
Your Opinion

  • Pull out of Iraq

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stick it out untill our goal is reached

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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BIGNDfan22 said:
StalfrosCC said:
TheNesMan said:
BIGNDfan22 said:
StalfrosCC said:
We have no goal in Iraq.
congrats stalfros u just succeded in making a complete ass of yourself...the whole purpose of this topic is for people who actually have intellegent points and arguements to talk about their opinions without ignorant dumbasses like yourself interupting them with stupid factless comments
I hate Mikey as much as the next guy but that's pretty harsh. Let me go through all of your posts and see if i can find any posts that are irrelevant to the topic at hand. If I find one I'm going to call you a hypocrite.

PS - You have no goal in Iraq.

LOL when NES man has to call you off me you know it is awful.

Hi New kid, I'm Mike. This topic is a good one and so was my response. You asked if we should "Stick it out untill(sic) our goal is reached" in Iraq and simply and concisely stated that "we have no goal in Iraq" because we don't. I apologize if my brevity didn't satisfy your desire for a drawn out conversation in which you would question my patriotism or personal political beliefs because your daddy made a mistake and voted for the wrong guy.

It is awesome that he is in the service and being a child of somebody in the service must be tough and confusing. I know that I have friends in the service who have had their lives ruined by this war, but they choose to serve and I respect that.

Anyhow, enjoy your time at Game-Revolution.com. Please read some of the reviews- I hear they are awesome!

With love,


i almost dont even wanna argue with you just cause i dont feel like goin back and forth but ive stated several times that the current goal in Iraq is to stablize thier government which WE "unstabalized". if we left now we would have made a country worse than it is and then just run away.....that would be not nice

I think you just like to see brown people explode.
The_Cookster said:
At least it's a source, something frightfully missing from this thread so far.

Yes the source that shows the surge in Iraq benefiting in that there are less deaths. Well hell when you're in a situation like Iraq where its a complete shithole, bringing in 30,000 troops and turning it into just a craphole isnt that much to brag about.

Even he himself said the civilian deaths are down, but they are still way too high.

Saddam was a bastard. Iraq has Al Qaeda. Whether or not they were involved in 9/11, military occupation had ot have happened imo, just had to be more thought out, carried out with ebtter strategy.

To pull out now though would be to let the country destroy itself even more.

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