

So my iPhone 4S is currently being a massive pig, looks like the battery decided to die.
Anyway, once apple replace it i'm gonna sell the new one and keep some of the money to replace the diff in my car when it inevitably explodes.

So, what android phones do you guys have for around the $300-400 mark that don't suck?
Any cheap Ice Cream Sandwich phones yet?

Only real requirements is that the menu isn't a laggy bitch (essential) and that it has a 2 day standby battery life.

Well i have the droid incredible 2 and im pretty sure that one is in your price range, the menu or internet is not too bad at all and my battery lasts between 2-3 days so all in all its been a good phone for me.
pretty sure galaxy nexus is still the only ice cream sandwich phone. i get mine in a few weeks :D

WickedLiquid said:
I paid $20 for my cell phone and I use it to call and text people.

I also don't like to spend alot of money on something that I think will make me look cool.

Happy brainwashing sheep!


...I should've been a Buddhist.
I've been looking at some info and prices and such, and the Xperia Play is looking pretty good for the money.

Anyone had a play around with one and can tell me how they go?
FrozenBacon said:
You don't need a smartphone, stop being a b****.
You're right, i'll just carry my laptop around in my pocket and buy a separate 3G stick with it's own data plan for when i need to quickly google things, use maps or check my account balance or current online course info, while carrying my ipod and normal phone all separate in my pockets with my full sized camera, kindle, LED torch and a scientific calculator. I'll figure out a way to fit my wallet, car keys and pen in my anus to keep pocket space up.
Now all i need to do is buy that $150 DC>AC inverter to put in my car so i can charge the laptop off the battery while parked, and then that battery jump pack in the boot for when it's drained in 15 minutes.

That's much more convenient than a single device that requires a full 30x charges to drain my cars battery and weighs sub 200g.
WickedLiquid said:
I also don't like to spend alot of money on something that I think will make me look cool.

Happy brainwashing sheep!

I used to be in your think im cool for going against the grain "only need a phone that texts and calls" group too. Till i got one because i could get one for free with Rogers.

The convenience of being able to google anything anywhere, look up reviews for stuff in stores while making purchases, play games when youre waiting a long time for something, enter directions into the phone and get anywhere with ease, etc. Etc. I couldnt live without one now.easily worth the 200 dolllars every 2 years imo.

Might be too much for some unemployed peoples bank accounts, but i think most can deal.
madster111 said:
FrozenBacon said:
You don't need a smartphone, stop being a b****.
You're right, i'll just carry my laptop around in my pocket and buy a separate 3G stick with it's own data plan for when i need to quickly google things, use maps or check my account balance or current online course info, while carrying my ipod and normal phone all separate in my pockets with my full sized camera, kindle, LED torch and a scientific calculator.

Scientific calculator? Quickly google things? On the road you mean? When would you honestly need to do any of that?
You could Google these other things, these purchases at home. I bought a tv at Best Buy just last month and used their computer to bring up reviews from varied sites. I could buy around 8 years of Geek Squad in-home television service and warranty for that $200 dollars Rain pays every two years. I'd be happy to do it. Give me replacement bulbs for the next 8 years any day over the smart phone.

You're not a photographer. Who wants to see your crap quality cellphone pictures? They're going onto your computer hdd never to be seen again, or onto your FB which is just more bullshit. You're simply feeding the maw with your dollars. Ha!

If you're happy with taking bad pictures and tweeting one-liners while standing in line to buy your movie tickets, so be it. But it's an epidemic. The re-up; I've seen a new phone thread every 2-3 weeks lately. You've got to be kidding me. Was there really that large of a breakthrough on scientific calculations from iPhone 3 to iPhone 4? I missed it!
And that's not the real price you pay. You know the real price you pay. Men.

So this is the next crop? Not much to worry about.
You guys are making it too easy for the guy without a phone. Waayy too easy. But hey, go impress your bros with your new toy. That's what it's really for anyway. To impress the next guy, online of off. ha. Put some dubs on that bitch. Spinners. you dumbass.
The only ICS phone is the Galaxy Nexus. For the price range you mentioned you wont find one without a contract. Best bet is an LG Thrill. For everyone but Americans that's the same as the LG Optimus 3D. Decent phone and the EU version at least has Gingerbread. If you can swing it try and get a Galaxy S2 as its one of the best out there.

Oh and ignore Frozen. He has an iPhone 4S.
You could also give Windows Phone a try--they garnered massive popular appeal at CES this year, and their once fledgling app store is burgeoning.
Chris_Crime said:
madster111 said:
FrozenBacon said:
You don't need a smartphone, stop being a b****.
You're right, i'll just carry my laptop around in my pocket and buy a separate 3G stick with it's own data plan for when i need to quickly google things, use maps or check my account balance or current online course info, while carrying my ipod and normal phone all separate in my pockets with my full sized camera, kindle, LED torch and a scientific calculator.

So this is the next crop? Not much to worry about.
You guys are making it too easy for the guy without a phone. Waayy too easy. But hey, go impress your bros with your new toy. That's what it's really for anyway. To impress the next guy, online of off. ha. Put some dubs on that bitch. Spinners. you dumbass.

was your mother killed by a smart phone?

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