mother f*cking Game of Thrones

finishing up first book now.. i know once i hit book 3 i wont be able to stop..

the first 2-300 pages of book 1 were almost word for word the show, made it hard to keep at it. but then after page 300ish you start to get a TON of info and different settings/scenes that you didn't see in the show. then I got addicted.
No, a lot of people consider Storm of Swords the best book of the series so far. But a lot of 4 and 5 are picking up the pieces after Swords.
To be honest I thought it was kinda a lame conclusion. Maybe it was the way it was presented? I haven't read the books though and I guess I'll have to see how it plays out.

Maybe its just the good guy in me always wanting to see who I relate to as good, to win. or to see revenge or redemption.
So far the show hasn't been very nice to the good guys.

Still find the show entertaining :)
sourdeez that's one of the big points, being honorable and moral in this kingdom does nothing but cost you, you can walk with your head held high knowing you did what was right, but you wont have that head for very long, although who is truly good and evil is a toss up in these books

Cersi, a huge cunt and seen as horrid, is only concerned about the welfare of her children above all else, that really gets fleshed out in the books anyways. She was a young girl who dreamed of marrying rhagar, but was tossed aside for a flat chested woman of unremarkable qualities, then she was sold off essentially to Robert Baratheon, up until she had children she felt like property and a pawn, now she has something she wants to take care of and will kill anyone who interferes

still a cunt though

Jamie as well, oath breaker, but by breaking that oath he saved all of kings landing and gets not an ounce of respect for it. The only truly evil character I can think of is little finger, mother fucker is devious
Arya's reaction to this last episode is hilarious. Warning this has spoilers and sound is muted by default.
Funny 16 year olds.

Also George RR Martin Quote
I don't know why, but my biggest issue with the characters is that I could never keep who Littlefinger and Varys were separate.
I'm cool with watching Joffrey scenes, as long as margaery tyrell and her tits are somehow involved, but if left alone I would skull fuck that boy to a bloody death

Having read the books, I was all meh from the episode, but I just want face rape that blonde haired little shit.

Snow is a faggot, he's always one scene away from giving a handy to discount Samwise Gamgee out of pity.

Dragonslut is a "liberator" and "strong woman" who relies on a magical being to force others to follow her; or face enslavement should you stick around your old, now destroyed, freshly Coup d'état and then abandoned, burning city. Her claim to the throne is based on the fact her father, who was a pyro jerking shit head, was ousted after he burnt a innocent man alive, all the while he strangled his son, through a torture device, and made him watch his father cook in his own armor.

So, feminists have replaced a man telling them what to do, and inserted a mythical being, or rather three of them, to enable you to ...tell men what to do. Even in your supported fantasy you still cant be independent without some kind of divine intervention. and even then you're still a cunt to everyone. Danny needs to get assraped by a dragon, and then two goats.

Overall, it was a pretty good premiere
it's even worse if you read the books. He's tyroshi, blue hair, gold mustached, the kind of man who's so flamboyant he enters the room penis first.

In the show, both men look like bravehart extras
Icepick said:
it's even worse if you read the books. He's tyroshi, blue hair, gold mustached, the kind of man who's so flamboyant he enters the room penis first.

In the show, both men look like bravehart extras

I didn't even really notice they replaced him, since I haven't watched the show since it last aired. However, I really can't complain, because the original guy sucked at acting.
Daario is not awkward, the man could assrape you brutally with a cactus, and at the end you would thank him for his time

really though, as far as complaints go that's relatively minor, and the important thing to remember is Sophie Turner is turning 18, so, we may just get a midget on 18 year old hottie sex scene
The King is dead! Long live the king!

About fucking time. I knew it was coming but didn't expect it 2 episodes in to season 4.

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