If you could ask any video game character anything.

-Cybil Bennett: Have you seen a little girl around here...short...black hair" :p
-Raziel: How do you talk?
-Ryu and Ken: why not fight each other to the death?
-Luigi: why not kill Mario? you're better
-Mario & Luigi: have you gone to rehab for those mushrooms?
-Ico: how bout a trip to Pamplona?
-Any GTA character: when you go to confess your sins, why not take some lunch or will you send it via email?
-Leon Kennedy: How does a rookie cop ended up being in direct contact with the president?
-Ada Wong: How tha FCK did you survived the Resident Evil 2 incident?
-Samanosuke or Jubei: why did you let them replace you for such a gay character?

still thinking
maca2kx said:
Niko - will you ever kill that steroid fuelled douche?

Why knock on Brucie for? I love that guy, he's easily the best character in the whole game.

Leon Kennedy - Man, you had a damned good chance with Ashley there and you turned it down. You blew your chance, so... can I have a go?

Mario - Man, you've saved her how many times, and all she ever repays you with is cake and maybe, maybe a kiss on the nose? Let her go, man. In fact... Suggest her over to me, I'll uh... give her what she deserves with a nice, er... rousing game of Tennis?

Link - Dude, just say something! Goddamn.

Luigi - Hey, mind if I invite Daisy over for... a game of Tennis? Oh no, don't take me wrong, I don't mean to leave you out, I'm just only asking... for Daisy. Peach is coming too!

Nergal (Fire Emblem 7) - You're Ninian and Nils' father (or such is implied)? So does that mean... you actually porked a dragon? What the hell was that like? That must have been awkward, man.
lokness said:
maca2kx said:
Niko - will you ever kill that steroid fuelled douche?

Why knock on Brucie for? I love that guy, he's easily the best character in the whole game.


While I disagree with that assessment the best character doesn't necessarily equal the most likeable. Brucie's an idiot and while he isn't trying to stab you in the back it doesn't detract from the fact that he's essentially a frat boy who's actually become relatively successful. So yeah he's a good character but he's still an annoying person and given that Niko is unaware of his character status in Niko's world he is only an annoying person.

Dante - Dont worry, 1 in 10 men get white hair when they're 30.

Samus - You must have buns of steel!

Mario - What the fuck is a Goomba?!
Snake from MGS2 - "Soo... you went for the mullet looking do' this time? No, don't worry, it just gives you more incentive to hide."
Princess Peach: Really, what's going on? Mario's saved you many, many times yet you always end up kidnapped by Bowser and remain completely unscathed upon rescue, obviously something much more darker is going on here. Remember, bestiality is illegal.

Frank Fontaine: WHAT THE FUCK, MAN!?

LetheanDreams said:
Every JRPG Character - Man. How did you all become so emo and similar to one another?

I can answer that. Virtually all of them are modeled after Gackt, a pretentious J-Pop artist who thinks he's god's gift.

Astaroth001 said:
-Ada Wong: How tha FCK did you survived the Resident Evil 2 incident?

Finish RE3 and find out. ;)
Jill ( From resident evil): How did you in fact become the "master of unlocking"?
Sonic: Do you really need a board?
druglord said:
Jill ( From resident evil): How did you in fact become the "master of unlocking"?

If you want the not strictly canon answer, her father was a thief.
Grey said:
LetheanDreams said:
Every JRPG Character - Man. How did you all become so emo and similar to one another?

I can answer that. Virtually all of them are modeled after Gackt, a pretentious J-Pop artist who thinks he's god's gift.

In that case all the homages are definitely not helping with the god complex.

Subaltern Quinn: "How does it feel to send explorers to their death for the sake of charting the Yggdrasil Labyrinth?"
Gordon Freeman - You're a theoretical Physicist, where the hell did you get your gunfighting and military skills from?
GLADoS: Would you do a duet of Rocketman with the Shatner?

Gordon Freeman: how do you drive boats and cars without touching the pedals or wheel?

Jim Raynor: Would you still do it with Kerrigan even though she's a zerg?

TheNesMan said:
Gordon Freeman - You're a theoretical Physicist, where the hell did you get your gunfighting and military skills from?

Play the Half life tutorial, he learns!
Astaroth001 said:
-Cybil Bennett: Have you seen a little girl around here...short...black hair" :p
-Raziel: How do you talk?
-Samanosuke or Jubei: why did you let them replace you for such a gay character?

still thinking

Here I mean Cybil from Silent hill, Raziel from Soul Reaver and Samanosuke and Jubei from Onimusha

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