Is it just me

Dam dude I just read your edit. You had a hard time a while back and I'm happy you're out of it now. Seeing as I've never been through any of that I have to now say that my life can never be bad. Thanks for setting the bar man, sorry it had to suck so bad while doing it.

I'm sorry about that king...Sounds quite a string of it. Also bretimus, that is very sad. At least your physically better now and have a wife! A wife is cool. Does sound like you should either A) sue your employer for negligent safety practices or B) find a safer line of work, though.

I cant really complain. Despite law learnings getting me down, I am very happy. I have a lady I love, an xbox I love, some studio monitors I love, a cupboard full of wine and whisky and a box of expensive teas. Plus it's summer now, so lots of reading in the sun! What more could I ask for?

Oh yeah. Lost ended. Every silver lining has a big cloud :'(
No. Successfully trolled another topic.

on the other hand.. felt guilty after reading about some of your personal lives. Madster's comes to mind ;'(

My 2009 sucked all around with bad news in general. But 2010 is hanging in there pretty nicely.
schimmel said:
I like how you gauge how good your life is at the moment by how much internet you can use. There's a world outside of the computers, Madster, you should meet it
Well there's really not much else has changed.

Apart from working now instead of going to school, and my better internet, everything is the same.
Same friends, same car, same laptop, same xbox, same TV, same no-GF.

I suppose i have more muscle now (Lifting 10-50kg all day, every day will do that), but i have the same level of fatness because diets are too much effort.

The only real changes would be my growing homosexuality towards Yahtzee, and my addiction to No-Doz which helps me only sleep about 4 times a week.
My life is fucking boring.
@mala, done and done. It was a summer job during undergrad, the only thing dangerous I work with now is a computer/desk combo that is slowly making me fat (diabetes, here I come).

I'm really completely out of all that, like I said, and it's made me a much calmer person. As before...condolences, I can definitely empathize with you guys who have it rough, I wasn't trying to one up, just share, but you'll make it through. Moreover, we all start playing for higher stakes the longer we're in this game (wife, kids, career, mortgage, impending frailty/death, baldness, incontinence). So take care of yourself now, plan for the future, and eat brocolli.

Also, Madster, getting seven nights of sleep will greatly improve your life. Cut your No-Doz by 25% each week and just start sleeping, bro. (That's eight less boring hours a week.) On top of that, even though your body can run for long stretches like that it doesn't mean you should. You're definitely screwing with your hormone levels by staying up so much.
He's like sixteen, his hormones are already being screwed with, but growing boys need their sleep. I know I did. Now I tend to run on five hours average per night.

My sincere condoloences to anyone who has had it rough in the past few years though. All I can really think that was pretty bad was a small addiction that I had last fall that basically made me go broke and start a panic. The panic only lasted for a day or so though because after that my roommate actually got me a job where he works and I've been pretty good since. Granted, the running out of money part was actually pretty good seeing as it made me kick the habit.
Maddy, what's No-Doz?

And think of it this way Maddy, you have yet to write your future! You can go in whatever direction you wish! You know an ABSOLUTE FUCKLOAD about computers and cars....go in THAT direction?

And I know you only want a gf for a regular shag! So dont worry about relationships just yet ;)!
lets see, last year i met this cool guy and girl. went on a lot of trips together. the one guy was one weird lecherous dude and had a thing for snakes. the girl, she was pretty cute and nice, but a bit of a mean streak and obbesed with turtles.

this year though, met a couple with a cat. always abusing it and stuff. and we get along well enough with em, but they're always trying to start a fight with us.

they're name is team rocket and they're blasting off again.
The past couple years have been great for me. I graduated from high school and now go to a college that I absolutely love. I've also found the girl of my dreams whom I'll probably be marrying at some point down the road, and I've discovered what it is i want to do with my life. So it hasn't been that bad for me. It has been quite a turnaround from what my life was like in the 2-3 years before these two though.
Well I went to the gym the other day and after finshibg and showering I realized I forgot my belt (my pants are loose). Then I realized I forgot a spair tshirt so I wore my sweaty singleton back to work( where I left the said tshirt). Then I realized I forgot a pair of underwear too. Fml.

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