GTA Mexico???

StandardStache said:
kapow said:
what i wanna see is GTA in chicago, maybe prohibition era? mainly because i'm a homer

Umm... Godfather?

But still good idea. I'd definitely play.

Assuming he means a good game for that era, Mafia. Twas fantastic. I believe Mafia 2 comes out in 2009.
spanky1113 said:
GTA: International wouldn't work. The Church of England would be like "NO! Our church can't appear in your game!! Remember what we did to The-Game-Who-We-Do-Not-Speak-Of?! Yeah!"

So just remove any CoE buildings and substitute them for other places of worship.
I really hope rockstar is listening...and gta england or london whatever...i love it!!! but as i was saying if we could try to incorporate more maps from different countries/states/completly different locales then i think they are taking gta to another level...i know the maps can be bigger...and c'mon i don't want to be an ass or anything, but as much money as we spend on this franchise we deserve bigger maps even if it's at the cost of an extra ten dollars...hell i'd pay it...i've never played a gta game that wasn't one of my top 3 games for replay value so i know it's worth the money but i think as awesome as the games are everybody deserves more...on a different note what about a game that is gta/texas/ ive said before the crime and poverty in mexico and the immigrants that flee in hopes of a better life...this has always intrigued me but this may also be a very fresh wound for rockstar to cover seeing how we are facing illegals crossing the border everyday...i still say it would make a bad-ass game
Kiristo said:
StandardStache said:
kapow said:
what i wanna see is GTA in chicago, maybe prohibition era? mainly because i'm a homer

Umm... Godfather?

But still good idea. I'd definitely play.

Assuming he means a good game for that era, Mafia. Twas fantastic. I believe Mafia 2 comes out in 2009.

I really didn't like the game much. Too much generic, not enough Godfather awesomeness. And I am aware that Godfather took place in New York, not Chicago.

I never got a chance to play Mafia. Mafia 2 looks intriguing to say the least.
GTA: Mushroom Kingdom. Fuck yeah.

Mario Kart cars and weapons (blue shells, red shells), large cast of Nintendo characters fleshing out the kingdom, Mario busting rounds at Koopa Troopas? Drunk on Rainbow Road... original Mario voice casting, hot coffee with Daisy, Princess Peach and Candy Kong?

gosh, she's do dirty. Yes.

I'd buy a Wii for this.

reminds me of
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