Let's Talk: Borderlands

Is there something the devs are intentionally not telling us?
http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Border ... 45172.html

Yes, it's from Cinema Blend and yes, it's pure speculation. But...is it unjustified?

It's something I've noticed as well, the on-screen enemy count really doesn't seem to match up with that of BL1, but maybe that's because they only tone it down for demos? Idk, just thought it was strange.

EDIT: Dev response on the GBX forums...seems to be dodging the question.

This is pure speculation from someone who hasn't even played the game. They are making assumptions based on gameplay videos showing a few minutes of gameplay, not from actually playing it.
Xbox only has 512 ram? How the fuck do I get games to run that good on my 4gb ram desktop. brb saving cash to get a new comp.

Although the AI is pretty bad, I'm not exactly looking for a super tactical shooter. I was completely satisfied with mindless shoot and blast lootfest gameplay. Shoot and blast instead of hack and slash. Sounds good. I hope it sticks!
TheJx4 said:
4GB of ram for a PC isn't much...it's different for consoles though.

yeah, when you don't have to run a massive operating system, you don't need nearly as much ram. Also, shitty graphics in comparison to the PC.

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