New Years Resolutions

I'd love to try and get back into drawing web comics. Hell, I'd love to actually sit down and try to write/draw a graphic novel. I guess that all still falls in my "draw more often" new year's resolution.

As for finishing games... I finish most of my games. But two games I have to finish are Hitman: Absolution, followed by Far Cry 3. Once those are done, I can get started with Ni No Kumi: Wrath of the White Witch, with no guilt or pressure. :P
madster111 said:
I'm just under 6'2 and i'm looking for around 100kg by August for a wedding. Seems like a lot, but i'm a big guy and every time i gain muscle my weight skyrockets. If i ever went down below 90kg i'd look weird.
Back when i was fitting tyres, my weight soared all the way up to 130kg, and my manboobs and stomach actually shrunk noticeably. It was kinda worrying - i got heavier than i've ever been, yet was at my strongest and had the most stamina (a b-double tyre can weigh up over 90kg and i could throw those things around for hours).

I have to try and lose weight and get my muscle back at the same time. Suggestions?

Sorry guys, I don't mean to double post, but I just wanted to quickly respond to madster111.

I've heard of losing fat/gaining muscle at the same time being possible, but extremely difficult. To be honest I don't know if it is actually possible, IntotheRain may be right, in that it may not be possible. I've heard of diets that can apparently make it possible. I bought one diet myself, an eBook called "The Renegade Diet" - I bought it at the end of last year but I haven't followed it because what I'm doing seems to be working just fine. I shouldn't be doing this but madster111 if you're interested, I could e-mail it to you?

In my opinion when it comes to gaining muscle and losing fat, I think don't worry about it in that sense, just worry about getting your weight lower and getting in better shape and health (I'm not saying you're not in bad health or anything). If you don't mind me asking, how much do you weigh now? Because 100kg at your height isn't a big deal. Also, your weight sky rockets when you gain muscle? That's because muscle is heavier than fat. You're also right, while 90kg sounds heavy, at your height you would probably look quite thin at that weight.

All I can suggest is just exercise and diet. You don't have to eat 100% super healthy, you can still have junk food every now and then, it's not a sin, it helps keep you sane and allows you to reward yourself. Just try to eat "mostly" healthy. Try exercising five to six times a week (allow for one or two rest days) - weight training in the gym some days, cardiovascular exercise other days. When I was losing weight, I found body weight exercises (push ups, sit ups, step ups, squats, star jumps/jumping jacks etc) to be really effective when done in a cardio manner, combined with jogging, as simple as it sounds. I know this may sound time consuming and costly too but... if you don't already do it, ever thought of taking up a martial art? Martial arts are a great way to get in shape, meet new people/make new friends and learn something cool. :P

I'm certainly not a health professional but... I lost 32kg (70 Ibs) in 9 months back in 2009 from doing stuff like this, dropping from 128kg (282 Ibs) to 96kg (211 Ibs).
Master_Craig said:
madster111 said:
I'm just under 6'2 and i'm looking for around 100kg by August for a wedding. Seems like a lot, but i'm a big guy and every time i gain muscle my weight skyrockets. If i ever went down below 90kg i'd look weird.
Back when i was fitting tyres, my weight soared all the way up to 130kg, and my manboobs and stomach actually shrunk noticeably. It was kinda worrying - i got heavier than i've ever been, yet was at my strongest and had the most stamina (a b-double tyre can weigh up over 90kg and i could throw those things around for hours).

I have to try and lose weight and get my muscle back at the same time. Suggestions?

Sorry guys, I don't mean to double post, but I just wanted to quickly respond to madster111.

I've heard of losing fat/gaining muscle at the same time being possible, but extremely difficult. To be honest I don't know if it is actually possible, IntotheRain may be right, in that it may not be possible. I've heard of diets that can apparently make it possible. I bought one diet myself, an eBook called "The Renegade Diet" - I bought it at the end of last year but I haven't followed it because what I'm doing seems to be working just fine. I shouldn't be doing this but madster111 if you're interested, I could e-mail it to you?

In my opinion when it comes to gaining muscle and losing fat, I think don't worry about it in that sense, just worry about getting your weight lower and getting in better shape and health (I'm not saying you're not in bad health or anything). If you don't mind me asking, how much do you weigh now? Because 100kg at your height isn't a big deal. Also, your weight sky rockets when you gain muscle? That's because muscle is heavier than fat. You're also right, while 90kg sounds heavy, at your height you would probably look quite thin at that weight.

All I can suggest is just exercise and diet. You don't have to eat 100% super healthy, you can still have junk food every now and then, it's not a sin, it helps keep you sane and allows you to reward yourself. Just try to eat "mostly" healthy. Try exercising five to six times a week (allow for one or two rest days) - weight training in the gym some days, cardiovascular exercise other days. When I was losing weight, I found body weight exercises (push ups, sit ups, step ups, squats, star jumps/jumping jacks etc) to be really effective when done in a cardio manner, combined with jogging, as simple as it sounds. I know this may sound time consuming and costly too but... if you don't already do it, ever thought of taking up a martial art? Martial arts are a great way to get in shape, meet new people/make new friends and learn something cool. :P

I'm certainly not a health professional but... I lost 32kg (70 Ibs) in 9 months back in 2009 from doing stuff like this, dropping from 128kg (282 Ibs) to 96kg (211 Ibs).

long story short, lets pretend it even is possible. It's still 100% for sure FAR more efficient to either cut then bulk, cut then bulk etc. not a mixture of the two.

i work out intensely right now 7 days a week. i only take a day or two off when i feel my body burning out. which is usually 1-2 days a month as long as i get plenty of rest and eat right. i want to be in the best shape of my life this summer. every so often ill start working out and just be completely drained, and just drag for the rest of the day and be completely exhausted. thats when i know my body needs a break and i take a day or two of rest.

and i totally agree about martial arts or something like it. boxing is EXCELLENT, incredible cardio boxing and doing the training that comes along with it, and it isn't as painfull boring as running on a cardio machine, or jogging down the street 20-60 minutes a day.

and nothing beats swimming. i'd do anything to have my own indoor pool.
danielrbischoff said:
Do something really exciting to change the course of my life and kick the dust off. - Planning stages, waiting around to hear back about one opportunity.
Oooh... Will we get to find out what this exciting new adventure is? It's... er... oh, wait. It's not a doll, is it? 'Cause well, well I guess I won't judge.

Maintain a cleaner house and lifestyle, less drinking, smoking, and heroin. - Way less drinking, and I never really did heroin in the first place.
I expect you to be producing heroin, then.

Pay off all my credit card debt and start saving like a mother fucker. - Paid off one card already!
I'm happy for you! It can be tough sometimes, if you're used to all that credit card crap. Well done. :)
Master_Craig said:
I've heard of losing fat/gaining muscle at the same time being possible, but extremely difficult. To be honest I don't know if it is actually possible, IntotheRain may be right, in that it may not be possible. I've heard of diets that can apparently make it possible. I bought one diet myself, an eBook called "The Renegade Diet" - I bought it at the end of last year but I haven't followed it because what I'm doing seems to be working just fine. I shouldn't be doing this but madster111 if you're interested, I could e-mail it to you?
No thanks, i've found in the past that any sort of diet plan kinda fails after a while, at least for me, mainly because it's all about big lifestyle changes and sometimes that's just not do-able.
I've found that doing small changes to my routine are better for me, and i'm more likely to keep doing them after a long time. Recent example has been the cutting back on soft drinks, thing, where i still have some pepsi and coke but it's in between predominantly water.
Might go buy some Carrots, Tuna and Bananas tomorrow. Already have weetbix and apples.

Master_Craig said:
In my opinion when it comes to gaining muscle and losing fat, I think don't worry about it in that sense, just worry about getting your weight lower and getting in better shape and health (I'm not saying you're not in bad health or anything). If you don't mind me asking, how much do you weigh now? Because 100kg at your height isn't a big deal. Also, your weight sky rockets when you gain muscle? That's because muscle is heavier than fat. You're also right, while 90kg sounds heavy, at your height you would probably look quite thin at that weight.
At the moment i'm 121kg, which is as bad as it sounds because i've become weak. For the last like 7 months all i've been doing is lying in bed all day reading or watching movies and eating nothing but fast food. I'm trying to change the fast food thing at the moment because i know by eating healthier i'll start to get some energy so i feel like being active more.
About 8 months ago is where i probably felt the best, i was hovering around 127-130kg but had much more muscle and less fat. Put it this way - my mate has been regularly going to the gym for the last 5 months and is just now able to lift / move around the same sorta weights i could back then.
I'm also 185/186cm, so i'm looking at roughly 2200 calories for decent weight loss while slightly gaining muscle, as far as i can work out.

Master_Craig said:
All I can suggest is just exercise and diet. You don't have to eat 100% super healthy, you can still have junk food every now and then, it's not a sin, it helps keep you sane and allows you to reward yourself. Just try to eat "mostly" healthy. Try exercising five to six times a week (allow for one or two rest days) - weight training in the gym some days, cardiovascular exercise other days. When I was losing weight, I found body weight exercises (push ups, sit ups, step ups, squats, star jumps/jumping jacks etc) to be really effective when done in a cardio manner, combined with jogging, as simple as it sounds. I know this may sound time consuming and costly too but... if you don't already do it, ever thought of taking up a martial art? Martial arts are a great way to get in shape, meet new people/make new friends and learn something cool. :P

I'm certainly not a health professional but... I lost 32kg (70 Ibs) in 9 months back in 2009 from doing stuff like this, dropping from 128kg (282 Ibs) to 96kg (211 Ibs).

I've thought about doing a martial art some Filipino mates do in the past, it's a mix of Eskrima and Taekwondo, but i've never really gotten into it. At the moment it'd be pretty pathetic for me to do it, but i might start checking some things out once i've started to get healthier.

intoTheRain said:
and i totally agree about martial arts or something like it. boxing is EXCELLENT, incredible cardio boxing and doing the training that comes along with it, and it isn't as painfull boring as running on a cardio machine, or jogging down the street 20-60 minutes a day.

and nothing beats swimming. i'd do anything to have my own indoor pool.

I used to swim a lot and yeah it's great. Only problem is i've got nowhere to do it. Public pools are crap, backyard pools are too small and i have great reservations about doing it at a beach if i accidentally swim in the wrong place and find myself swept out to sea.

I might actually steal my mates old boxing bag and hang it up in the garage. I can actually do that for the first time, my new garage roof has steel girders.
madster111 said:
I've thought about doing a martial art some Filipino mates do in the past, it's a mix of Eskrima and Taekwondo, but i've never really gotten into it. At the moment it'd be pretty pathetic for me to do it, but i might start checking some things out once i've started to get healthier.

All the more reason to go ahead and do it! I know it sounds hard and when I say that, it's easier said than done, it's like jumping in the deep end of a pool without knowing how to swim... but when I first took up Judo, I was very overweight (128kg), unfit, unhealthy and when I went to my first training session, I was terrified.

I had never done a martial art before, I was surrounded by all these really fit people doing crazy things with their bodies and I stood out like a sore thumb. Hell, my best friend (who I met through my Judo club) told me that she and other people there "took bets" on me to see how long I would last. The most generous I got was two weeks. I'm still there - four years later.

My first session was very hard for me. I had never been so sore in my life and I was sore for days. I had bruises on me and I was sore in places I had no idea you could be sore. But I went back again, and again, and again.

I know it sounds hard but seriously take it from me, you aren't and will not look "pathetic" if you went to a martial arts club in your current state. Maybe it'll give you a nice push in the direction you want to go? :)

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