Sightless said:-> Links for Project Leader?
No, just producer. Someone needs to be the bad guy, might as well be me.
Sightless said:-> Links for Project Leader?
Affen said:Tings story sounds good and the card game rpg hybrid would be a neat gametype. Like the Pokemon TGC for game boy
I just would like to alter the story so that we don't know that Crave is behind it at first.
Crave has turned Duke and other staff members as robots who keep pushing out reviews with suspiciously high scores. The community then starts a revolution (a game revolution *ba-dum tish*) against the staff defeating them one by one. Then the "shocking" tweest that Crave was behind it all. You move on to the Crave lair defeating annoying pop up ads and finally Crave itself embodied to something evil, a mixture of Jack Thompson and Kotick for example. Craves evil curse brokes and everyone talks s*** on the forums happily ever after.
Now, should the members be the cards or people who you can have to join your party, maybe having a personal set of cards?
UrbanMasque said:I like that story, but II think that the player should have the choice of what "faction" they join in the revolution. Stay Loyal to Duke and turn to Crave - which gives you access to some players and card, and turns enemies into others and Vice Versa.
Guernica said:I'm a programmer for a living (mostly C# .net) but I've never done any sort of game besides what was required in school.
MattAY said:Maybe we should each write our own outline to a story? Dont write a damn essay. Just focus on your own creation and your own world.
Then we wont have posts adding "this", "that" and "the other", and end up with a cesspool of crap!
We can do a vote-and-discus sort of jig to decide with is the best. And perhaps add some improving quirks to the winning story as contructive criticism.