
I seriously like where this is going, lets not kill the momentum.

So a point and click adventure card game RPG.

Based around the main storyline/goal of...???
UrbanMasque said:
I seriously like where this is going, lets not kill the momentum.

So a point and click adventure card game RPG.

Based around the main storyline/goal of...???
Let's start with a main character. I suggest a new face, Newman MacKnob, nicknamed Mack, who is the epitome of a gamer. With his cool and collected attitude, as well as high blood-pressure, he joins the GR community, which is in the middle of a crisis.

The infamous Crave media group has captured the GR staff, and is holding them at ransom, demanding they reveal the location of the dUKE, who escaped their clutches years earlier with an important item, his secret beer chicken recipe. Crave Online's head honchos had tried to seize it from him when they took over GR, but they were caught off guard by his swashbuckling insult sword-fighting skills. Now they want revengeance, and have employed Bangladeshi hackers and Belgium trolls to do their dirty work.

Each staff member has been trapped in a different video game world, and Mack must use his extensive knowledge of each to find and rescue them. Along the way, he'll need the help of the many celebrity members of GR, but Crave has transformed them into trading cards.

...and I've run out of material.
I'll be updating the first post with stuff as this moves along. I've presented it in a list format, from what we need, to what we have. None of this is yet set in stone, so feel free to keep providing suggestions. If you really want a position, PM me, and I'll throw you up in the possibilities list.

I'll set everything in stone once its finalized.
It'll likely be "A GR Productions" kind of thing, because its a community project. We really just need someone to help organize it, and act as a foundation. You know, a project leader.

I'm not a good leader, I'm not cut out for it. I'm just going to organize this until someone else volunteers.
Holy shit this sounds awesome! Will probably fall through like all other stuff we try...but we TRY!

Ok, well I can attempt to draw stuff, and I know how to mess about with design software pretty well - it is my job after all ;)

Key to stuff like this is having a style I think. Of course we need a story and basis before we come up with that. But just my two pennies there! what the fuck are we doing? Because I dont know about you guys but Tingy's game sounds fucking awesome.
Card game would be easier to make.

RPG = Way more fun.

If GR is willing to pay these guys (which they probably aren't able to anyways) maybe it could be an expansion for Wanderlust
Before we can even talk about the story or anything we have to set a few goals here.

First goal, what are we trying to accomplish?
Are we making a game for ourselves or trying to make something we can sell? Are we making a game with more of a competitive focus or more singleplayer game? Do we want to do something completely original or use ourselves as the characters?
Realistically speaking here, it should be free, or at most "name your price", but it should still be appealing to the public, not just us. Of course, that doesn't mean we should omit our GR-only jokes and traditional banter, but we need to present them in a way that people will understand them, just like any good story.

We can't really do competitive anything without servers, and servers cost money. That doesn't eliminate the possibility of it in future products, though.
Client side hosting. Do we even have programmers here? I've dabbled in Game Maker, only thing I ever released was a Co-op puzzle platformer...
I'd rather do a unique take on Megaman with the GR Staff as bosses and members as playable characters or mini bosses.
Yeah I cant program! Not once have I dabbled in it. All I've done is use Flash a couple of times, and I can do easy stuff in Dreamweaver. But apart from that I have zilch experience!

We need some organization right now and a proof of concept.

So I want a list of who is drafting the pitch for the game, and a list of everyone's talents so we can start pre-production at the moment.

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