oh facebook.

Fuck her dude, the best thing you can do now is be an awesome dad!

Women are insane, all of them, that's why I'm never getting married. But women are TERRIBLE at coming up with excuses to get out of a relationship (probably some hormonal imbalance anyways). But it's even more pathetic the way women act victimized or like they're the ones who need consoling, when she probably needs a straightjacket. Then every lame/creeper dude in the universe (or the TOR universe, at least) will talk some bullcrap tryna get into a womans pants.

Northing irks me more than seeing a dude with bad lines and smooth moves wooing some woman, who doesn't have a half-assed idea that he's talking out his dick.
This is why I left facebook.

Well not really, but still. Sucks to hear dude. I had a recent negative encounter with my ex (they aren't ever positive). Reminded me about how shitty she was, and how I'm better off not having her around.

Happiness from others is a fleeting bliss. Inner peace is the true path to happiness. Go be the best You you can be!
Rakon said:
This is why I left facebook.
Happiness from others is a fleeting bliss. Inner peace is the true path to happiness. Go be the best You you can be!
Wow great motivational ending there.

Sorry to hear about your troubles pal. Keep your chin up and say fuck it. Woman, you can't live with them and you can't live without em.
I just ingore the three exes I have from Facebook...although I find it odd that they try to send invites to my brother on there after five years...

I can't pretend to know what you are going through, Daddio, but I will say that if she continues to act rather...vicious, towards you, it might be best to just ignore her and let her self-implode in the end as well.

That said, try to put on the best face for the kids, if you can.
Gunner37 said:
Rakon said:
Happiness from others is a fleeting bliss. Inner peace is the true path to happiness. Go be the best You you can be!


I was going to say this. (not as eloquently though).

Honestly the best way to "get back" at an ex is to be happy and enjoy life. Using your extra time to improve yourself like at work or with the kids is a great way to feel better about yourself and make the ex feel shittier about themselves.

I don't have a ton of experience and have never been married but this helped me through break ups from long relationships. Ran into one of my ex's I was with for almost 3 years not too long ago and told her about my new job and everything I've been doing and it was obvious that it hurt her in a way. Especially since she always though I was going to be a fat slob who only played wow lol. I still play games, but I'm alot more fit and have a kickass job that I love (plus finally a gf who seems to like me for who I am =D)
I've lost my beliefs in true love long ago and can't really get into serious relationships. Judging by this topic, there's some positive things about that. No drama.
Affen said:
I've lost my beliefs in true love long ago and can't really get into serious relationships. Judging by this topic, there's some positive things about that. No drama.

anybody who knows anything knows true love doesn't exist :p
Affen said:
Really meant to type just "love", but my romantic fool of a mind does tricks on me.

well i believe love exists, but love is just the word for the chemical reaction in our brain that makes us infatuated with one specific person.

anyone can get over one love and move on to another.

no two people are meant for each other.
Never felt the definition of love towards anyone, so until that happens it's nonexisting to me.
Thanks for the support GR, greatly appreciated.

I hear what you're all saying, just hard at times. Especially when I wake up in the morning. Do miss her, but I also cannot stand how she just pretty much put it all on me. She called me at 6am the other morning because my daughter was coughing all night and complaning about her stomach .. don't know why she felt the need to call me when she was dropping them off a hour later. Asking me a bunch of questions, I just told her, yes.. she has been sick all weekend, yes, I have been keeping an eye out.

We never rushed to the hospital whenever the kids got sick, 99% of the time if there is no fever, you sit for hours just to be told to put them in bed, give them fluids and watch for a fever. But she calls me early, to inform me that I may need to take her to the doctors .. like what the hell.

Apparently now my brother in law and sister in law are fighting because of our seperation. My brother in law doesn't agree at all with how I have been treated, my sister in law agrees to the point but it's her sister, so 'what can she do'.

Gave my sister in law a text just apologizing for any problems I may have caused, seeing how I called my ex while she was over there (with all the facebook bs). Sister in law says she just doesn't like how we argue all the time. I told her my ex has become someone I cannot even imagine being friends with. She tells me it's not about being friends, its about the kids.

Well I replied, it's not about being friends, its about frickin respect. Absolutely no respect on my exes end, how could there be .. one of her main reasons for leaving me was 'lack of respect', she didn't respect me. Explained to my sister in law that she doesn't call when shes late, doesn't remember times when she should pick the kids up etc etc. I got no response.

It just pisses me off to no end.

Ex also asked me a few days ago if I can pack them a bunch of toys because they are bored when they go over there .. bored?? Christ, she has them for a few hours in the evening, she can't spend that time just sitting with them, or doing little things? Fuck me.

Two days ago my daughter didn't even want to go with her, but I told her she should. So she did. Then yesterday my daughter was asking my ex if they could go to the mall to play in the play park there. Ex response, "we have to go home, grandma is making supper" .... grandma makes supper. What a life. What a fucking life.

Lol, oh ya, I saw a few responses from her 'single' status change, one of her cousins (who actually liked me, and encourage me to date her in the first place) was like WTF. She never took it down, next day I got people telling me she either blocked everyone in my family or deactivated it. Funny, why couldn't she have simply done that beforehand.

Monday morning I posted on my Facebook to everyone that we were in fact no longer together. Seeing how she let the cat out of the bag for my whole family to see I wanted to get it out there so I didn't have to bother getting 'what happened' texts and messages. Also put on there that after 2 months of seperation, no, I'm not single. I'm seperated. lol.

Hit the gym with a buddy of mine last night. Felt good.

/end internet rant
As for the whole true love thing, with so many people in the world there is obviously more than one that could make you happy for the rest of your life.

She was that person at one time, but not now. To a point we both became selfish in our own ways. She wanted to keep inappropriate relationships that served no real purpose other than to make herself feel better and I wasn't able to let a lot of things go. I dwelled on them far too often and it just kept resurfacing.

Could I have kept her happy her entire life? I started out that way, but I kept giving and giving and she didn't appreciate any of it. She just expected it. She used to nit pick the crap out of what I did, what I said and it wore my down. I just stopped caring through the years and only wanted what I wanted.

Having kids is by far no reason to stay together, but it should have been a much bigger motivation to keep working on it. Oh well.
Daddio said:
I hear what you're all saying, just hard at times. Especially when I wake up in the morning. Do miss her, but I also cannot stand how she just pretty much put it all on me. She called me at 6am the other morning because my daughter was coughing all night and complaning about her stomach .. don't know why she felt the need to call me when she was dropping them off a hour later. Asking me a bunch of questions, I just told her, yes.. she has been sick all weekend, yes, I have been keeping an eye out.

mornings are the worst.. at night sometimes you feel relaxed and cool and like you're getting over it already. then you wake up and don't want to get out of bed. but just do it!

I found the online community was the best at helping me get over my bad breakups in the past. Because they're easier to talk to and let your feelings out. RL buddies are just for taking your mind off it altogether.
Daddio, I have to give you respect because you are actually doing a great job with all of this. It might not seem like it, but you're doing pretty goddam good by yourself and your kids, you daughter saying she didn't even want to go is a testament to that.
danielrbischoff said:
Daddio, I have to give you respect because you are actually doing a great job with all of this. It might not seem like it, but you're doing pretty goddam good by yourself and your kids, you daughter saying she didn't even want to go is a testament to that.

Exactly, man. We're all here for you Daddio if you need any kind of support or advice. You know we have plenty of that.
Keep at it slugger. When this gale becomes a breeze, it'll be refreshing....

...Come on, that's as good as Rakon's right?!
Rage .. fucking rising.

Comes to get the kids today, she wants to know what's going on with our daughters dance recital in June. Seeing how it's all her family that's going I told her I wasn't sure if I wanted to get seats with them because it might be too awkward.

Does she try to have any sort of conversation about it? Fuck no, she just starts laughing at me. Straight up laughing. Apparently the kids NEED to see us together sometimes, it's 'about the kids' .. about the kids? Christ, mom and dad are still going to be there.

Would love to see her actually sit alongside my family if they were to come. She would never do that.

She has no fucking respect what so ever. Disrespectful (insert several words here). I didn't make some drawn out sob story about how it would be too hard to sit by who damn family. I mentioned the thought of maybe not doing it that way and all I get is fucking laughed at.

No thought of an actual conversation. If she mentioned how it would have been better for the kids if we did sit together, before laughing at me then it would have been different. But nope.

Wish she would just fucking go away.
While I said ignore it, you can bitch slap the ho in a sense, go to the recital, with a date, now, I'm not saying get some tramp and what not, but a friend, dress up all nice, and go to the recital with said "date"

If you're going to have to sit there feeling awkward, make her sit through the same bullshit, give her no details about it, just say this is so and so, nothing more, for best results, have someone either younger, more attractive, or both (again, not an actual date if it's too soon, just lasso a friend into going with) and don't rub her face in it, act like you're not bothered by the fact she's there, it'll drive her apeshit

Be warned though, the only time I tried pulling this one, my ex and my "date" (see: friend who hated my ex) ended up fighting in the bar after the function

If you don't go, she'll get the impression you're ll moody and depressed, even if that's not the case, which just gives the petty bitch a sense of victory. Even if you decide against my teenage-esque drama filled scheme, I'd suggest you go, it'll be like getting a root canal, but don't let the cunt think she's won, act aloof and non chalant, be there for your daughter, and show her you're more than happy not being with her, seeing as the general consensus is you're better off without her

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