Gee, so sorry guys.

StickyGreenGamer said:
Being happy about turning 21. Been there, done that.

A lot of fuss, about nothing. Seriously, how many teenagers in America actually waited till they were 21 to start drinking? If you were like me, from the 17-20 age range, you likely spent many a weekend getting drunk or partaking in other forms of youth shenanigans.

Then you turn 21, and everyone is like "OH!!!! ThaT is SO TiiiiiiGHT!!! You can drink legally now!"

But what they really say is: "Cool, now you can progress yourself on the footpath of an alcoholic. You can now go to overcrowded, improperly ventilated environments and pay 2-3 times mark up on the same drinks you could've bought at the corner store, then worry about how you can get home without somebody winding up in jail! And the best part; You get to feel like s*** tomorrow!"

Drinking lost the majority of its fun when I turned 21. Still, here or there, I'll turn back a few beers. But that sexy allure, disappeared into the birthdays past.

None the less, if you've pledged your allegiance to this country, you owe at least one trip to a drinking establishment on your 21st. So, God speed, and good luck sir.

And hopefully you don't discover a similar problem to the one I discovered on my 21st birthday; being cougar bait.
Yes, I drank too when I was underage. In fact, if you go to the Archives. Look for a topic by StalfrosCC (should be on the first page). This will tell you the reason why I decided to quit drinking until I turn 21. ... sc&start=0

Quite a comedic read actually :D

I used to be able to hold my liquor real good when I was 18. But over the past few years my intake severely dropped, in fact, I can count the amount of times I drank last year on a single, normal, 5-digit hand. Its all about moderation bro.

When I got arrested, I was at school. We had auto shop in the morning, and it wound up taking my friend and I about a period and a half to change the power steering belt on his car. Went with him to put his car back in the parking lot when he asked if I wanted to drink a beer before heading back in. Being a partial idiot at the time, I said yes. So there I sat in the passenger seat, beer in hand. As I put my hand on the top to open it, I felt the sudden breeze of the door opening, looked to my right, and there stood the school deputy.

His words of wisdom for me: "That is not a good thing to have at school!" What a day, what a couple months that led to.

In all seriousness, there is nothing wrong with indulging a bit. You should, when its your birthday its generally the least you deserve. Just moderate your intake, and find a safe way home.

Me, from 17-20, when I got drunk, I'd call my mom. Regardless of the time. They want to spend their lives going around telling you "If you are drunk at a party, just call me and I'll pick you up, regardless of the time. Don't want you drunk driving." So I called her bluff :)

Love you mom.

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