. We could look back at any number of movies through history and find some incredibly thought-provoking messages.

The only problem is that James Cameron's idea of subtlety involves showcasing some overly weepy-eyed and hilariously one-dimensional natives for the better part of three hours. The entire movie revolves around two horrifying stereotypical groups with horrifyingly stereotypical MO's. I mean honestly, Unobtanium? The entire political message Cameron attempts to get across is more convoluted and nonsensical than what my five year old niece could have written. Avatar presents a innovative and immersive that has the potential to introduce some intellectual arguments, and yet we are dumbed down to the simple formula of Natives = Good and Humans = Bad / Greedy. Ad nauseam.

I understand what Cameron was trying to do, or maybe even thought he was doing, but I just wish we wouldn't have to sit through the horrifyingly trite political jargon of a man who really has no idea what he seems to be talking about.

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