How many people smoke weed

How many here smoke weed

  • Ye-ye!

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  • nah, there is a reason it's called dope

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I did, but I didn't inhale

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't smoke no more

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I wonder how different these responses would look if people looked at cannabis as a PLANT with recreational purposes and legitimate medicinal uses rather than a DRUG that the government placed in the same category as heroin and ecstasy (according to them pot has "a high risk of dependency and no legitimate medical purposes" Bull and sh*t). Anybody interested in pot and the Drug (User) War, especially the prohibitionists should read Eric Schlosser's "Reefer Madness" If you cant be bothered to check out a book from your local library, a condensed version can be found here:
The term drug can be applied to a number of items. Coffee and Video Games can be considered drugs, as they are addictive, and hell video games have lead to many deaths through over dosing, which marijuana has not.

Someone commented that all drugs are a waste of money, and this still applies. Think about how much you spend on video games. Each system costs over $200 new, some as high as $500 and each game if you get new around $50. Granted you will probably get more out of $50 worth of video games than you will $50 worth of weed, but they are both expensive habits, and actually one makes the other far more enjoyable.

Both also can be used individually or socially, and more often achieve more usage in a social atmosphere. Ultimately I feel both are subject to moderation, both should be done after more important activities are completed (work, school, etc.), and while you can drive and perform both these activities, its probably in your best interest not to.
malakian said:
I cant believe a reason given was just 'very interesting conversations'.

Since you're one of the stupidest and most boring persons in the world, I assume an interesting conversation to you is pertaining to the weather.
Ha! I'm one of the 'stupidest and most boring persons in the world?' Who am I talking to here, Rauno?

If I need evidence of brain decay from marijuana, your post is certainly a cornucopia.
StalfrosCC said:
Video Games do not cause a direct (notice I said direct) metabolic change in your body.

I'm not sure about that. I will have to look up some information after work, but I believe playing video games has been linked to releasing chemicals from the brain. I know I experience a jolt of adrenaline when I'm playing games online and am battling people in pvp.

As well, I do know of cases where people have induced seizures due to video games, and thus the reason why many games have warnings on them to this day stating they may cause seizures.
Trippysmurf said:
The term drug can be applied to a number of items. Coffee and Video Games can be considered drugs, as they are addictive, and hell video games have lead to many deaths through over dosing, which marijuana has not.

Someone commented that all drugs are a waste of money, and this still applies. Think about how much you spend on video games. Each system costs over $200 new, some as high as $500 and each game if you get new around $50. Granted you will probably get more out of $50 worth of video games than you will $50 worth of weed, but they are both expensive habits, and actually one makes the other far more enjoyable.

Both also can be used individually or socially, and more often achieve more usage in a social atmosphere. Ultimately I feel both are subject to moderation, both should be done after more important activities are completed (work, school, etc.), and while you can drive and perform both these activities, its probably in your best interest not to.

Yes, but when I'm done with that 50 dollar game I can pass it on to someone else or a good cause like Penny Arcade's Child's Play, the same can be said with consoles, handhelds, even computers can be donated once you wipe all the porn off the hard drive.

Pot is in the same boat as other smoking products; you're literally are just burning them up when you could spend your time and money doing something more productive or at least get some entertainment that can be shared beyond passing it around.
Dopamine release happens when you're excited and engaged...That's a given. A bunch of THC doesn't enter your body through your lungs, though.

Natural release of dopamine has not been proven in studies, as with cannabis use, to correlate with psychosis. The only debate on that is whether people predisposed to it turn to cannabis or cannabis turns them to psychosis. It's a observed and very real link. Also, seen as there is no way of telling if cannabis will trigger any psychological symptoms in each individual, why on earth are you so proud to risk it? Doesn't it scare you? As thinking people (Nefro clearly excluded), surely command of your mental faculties is absolute priority when it comes to health? I know it is to me.

Also it's crudely subjective to keep claiming it improves everything. No it doesn't. I've done it many times when i was younger, which I very much regret, and it only improves things if you're neurotic and miserable and not enjoying your life already.
Trippysmurf said:
StalfrosCC said:
Video Games do not cause a direct (notice I said direct) metabolic change in your body.

I'm not sure about that. I will have to look up some information after work, but I believe playing video games has been linked to releasing chemicals from the brain. I know I experience a jolt of adrenaline when I'm playing games online and am battling people in pvp.

As well, I do know of cases where people have induced seizures due to video games, and thus the reason why many games have warnings on them to this day stating they may cause seizures.
If that is the case, it was not done by a foreign substance altering the body in any way. That is what we would call an natural high or euphoria. You also get that from exercise, masturbation and sex.

The seizure part is a non-sequitur. That is like saying peanut butter is dangerous because it can kill people with an allergy to it. You have to have the condition first.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Pot is in the same boat as other smoking products; you're literally are just burning them up when you could spend your time and money doing something more productive or at least get some entertainment that can be shared beyond passing it around.

As opposed to sitting in front of a television or computer? I know many people who do not enjoy sitting in a room and doing nothing but smoking pot. Granted a large population of users do such a thing (which is again, another similarity between pot and video games), but there are those who enjoy taking it with them as they go hiking or camping, taking in more of the outdoors and nature. For those that do nothing but sit on their butts and smoke, yes they are wasting both time and effort, but there are those who also go out and enjoy the outside world.

I would also like to quote Merriam-Webster dictionary's definition of a drug: 2 : something and often an illicit substance that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness. With this definition, a lot of things can be considered a drug, including video games.

If that is the case, it was not done by a foreign substance altering the body in any way. That is what we would call an natural high or euphoria. You also get that from exercise, masturbation and sex.

I will agree, you are using marijuana for the sole purpose of achieving euphoria, but if you are doing any of those specifically to achieve that "natural high" it is the same as a drug. One may not involve external influences, but does that change the fact that you are doing so specifically to alter your consciousness and elevate your mood?

Also it's crudely subjective to keep claiming it improves everything. No it doesn't. I've done it many times when i was younger, which I very much regret, and it only improves things if you're neurotic and miserable and not enjoying your life already.

I apologize if I did make this statement, although I don't believe I did. There are many things that should not be done while under any influence, and I do not feel it improves everything. Yes it is subjective to think that any substance improves an activity with the goal being enjoyment.
Well that's fine then. I'm pro choice, I do believe that people should be able to make their own decisions on things like this, but I think people take the risks of marijuana far lighter than they should.

As a lot of seemingly intelligent people do it and have seemingly no apprehension, I worry about a placebo effect creating peer pressure on people who don't yet.

I also think in regard to your point about doing it to deliberately alter your consciousness, when you hand the command of that over to a drug you're in far less control than when you're simply excited. Effectively you're compromised, as reaction times etc are slowed, whereas with sheer natural excitement, the opposite effect is achieved. Also the time of the altered state is far less malleable.
useful medical proporties of Marijuana:
1. Natural Painkiller
2. Usefull as a sleep aid/combats insomnia
3. solves lack of appitite for any reason
4. relieves stress, ehich can cause high blood pressure and other health conditions
5. Enhances Geometry Wars

anyone who's bought coffee at starbucks/tim hortons nullifies their arguement of burning money. you just spent $3 on a couple of dissolved beans.

Furthermore, pot led me to an arguement over who's produced better music: Mozart or the Mega-Man series. Mega-Man won by the way.

Thankfully i live in Canada, where my Gov't doesn't hold Marijuana in the same category as Cocaine. Being inder the influence of, posession of (less than a half ounce), or smoking of pot are not a criminal offence. the worst that can happen is a tickett similar to not wearing a seatbelt.
Glowstick said:
Thankfully i live in Canada, where my Gov't doesn't hold Marijuana in the same category as Cocaine.

Hey! I take offense to that! My government officially views marijuana as a more severe drug than cocaine, thankyouverymuch (Its true--pot is a Schedule I drug, while cocaine is Schedule II, meaning that unlike the weed of Satan's garden, cocaine has "acceptable medical use").
Glowstick said:
Furthermore, pot led me to an arguement over who's produced better music: Mozart or the Mega-Man series. Mega-Man won by the way..

You know, you could have similar conversations while not under the influence, but then you don't have the excuse of 'stoned' to fall back on. Then it's just a vapid conversation.
Glowstick said:
useful medical proporties of Marijuana:

2. Usefull as a sleep aid/combats insomnia

Blasphemy!! I don't partake in that silliness anymore, but when I did, I would stay up well past my bedtime. The dope is like turbo caffeine for me.

It affects people in different ways just like any other drug. Enjoyable for some and miserable for others. Fortunately I'm in the latter. Now where is my screwdriver?

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