LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

Dogen has probably been on the island for as long as Richard or World War II. If Jin can pick up half way savvy English in a few years, I'm sure someone could pick up perfect English after decades.
Or, is Dogen just so old school he doesn't want to pick it up.

Either that or hes from the future, and I wouldn't be surprised at this point if thats true....
Richard has been on the island much longer than Dogen. It's not proven, but I believe Richard first arrived on the island on the sail boat we see when Jacob is discussing humanity with his rival/smoke monster. And that had to have been hundreds maybe a thousand years ago.
Hmmmm you know I can remember back in the first season the french woman was all paranoid about the survivors being "sick". Perhaps this infection is what she meant? I just figured the writers dropped the idea of any infection but who knows.
No, the whole "infection" plotline really works around people who are on the island who shouldn't be. Perfect examples are what happened to a majority of the Kahana crew: the woman who tied chains around herself and jumped into the water; the guy that got sick and killed himself; the guy that got displaced from time and died.

Of course, there is also the theory that at the temple, you will become a thrall to the MiB/Smokey. Or for all we know the Island needs a crazy bitch as some sort of neutral balance. Who knows.
Well if this season plans to follow the same formula as past seasons we'll see something shocking at the start then spend a few episodes explaining how we got there. I think it's safe to say we'll see an episode for Claire which will explain what the infection actually is. Hopefully we'll also see an episode for Dogen and (one that i've been waiting to see for a long time) Richard.
Dogen said he can speak english but he hates the english language and it soils his mouth ... lol.

So the 'man in black' (as the creators dubbed him) is the smoke monster, now what i wanna know is why he cant kill jacob and why he was chilling out in the body of 'the man in black' while the blackrock was sailing towards the island.

Sayid was ment to be on the island ... look at all the things he's been through, i don't think this 'sick' thing is really about that.

Remember in season 1, when they find that little cave / hideout that originally splits the survivors into 2 groups (1 went inland, the other stayed at shore waiting for help) .. well there was 2 corpses that they named Adam and Eve .. don't forget about those 2 mysterious corpses, they have some importance and from what i've read that is also something they plan on explaining. Which COULD be an excellent twist because most viewers have totally forgotten about Adam and Eve.
i was thinking about what i said with the adam and eve thing ... wonder if miles will ever run into the bodies and tell someone what they say.
There is a lot of speculation that Adam and Eve are Rose and Bernard from 1977. Remember that the bodies had a white stone and a black stone? As well, it is doubtful that either of them returned. But who knows.
I hate how you can figure out pretty early in the series who wasn't going to die.
Kate, Sawyer, Jack, Hurley, Sayid.
When one of them dies, I'll be surprised by a death.
You mean like how every other survivor on the island either got blown up on the Kahana or shot by flaming arrows in the past?

Yeah, I find that a bit hard to believe. I want someone other than Rose and Bernard, a generic survivor to have made it this far.
I don't think that Adam/Eve are Bernard and Rose. I think that everyone else who didn't belong to 1977 was transported back.

Also, my thought is that the black and white stone makes reference to the contest between light and dark ie. Jacob and MIB. During an early episode of season 1, Walt meets John Locke while he is playing a game of Backgammon. He explains that the game is extremely old and is a contest between two players, one light and one dark. My thought is that this a metaphore to what Jacob and MIB are doing. The island is a large game of Backgammon.

It's very important that the translation was "claimed". MIB has been using many individuals for his purposes. Claire left with her father, Christian who must have been MIB and hence, she was claimed.
Trippysmurf said:
You mean like how every other survivor on the island either got blown up on the Kahana or shot by flaming arrows in the past?

Yeah, I find that a bit hard to believe. I want someone other than Rose and Bernard, a generic survivor to have made it this far.

What about the people abducted in season 1? People on Ethan's list? The children?
Where are they? I think the one chick was like she was on the plane with everyone else. No one seemed to care.
Some of the survivors taken from season 1 were with the others .. and some are seen with the temple folk.
Trippysmurf said:
Wicked: They are using the Star Trek Theory of Time Travel, where the second you enter the past, you create an alternate time line that has no affect on your original time line. See the Star Trek for an example.

Wait, so does that mean you disappear from existence in the original time line? Can you ever return to it? Knowing stuff from a previous time line or alternate dimension would affect the original time line. Therefore an original time line would be the only time line that could exist making time travel impossible!
The Terminator style of time travel where fate occurs regardless of your actions and interferences is the only method of time travel that can exist if one could exist.
Odbarc said:
I hate how you can figure out pretty early in the series who wasn't going to die.
Kate, Sawyer, Jack, Hurley, Sayid.
When one of them dies, I'll be surprised by a death.

Funny, Charlie, Clare and Locke were on that list too, in fact the producers have said a few times that killing these guys off is either not their plan, or they did it for a reason...
LinksOcarina said:
Odbarc said:
I hate how you can figure out pretty early in the series who wasn't going to die.
Kate, Sawyer, Jack, Hurley, Sayid.
When one of them dies, I'll be surprised by a death.

Funny, Charlie, Clare and Locke were on that list too, in fact the producers have said a few times that killing these guys off is either not their plan, or they did it for a reason...

I don't consider Locke "dead" because he's smoke. He was part of the last season to the very last episode before we finally figured out what was really going on.

Clair isn't dead? She ran away or something.
Charles I kind of expected to die. Crack head who almost died a few times.

When Jack, Sawyer or Kate bite the bullet, I'll be surprised. Juliet's death took too long. I don't want every main character to be, "Hey, let's talk until we die. Queue sad romance music."
Odbarc said:
Trippysmurf said:
Wicked: They are using the Star Trek Theory of Time Travel, where the second you enter the past, you create an alternate time line that has no affect on your original time line. See the Star Trek for an example.

Wait, so does that mean you disappear from existence in the original time line? Can you ever return to it? Knowing stuff from a previous time line or alternate dimension would affect the original time line. Therefore an original time line would be the only time line that could exist making time travel impossible!
The Terminator style of time travel where fate occurs regardless of your actions and interferences is the only method of time travel that can exist if one could exist.

Wait, so does that mean you disappear from existence in the original time line?

No. You have no affect on the original time line, only the alternate time line. Which is why they are still on the island in 2007.

Can you ever return to it?

Yes. Watch the show.

Therefore an original time line would be the only time line that could exist making time travel impossible!

Well, yes. This is science fiction after all.

The Terminator style of time travel where fate occurs regardless of your actions and interferences is the only method of time travel that can exist if one could exist.

Actually, The Terminator Time Travel is a combination of Time Travel sets up the use of Time Travel as well as the Alternate Time Line Theory.

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