I'm Trippin'

Trippysmurf said:
Happy Birthday Brett's 3 year old. May he be more successful than I

Trippy, I hope you become more successful than you are now. That's my birthday wish to you and, more importantly, my son. ;) Hope you did something awesome to celebrate. We didn't, we're waiting til Saturday.
Can't wait until Saturday. Saturday is Yom Kippur so instead of enjoying college football, I'll be fasting and probably playing Halo: Reach.

Last night went to my favorite brewpub where I got a free meal of Shrimp and Grits, had the host of open mic night wish me a happy birthday, shared amongst a few friends, which was a nice time. Nothing crazy.

Tonight I go to friend's house for poker and get to see a lot of old friends from high school.

Thursday I drive up to Ft. Lauderdale to see Marian Call, this female geek-folk musician perform.

Friday I eat a big meal with my parents before beginning the fast.

I might do something fun on Sunday.

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