|OT| Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

I read somewhere that they start to sell ebony ignots a lot more often once you reach level 25, don't know if that's true or not. Anyone working on Enchanting?? Is that a pain in the ass??
Daddio said:
I read somewhere that they start to sell ebony ignots a lot more often once you reach level 25, don't know if that's true or not. Anyone working on Enchanting?? Is that a pain in the ass??

Enchanting is a pain. But get like 20,000 gold. Max your speech so prices are cheap. I should have told you to keep all your daggers you made.

There is a guy that works at the black briar meadery. Forget his name but he works behind the counter, in riften. If you talk to him there will be an option asking what he thinks about someone, forget the name. The next menu willl have an option to ask him what he really thinks (persuade). You can do this as many times as you want and max your speech. I actually discovered this on my own went to see if it was on the net and it was. I imagine they'll patch it out so do it soon.

Once you max speech and have a ton of gold to spare, go to the magic guy in white run in the dragon keep or whatever ( I have a terrible memory with names ). Buy all of his filled soul gems, (except grand and greater) After you buy them, save the game, and kill the guy. Then load the game you just saved. He will have restocked gems. Buy them, repeat. When you have a lot, enchant daggers. Sell them, repeat. Even doing this it takes a long time. I'm at like 85.

A normal dagger sells for like 10 gold. Enchanted they sell from 90-250.

If you don't want to take the cheap route of course you just need to collect soul gems, and put capture soul on a weapon or learn the spell and go out soul hunting.

I don't personally wanna invest my entire life in the game so I take shortcuts where I can :p the other cheap thing I did was taped down my L1 button and cooked dinner while a troll smacked me in a corner. Finished dinner 100 block :)

That's honestly a gripe of mine. There is almost a cheap way to do anything in this game. And while I exploited it, I would prefer if there wasn't. But everyone else does it so I'm not bein held back.
I have yet to use an exploit of any kind, I'm only level 25.. s'ok though, I've got my pride. I don't mind those who use it however, exploit or cheat all you want, whatever makes the game fun for you.
NecroWolf said:
I have yet to use an exploit of any kind, I'm only level 25.. s'ok though, I've got my pride. I don't mind those who use it however, exploit or cheat all you want, whatever makes the game fun for you.

Meh if it was multiplayer or competative in anyway itd be a different story.I just wanna be pimped out look badass, kill shit and do quests. Don't care how I get there. The beneficial thing is things get tougher in this game as you do. I'd never want to have god mode or anything. One shotting stuff is already boring enough. And the enchanting didn't make me anymore powerful, only less. None of my gear except weapons are enchanted and I have no enchanting perks. So if anything it made me weaker, just crave those levels :)
intoTheRain said:
Daddio said:
Got up to 94 smithing before the wife decided she wanted to play and booted me off lol. I have 200 lbs of dragon parts I need to find a place to store ... or if I don't plan on making dragon gear I guess I can sell them.

Question, where can I find me some Ebony Ignots?!

vendors will star selling them. keep an eye out. sometimes they'll have up to 6 a piece (most ive seen)

i just go to both blacksmiths in whiterun and the warmaiden, as well as the general goods store. got more than enough ebony ingots to make all my daedric gear + lots of extra weapons.

theyre like 400 a piece.

if you're heavy armor just make daedric gear. sell your dragon bones and scales. daedric is better. i used to think it was hard to craft until i realized how easy it was to get both the ingots and daedra hearts. dragon armor is pointless.

daedric also looks way cooler.

kinda disappointing to be honest.

Yeah, so far that has to be the most disappointing thing to me in the game so far other than me being stuck with that unfixable Markarth bug. Had like 40 dragon bones and scales saved up and once I hit 100 on my smithing I ran back to my house like a giddy schoolchild and crafted some up........only to see it is weaker than daedric armor. wtf? I don't know if it will ever serve a purpose so I just threw it on my mannequin just in case but I doubt it will ever get used. What a waste.
Daddio said:
Got up to 94 smithing before the wife decided she wanted to play and booted me off lol. I have 200 lbs of dragon parts I need to find a place to store ... or if I don't plan on making dragon gear I guess I can sell them.

Question, where can I find me some Ebony Ignots?!

In addition to the vendors who will start carrying them more often, if you want to save a bit of gold and are friendly with the orc strongholds, there is one with an ebony mine.

The name escapes me at the moment. It is the one in the snowy region on the east side of the map and there is a suspension bridge that leads to the mine so you will know it when you see it. I mined about 25 bars worth of of ebony ore from it. Pretty good haul.
A good way to level enchanting is to find azura's star first... Soul gem that never runs out. Of course you still need stuff to enchant, but getting the perk that allows you to enchant everything twice helps as well.
My guess is that because there are parts where you are at ridiculously high heights, and they put them in so you could see everything right.

I honestly don't hope they make all of Tamriel under Skyrim's gameplay. Because, come on, they can do a better job with that first.
Hit level 33, need two more hearts for my bow and boots. 100 speech and smithing, working on my enchanting, currently at 45. Does anyone know how many skills you can get to 100?? Still need to get more perks into 2 handers and heavy armor.
Daddio said:
But is there a limit to how many perks you can get

Kind of. It's basically limited by the level cap. Which there really isn't, but once you run out of skills to level you'll stop leveling your character which means no more perks. I've read elsewhere that the "level cap" is around 70. I don't know how true that is though as I'm only 40 atm.
I read on one of the ES wiki's that the theoretical level cap is 81 if you get 100 skill level with everything. So yes there is a perk limit.
Unless of course you are on pc. Then you can just enter some commands into the console window and have whatever you want.
It really still bugs me that perks pretty much define the entire RPG portion of the game. The only real other RPG part is you get like .2% increased damage/ability for each level of a skill. Aka, hardly anything. At maximum, it's like just getting the first perk.

And the magic system pisses me off. I wanted to be a mage, but the only powers they give you in the beginning SUUUUUUCK. And they don't let you buy new ones until you reach certain points! What the fuck is up with that? It's like, how the hell am I going to get my Destruction up if I can't fucking do damage to these people at my level?

Oh, and you want to know a way to level up three skills fast and make assloads of cash? Get a whole bunch of petty soul gems and a pick. Go to Halted Stream Camp and just go nuts on the iron ore veins (there are like 16). Or just buy iron ore. Get the "transmute" spell and transmogrify them all into gold ore (takes a little while, but worth it). Go to Windhelm and smelt all the ore into gold bars, convert the gold bars into gold rings, and then go to the enchanting table only 10 steps away to enchant every single one of them. You can get and sell like 40 enchanted gold rings and get a few good, solid levels in each stat. Fun stuff.
After reading a ton of information on the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages, I've realized this game is considerably unfinished. It's a little discouraging, but not entirely disabling. You can't deny there's still months worth of stuff to do, but my enjoyment from it has taken a big hit.

I don't doubt that they'll patch a good amount of the problems, but after how long? And just how long will they support the game? A year or so, like Oblivion? Or hardly at all, like Fallout? These are my grievances.
Well, I am about 85 hours into the game now and am noticing a disturbing trend that the game is becoming more and more unstable.

Have been running into more and more glitches. Just last night I went back to Whiterun to do a companion quest and for some reason Vilkas just flipped out. When I entered the hall, he drew his sword and ran at me and...opened the conversation dialogue with me. I tabbed out, annoyed, but he would not be deterred. He followed me, sword still drawn, all over Whiterun. Anytime I stopped and let him get close enough, he forced me to converse with him. I then bolted halfway across Whiterun to put some distance between us. I tired to fast travel out of there..."You cannot fast travel while being pursued." What?! I turn, and there he is, again, sword gleaming in the sunlight, running straight at me.There is nowhere else to run. I...I was....companion raped. :sobs uncontrollably:

Oh, also I've CTD about half a dozen times in the last two days, which hasn't been fun. At all.

It's like that point in a relationship when the novelty of newness has worn off and you start to see all the little problems and flaws in the person sitting across from you and you have to make that decision of whether to stick around or get the fuck outta Dodge.

Please Skyrim, baby, I still love you. We can make this work. Lets just go back to how things used to be when we first met. Baby? Baby, what are you doing? No...please...put down that knife. Noooooo....

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