Legalization [Eyebrowsbv31]

Sure it's tough to define, but if we take it to be the actual events that occurred, then we don't have to worry about referring to it as what any given set of people remember or choose to set forth. Obviously if that's what we take it to be, then it is unalterable.

I don't consider pictures of Michael Phelps evidence. Again, show me 10 million successful, frequent potheads, and I'll find you 10 million unsuccessful potheads; the data that is lacking is that did pot make people successful or not, or did it really not make much of a difference. It's a mind altering substance, much like booze, and causes people to do things differently then they would have if not under the influence (to use a cliche).

.......So you agree that none of your claims are supported...?
Eyebrowsbv31 said:

Who the hell are you? I merely make a silly comment about weed and Urb and half the forums get their knickers in a knot.
I know where you stand on MOST political issues, so when this was mentioned I assumed you were serious. My mistake. :cry:
Oh look, ANOTHER debate about weed.

Without marijuana we wouldn't have The Beatles switch from happy pop songs to experimental masterpiece tracks tracks that revolutionized the face of music. Simply because we wouldn't have Bob Dylan to be there and open their minds.

We also wouldn't have high-school drop outs working the McDonalds drive thru at 3 in the morning. And that would truly be tragic. I'd hate it if there was nobody at that window to take my order while my friends and I are baked and craving quarter pounders

Remember kids, if you smoke pot your only options are a grocery store or fast food. You'll never be as successful as Barack Obama... oh wait... :?
When you are addicted to weed you become a loser clerk at a grocery store.

When you are addicted to alcohol you become a pan handler.

When you are addicted to hard drugs, you die.

Addiction to anything is bad, but plenty of successful people smoke weed every day. However this cannot be said for any other drug (other than cigarettes of course).
I don't smoke the ganja simply because it would be a crime to do so; far be it from me to shirk the law. But if it were legal, sure, I would.
Now alcohol is legal but I can't stand the stuff. However, I have an almost empty bottle of coconut Ciroc in the fridge and it's fantastic. But it just sits there. I could finish it but I don't imbibe of my own volition. Someone has to kick in the door and force those evil spirits down my throat!

So are we a'scares that, if it were legal, Americans would put down their cigarettes, alcohol, and guns and pick up a doobie? That we'd all become potheads by default, our willpower be damned?

Sometimes, you know, we deserve the shit we get from Canada and Europe. We're Americans, dammit. We should've passed legalization a fuck-time long ago. It should be a choice, not a mandate. That's all really.
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:

Who the hell are you? I merely make a silly comment about weed and Urb and half the forums get their knickers in a knot.
I know where you stand on MOST political issues, so when this was mentioned I assumed you were serious. My mistake. :cry:

Uhm, I bet you don't. Let's hear it. I'm really interested to hear what political issues you believe I stand on. :)
herbal pesticide? !
I want to ask a serious question about this to those nay sayers, and it falls in line with gay marraige as well.

How the fuck does it affect any of you if it's legal to smoke pot. Do you think you'll be forced to consume all of a sudden? It would be enforced the same was as alcohol. In no way does me smoking a few bowls before watching a movie have any impact on your life, so get off your fucking high horse and complain about shit that actually does cause an issue in your every day lives, dont condemn something just because it's not to your taste, but in no way interferes with you.

Personally, I don't like the colour orange, i propose, simply because it's not to my liking, it's made illegal, and anyone who enjoys orange, even if they do it in the privacy of there own home, be arrested and generalized as a group of morons who all are our societies future grocery clerks.
To icepick: The color orange isn't smelly. from what I've noticed pot stink sticks more than cigarette stink does. Shit is foul.
i notice people that smoke cigs instantly. it's difficult to notice somebody that's recently smoked weed.

example: Two kids in my 5th period art class last year would usually go and smoke at lunch. One of them, this sad little Swedish kid, would walk in reeking of cigs every day. The other one, a junior and one of my friends, would come to class stoned every Thursday (it was double art block and it sucked). I, however, could only smell him (faintly) if I was very close to him. Cigs smell more, and smell worse, than weed does.
keepithowitis said:
i notice people that smoke cigs instantly. it's difficult to notice somebody that's recently smoked weed.

example: Two kids in my 5th period art class last year would usually go and smoke at lunch. One of them, this sad little Swedish kid, would walk in reeking of cigs every day. The other one, a junior and one of my friends, would come to class stoned every Thursday (it was double art block and it sucked). I, however, could only smell him (faintly) if I was very close to him. Cigs smell more, and smell worse, than weed does.

maybe it depends on the person? I can smell pot before I smell cigs. I should be a sniffer at teh airport.
Sightless said:
Sure it's tough to define, but if we take it to be the actual events that occurred, then we don't have to worry about referring to it as what any given set of people remember or choose to set forth. Obviously if that's what we take it to be, then it is unalterable.

I don't consider pictures of Michael Phelps evidence. Again, show me 10 million successful, frequent potheads, and I'll find you 10 million unsuccessful potheads; the data that is lacking is that did pot make people successful or not, or did it really not make much of a difference. It's a mind altering substance, much like booze, and causes people to do things differently then they would have if not under the influence (to use a cliche).

.......So you agree that none of your claims are supported...?

Eyebrowsbv31, please address this. Specifically, please address the last question.

Icepick, I think a valid and important issue to address is the potential impact it has on society, not just on any given individual. It's worthwhile to ask whether there would be consideration of laws akin to those against public drunkenness, etc. Obviously most people feel that there should be freedom of the individual, but there's (almost) no way for the individual to escape being part of society -- especially if we're already talking about it in terms of governmental laws and the like. ;)
okay, let me be serious for one moment. shocker, i know. but i used to be a BIG pothead. i mean i'd used to smoke pot from the moment i woke up till i fell alseep. but i found weed made it easier for me to focus on my job at work, able to focus better at games to the point where no one would want to play agianst me. without it though, i am less tired, have more money, and less crankey. it's a trade off.

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