Post your pictures!!!!!!!!

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he won the match, but by DQ, because Lita slapped the ref right before edge started tapping to the STFU. im glad to because edge plays an excellent champion and watching cena chase the belt over the summer might make his character fresh and enjoyable again. i think the current plan is for cena to move on to a randy orton feud after orton-hogan is over and triple h will probably feud with edge for the title after the DX run is over and shawn michaels goes in for the knee surgery he badly needs. other options are for edge-cena to last until survivor series and have triple h as a face to feud with orton after micheals leaves. the 3rd option is to give the title back to cena at summerslam which i hate, but fear may happen until edge gets rid of cenas custom title belt.

as for ECW, its improving, but still far from what it was. not suprising as this is the 'new' ecw, which is vince mcmahons vision of extreme. ill give it a few months to stabilize and become its own show without having to have a raw or smackdown wrestler in the main event every week before i pass judgement.
I'll never understand how people can watch professional wrestling :p It's fake, the acting is horrible, everything is staged... I just don't get it :p

Can someone enlighten me as to what it is that grabs your attention in professional wrestling/
Only a part of it is fake. It is all staged and the punches and kicks are fake but being slammed against the mat is going to hurt if you allow your oppenent to do it to you or not. And the wrestlers are athletes and even though it may be fake, wrestling takes skill. RVD, an ECW wrestler, is incredibly talented with all the flips and stuff he does. so, yeah, some people like it and some won't.
yeah nesman, triple h and michaels reunited last month. its only them though, as wwe and chyna are not on speaking terms, sean waltman (xpac) is commited to an mtv wrestling project and the new age outlaws (now the james gang), are happy in tna and hate triple hs guts.

rain, its one of those things thats hard to explain. you either 'get it' or you dont. all i have ever recomended was for one to watch a wrestling program every week for a month. if they arnt into by then, they likely never will be. as for your reasons, for the most part, thats pretty accurate. but if you follow that logic, why watch any television show thats not a reality show?
Paradox said:
but if you follow that logic, why watch any television show thats not a reality show?

Good enough... I guess I just won't ever like it :) I'm down with the UFC/Pride/WFA/KOTC/IRC... Obsessed with MMA...

And don't get me wrong I know the wrestlers are amazing athletes, but it all just seems a little cheezy to me I guess.

if you cant tell i look like hitler to i had to edit the pic kel made

so i put a swastika on my shirt
Paradox said:
yeah nesman, triple h and michaels reunited last month. its only them though, as wwe and chyna are not on speaking terms, sean waltman (xpac) is commited to an mtv wrestling project and the new age outlaws (now the james gang), are happy in tna and hate triple hs guts.

rain, its one of those things thats hard to explain. you either 'get it' or you dont. all i have ever recomended was for one to watch a wrestling program every week for a month. if they arnt into by then, they likely never will be. as for your reasons, for the most part, thats pretty accurate. but if you follow that logic, why watch any television show thats not a reality show?

What about Road Dogg Jesse James?
Er... so whats with the 'model' pose eh?

Not cool man, not cool, same goes to putting an 'x' into words that do not have one. It does not make it "XTREME".
derekk said:
What about Road Dogg Jesse James?

he and billy gunn (now Kip James) are the tag team The James Gang in TNA.

heres some pics:

heres part of the opening pyro:

king booker:

the great khali:

shawn michaels:

Degeneration X:

Big Show, Undertaker, The Great Khali

i have many more, but these are the best. its not often that there are 3 guys in the ring and Undertaker is the smallest one.
Nice shots man, especially the DX one.

Man, I miss live WWE shows. Except when you have to witness the dick and fart jokes personally. But Wrestlemania is going to be in Detroit next year, I'll be trying to get tickets for that. Man, that would be so sweet... too bad people come from fucking everywhere for that show, tickets will probably cost $100, and that is if I can actually get any.
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