
That's true. I'll put myself forward as a "judge" just because I suck at coming up with good stories. Plus, I can keep in mind aesthetics since I'm a part of the graphic artist team (that is a cool sentence).

I can help but not in a large capacity (too much going on IRL)
I could do some voice acting. A little design too, I suppose. I was a level designer for Halo: OWaW.
I wouldn't mind a hip-hop playlist to this game you know ;)...

We need Jx4 on the creation team for sure.

Sightless is already in the bag!
I could help with programming. Well, actually probably not. I am pretty busy these days. I could work on small things, though.

If we want to make anything decent, I would suggest using a game engine like unity. You have to pay for it but it is really cheap as far as game engines go, and is extremely versatile.
FrozenBacon said:
I could help with programming. Well, actually probably not. I am pretty busy these days. I could work on small things, though.

If we want to make anything decent, I would suggest using a game engine like unity. You have to pay for it but it is really cheap as far as game engines go, and is extremely versatile.

What about Game Maker?!?! Huh?!?!


I'd love to lend voice work or something but...Keep me posted!
I love this idea. :D

I hope it'll bear juicy fruits. Need to bookmark this thread and come back to it with my own ideas. :D
Kevin Smith Says No to Kickstarter ... ickstarter

"We nearly Kickstarted the budget back in November," explained Smith. "But now I'm feeling like that's not fair to real indie filmmakers who need the help. Unlike back when I made CLERKS in '91, I've GOT access to money now - so I should use that money and not suck any loot out of the crowd-funding marketplace that might otherwise go to some first-timer who can really use it."

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