Nostalgia topic


Post things that make you nostalgic. If you are under 18, gtfo.

The Beets
God damn killer tofu.

Pokemon Red/Blue

Not the new pokemon fireshit and pukegreen crap, but the original pokemon. I loved the crap out of that game, all the way up until the day I got my game boy pocket taken away from me for playing in class.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie: The Game
Goddamn, that midi music brings back so much memories. I also remember seeing the movie as well. It was pretty shitty but I was a stupid kid who liked power rangers so I had no problem swallowing it.

This show was the first fully 3d animated thing I saw. I was so amazed that a computer rendered the entire show, and that really was the only thing that kept me watching. That and I thought Dot was sorta hot. The show got even better as I got older and got all the pop culture references and nerd talk.

Samurai Pizza Cats
The day I stumbled upon this on what was then known WDCA (now known as the WB) was a very good day indeed.

This Place:


Whenever I was good, my dad would take me here to get some of their awesome ice cream. It was like a 45 minute drive from where I was living but it was freakin worth it. Awesome sundaes and chocolate dipped ice cream cones. I always miss out on it when I go back home because I usually visit in the winter time, when they close down.

God i miss the old red alert. Red Alert 3 was terrible and C&C 3 and 4 were pretty horrible to. Wtf is up with taking away the construction side bar? And why nerf Tanya? Raaaagh

OMG but yes, i remember playing the Power Ranger game on the game gear!!! 8 AAA batteries baby.
FrozenBacon said:
This show was the first fully 3d animated thing I saw. I was so amazed that a computer rendered the entire show, and that really was the only thing that kept me watching. That and I thought Dot was sorta hot. The show got even better as I got older and got all the pop culture references and nerd talk.

The Reboot crew came to the anime convention here last June, and it was really sweet. Dot was there and it was amazing... I only have a really crappy picture of them (seriously blurry), but you can click the link if you want (don't want to subject you to it by force :p). You can see Dot there.

I have nostalgia about a game I never played. I just remember my brother being scared as hell, and my dad imitating the creepy voice. This game is Impossible Mission, for the Commodore.

I also miss the hell out of Samurai Pizza Cats.
ReBoot is still one of my favorite shows and it's still on in Canada.
And that episode you linked had one of the best endings ever.

Alongside ReBoot, Beast Wars and the rarely showed Shadow Raiders; all made by the Gods of Mainframe.
Anything music from the early 90's. For instance, I hear a Third Eye Blind song and it's like a time machine. That stuff was in the background at everything (stores, people's cars, houses) and so I have tons of associated memories with it.

The King's Quest series and basically anything made by Sierra. Between their games and classic NES/SNES stuff (Contra, Double Dragon, Mario Paint), that's like a portion of my childhood.

My dad's ice cream parlor. It was only around for three years, but it was also the coolest thing in the world for a 5 year-old boy.

My TMNT action figures and my older brother's Star Wars action figures. We still have an old receiver at my dad's house with a Gamorrean Guard's axe stuck in the tape deck.
Oracle of Seasons was released in May 2001! Which would put me at 13 and still one of my favorite Zeldas.

If you don't recognize this instantly, go die in a fire.



There is one other kick ass video game I remember playing when I was extremely young but I can't remember the name of it. The premise of the game was to live life as a caveman. You would roam around an ancient pseudo-3d earth (it kinda looked like the old racing games when you walked, sorta like fzero for the snes) to find food and meet other cavemen. If you chose to fight another caveman it would go into this shitty side-scrolling fighting game. It was a pretty crappy game but I liked to play it because it was the first open ended game I ever played. Think of GTA: San Andreas but without the cities, cars, people, missions, and just about anything that made the game fun taken out. Then replace all the fighting with a shitty side scroller and you have the game I'm talking about. Pretty revolutionary for its time, I'd say.

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