If you could be any videogame character...

Are you people forgetting that if you were these people you would die excruciatingly painful deaths again and again? Crushed, blown up, falling from high places, drowned, stabbed, shot, etc etc.

But seriously, I'd be Luigi... Sitting at home with my feet up while Mario risks his life through 8 worlds of hell just for a girl who has clearly friend-zoned him. Occasionally I'd help my bro out but i'm not after Peach cause I ain't no sucka!

Also Big Boss > Solid Snake. Why be a clone when you can be the real deal.
You should know I'm the one who does the obvious jokes around here!

Plus, it's because Pliskin's first name is like Iliqouis or something...which instantly adds bonus points..
WickedLiquid said:
Also Big Boss > Solid Snake. Why be a clone when you can be the real deal.

Yeah but theres something about Solid Snake that makes him stand above the rest, especially in MGS 1 when you learn you are actually the inferior clone to Liquid but still manage to thwomp everyone in your path. Awesome :) Also love in MGS 2 when the whole SEAL team is wiped out by Vamp..all of them except Pliskin ;)

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