Growing up here

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BlackStar said:
Not just mods, we should run this place! This is a must.

Blackstar the jolly fun loving mod everyone loves
Crime the heartfelt empathetic mod that just wants to help everyone
and me, the vigilant angry mod who secretly has a heart of gold and donates his mod paycheck to orphans, orphans with diseases

I smell a sitcom
Optimus-Crime said:
That's something else we forgot, too. Nominating people for the position. Now it's done internally. You're better off having the community decide.
It has always been done internally. Always.

And new blood in the moderating pool? You mean like how around 80% of the active moderators were instated in the last two years? Or how, less than a year ago, we made one of the exemplary posters here a mod?

Right now, I think you're seeing things that aren't actually there. Or you're beating around the bush in your eternal struggle to oust Lethean. One of the two. Either way, the concept of good posters being able to rise up and become mods is anything but gone. It's just that as it is, we've got a good team that all know what they're doing and are able to take care of what little needs to be done. But should activity pick up a lot and new/more moderators are needed, then we'll definitely be picking out the better users to join the moderator ranks.

That said, I would watch the hell out of that sitcom.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away we used to nominate from the boards. Thus Kaanchtoofan becoming moderator.
During the infamous Console Wars I held on the forums, Kaan got Sony mod rights because he was pro Sony. He then networked himself into GM. It was all the rage on Misc. at the time. I'll go into further detail at a later time.

Let's get something straight. There's no struggle with Lethean and I. This idea that we have serious beef is perpetuated by people who are grasping at putting our friendship in a perspective they can comprehend. Apologizers and sympathizers would do best to stay on the outside looking in because, truth be told, I have always respected Lethean and have always liked him personally because of our history together.
It wasn't even WR who banned me. It was one of the newer, exemplary moderators. Someone too new to know that me and WR go back years and years and years and even more years. Long before you ever thought of logging into, WR and I were going at it. And it wasn't just us. Icepick and WR made an uneasy truce. Icepick should tell us about the time they went playing pool together. God, just imagining those two together is priceless. Maybe they got along because of their shared hatred of Firewall? Firewall was getting all the play from all the chicks online (just Lemondrops aka dobby, and a troll posing as a chick), so it's only fitting that Team Canada find something in common to hate--Firewall. I'll go into further detail at a later time.

WR and I were joking and jabbing at one another. That's what brothers do. Sorry for the butt trauma it may have caused everyone else but we always knew the score with each other. But WR is MIA as of right now, so axe the guy.
also, WR is a big girl. We all know it to be true. He's a Canadian metrosexual, but he's a Canadian metrosexual, so he comes off far more ~metro~ than sexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that! ehh, I'll go into further detail...later time.

People have this idea that everyone with a join date preceding 2005 was active on the boards during this time. It's just not true. A lot of the people with dates prior to 2005 weren't active or have just padded their date by a few years.
Well, what's my point? Only that a few of us can remember what made the GR forums the busiest traffic hub on the site. Not the main page, it was the forums. It's arguable that Crave bought the forums and the community from dUKE, the GR name was just a bonus.
It's easy to see what works and what doesn't. Leaving moderators in power for years or even 1 year is too long.
2 years ago, less than a year ago.
If it's longer than 4 months, switch em out, I say.

New people--and old people--need to believe they'll have a shot at becoming mod if they wanted to. Once you get rid of that incentive, you get rid of a lot of the community.

Maybe you'll say you don't want the users who only post for moderator rights. I'd counter with let's see if the current moderators stick around after having their moderator rights revoked. Some moderators don't even take the time to resign the position. They just leave, admin rights still fully intact as they're quietly walking out the front door. You gotta have more respect for the position if you want the people to have more respect for the position.

everyone but Daniel can go. Actually, let's do it right and give Daniel GM. dude works for GR after all.
The boards elect an oldie but goodie for a 1 year stint serving underneath Daniel. Someone the boards respect. I'd say Used but he's already been on the council for what seems like years now.
Everyone else is replaced. And replaced again once 4 months goes by. Time passes by too slowly around here to go any further than 4 months. A groundswell is what we're shooting for, and a turnover once every 4 months will help speed up the process and energize the base. Once people see that they'll get a shot at becoming admin only 4 months out, they'll sign in to GR for the first time and will join the forums and community just as they did all those years ago. +1 web traffic. +1 accountable users. Have the forums vote on moderators. We're not going to steer you wrong and put someone in who can't handle the position.

Give new people a shot before you lose them. Too many good ones have left. You need to mix it up even if it causes confusion and terror, and throws the forums into anarchy!
Anarchy sells. You can build around Anarchy. You can't build around "2+ years and counting as moderator! Catch me if you can!"

I have GR's best interest at heart, not your title or prestige. It's GR's, not ours. We're the community, and all we've done is take. How's about giving til it hurts? Your move.
Optimus-Crime said:
Icepick and WR made an uneasy truce. Icepick should tell us about the time they went playing pool together. God, just imagining those two together is priceless.

the man can dress a hell of a lot better than I can, but he sucks ass at pool, can't even blame it on booze. After half a beer he pitched the cue ball out of the pool room and into the bar

It must have been humbling for him to have to walk out infront of all the drunks and pick up the cue ball

we also had a mini car chase/water fight with some girls who pulled up next to use and shot a water gun at me, so we chased them down the street with an open water bottle, before WR pussied out and gave up
Do mods get paid? Id care alot more if I got paid to do it :lol:

And I don't mean paid by the quality of community you help to facilitate.
please don't be a family guy clip please don't be a family guy clip please don't be a family guy clip please don't be a *click* FUCK!

I gotta be honest, I hate the idea that when anyone speaks up about something they're labelled as fussy.
I'm only trying to help. Maybe a moderator or two disagrees with me, maybe some users disagree with me but everything I said only benefits the site, not a handful of users who aren't down with change.

I'll take the chances with all new members and all new user traffic > placating the same 10-20 people who are already here every (other) day of the week.

I'm fine with riding this sucker out if you're happy with the way things are now. If this is what you had envisioned for everyone, then fine. I just don't understand the point of stopping once you've reached *a* point. You could keep going forward by helping grow the site. BUT THAT'S CRAZY TALK, HERE'S SOME MORE FAMILY GUY CLIPS INSTEAD ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related
I don't recall saying you were fussy. I only said why all the fuss? As in, what is the deal with that? No need to get your drawers all up in a bunch about it.

The only reason I even said anything at all ( and I must be slow on the uptake here) is that I'm still trying to figure out how new mods are suddenly going to bring a new influx of posters here? Is it that the chance to become a mod is supposed to attract a bunch of new people? How exactly does it help grow the site is what I'm asking.

But feel free to keep talking about stuff that happened on the boards 10 years ago like the guy at work who still talks about his high school football days it really sells the idea.

Oh, and more Family Guy clips too. Never hurts.
"I didn't call you fussy, but your drawers are up in a bunch."

"No, what I was saying is you don't need to get your drawers up in a bunch, don't get a sandy vagina about it."

same shit different day.

Is there really a guy at work talking about his high school football days... anywhere? I thought that was a television trope. Is this what's happening where you work? And where do you work? Central Casting, Corp.? Stereotypes "R" Us?
Cool. I'm just glad to hear that this guy does exist. We don't have one where I work. What we do have is the guy doing a bad Borat impression next to the water cooler however many years after the fact. Talk about job security, I hear these cliches have their own union.

Yes, I believe it'd bring new traffic to the site. OR..OR, just hear me out.. ORRRRR... we can do nothing. Everyone for doing nothing? This is the part where we agree on "doing nothing." oh, wow. can't even come to agreement on that. PERFECT. Right on course.
even if you disagree with Crime, you have to admit the board is stagnant, we've attracted what, 2 users that have stuck with it in the last 6 months?

I think GR should dig into their pockets and dole out cash for flights, bringing the GR collective as a whole together, once every 2 years to determine a new mod

Daniel and Longo will be the hunters, inside a humvee with a .50 cal machinegun, the rest of us are given an hour to hide, and the last man standing gets the coveted mod position
You almost got it. I didn't call you fussy. I said why all the fuss. I could have also said why all the hubbub or why all the rigamarole. You took it the wrong way and I said don't get your drawers in a bunch about it as in don't get mad about a misunderstanding. You then got out your jump to conclusions mat and carried it all the way out to being told to shut up and not talk about it anymore. Let me try to say it another way.

I did not mean to denigrate your character good sir, please refrain from hostilities. but if you must, you may defend your honor. Pistols at dawn. Twenty paces.

In any case, I think it's great you want to bring new traffic to the site. As someone who has been coming here just as long as anyone else here but has only recently started to participate in the forums, I think it would be great to have new people here so I'm not the only outsider watching the people who are on a first name basis with each other around here. I just honestly don't get how a promote a mod thing would help accomplish your goals. Do a lot of people even care about being a mod?

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm attacking your idea or whatever because that isn't the case at all. I'm more confused by it if anything at all.
hostilities. via text. jeez.
Is this another one of those exemplary posters Longo was telling me about? Even Yorky's like, "What a pussy!"

As someone who has been coming here just as long as anyone else here but has only recently started to participate in the forums
:suicide2: [please be a gif]
edit: fuck!

No one's excited about becoming moderator until a mod position opens up.
So open up the positions. Start over.
There aren't any spots open. Mods used to be replaced 3 at at time. And there were less of them. Now there's, like, 8 too many and/or they've been sitting on the spot for too long. What's to get excited about when nothing changes? Welp, there's always tomorrow.




Nothing's working.


Do I need to get Shane?
Yorky? Shane?

Yes, all the new people you bring here will love having no idea what you are talking about with all the inside references to stuff that happened before they got here, shortly before they leave and never return. Maybe you can make a wiki for them of every former GR forum poster and the things they posted so we can all get caught up and be in on the joke and say... Oh, I get it! hahaha.

Good luck with your crusade champ.
"Nothing's working"? I don't see you even trying to create interesting new topics. Just hijacking others.

So often the people complaining about forum stagnation (which is undeniably true) are the same people who haven't contributed a good topic in months. Some of them never even leave 'Misc.'

I think that's the cure for the forum. People trying to get along and have good conversations. We usually get one or two good topics every week. Kind of pathetic. I'm currently curating two Name That topics and I'm always trying to start a few good topics in General (because this is a video game forum and I like that). Try attempting the same.

All mods do is clear spam topics and form Survivor alliances. Not much else.

Other than starting fun new topics I think the cure to dwindling forum traffic lies with the GR staff, and they've bungled that so far. This "chance to be a mod" stuff is nonsensical.
Yorky, as in the traveling Mormon last seen in the PYP topic Yorky.
Shane, as in infamous round these parts Shane.

I'm not pulling out the obscurities here. You can literally find one of Yorky's threads on the 1st page of Misc.

You gotta want to know the community if you want to grow the community. Or you can just stick to the twos and fews that you easily recognize--and what a personal bonanza for me, because you'll definitely be remembering me from now on. It doesn't help grow the community, though.

A small, close-knit community. There's an inside reference for you. It was before your time, you won't get it.
Small? Do you understand small? Because that's where we're at now. strike out the rest of that stuff.

dude's literally on the front page of misc and you make it sound like he last posted in 2004. Been here for years, he said.

Used, I've created more than enough. And I'm no admin. I don't even want to be an admin. Kudos to you for doing something worthy of your title, but there are others who've done more and are still doing more than you and many other moderators currently.
How's about you throw those guys a bone? Again, where's WR? Give up his spot. Open registration. You make it sound like a chore. Are you giving up your position, too? btw, that doesn't mean you'd have to stop running your threads, obviously.

2 spots opened. Who wants to be moderator? Open registrations, make it a sticky. Let's see what happens. Maybe someone else will find the position more fulfilling? Buzzzzzzzzz
So the fact he's posted recently is supposed to lend any meaning to
Even Yorky's like, "What a pussy!"
or was it just name dropping someone that has been here a long time?

Gee, if I had only joined the small, close knit community when I had started coming here all those years ago instead of just reading the game reviews. I could've been part of something special, part of the clique.

Anyways, if you weren't so defensive you might of noticed that I actually agree that it would be nice to have a lot of new people here in the forums. I just don't think this mod idea would accomplish that goal. Sorry if that upsets you so much. We can agree to disagree on the point. Good evening sir.
There is no clique. I jab and punch. You're defensive. When I jabbed, you took your ball and went home.

That guy, that guy who talks about his high school football career? Are you actually friends with him? Or is he too cool because he's a guy who played football, and he understands guys, and you secretly hate him from afar and this is how you vent, by attacking me when I'm trying to help this place out?

That's so petty. That's so small of you.

Look at it this way, you've learned one more name! :thumbsup: please be a gif
edit: fail!

How fitting that this come about in a Mala thread. Who the fuck is Mala?
You are doing the opposite of helping. I don't think you are going to attract many new people to the forum by trolling.
Sourdeez said:
Do mods get paid? Id care alot more if I got paid to do it :lol:

And I don't mean paid by the quality of community you help to facilitate.

haha, no we don't get paid. And honestly, all we do is destroy ad-bots when they attack, which in itself can become tedious since sometimes they're relentless.

It's very very rare when we actually moderate this place and close/delete/edit stuff that's not acceptable. Because you guys aren't children and we're not TNO. All I hear about TNO is how he would play "last word, I win" and close the thread. Well we don't do that, and people at GR aren't insane fanboys spamming up Microsoft with threads about how 360 sucks and PS3 are for real gamers.

If it ever came to that and GR needed more mods then it's Longo and/or Dan's call who should be made mod.

The whole Office thing between Dan and I is an on-going joke because we both love the show. I'm not second in command, which is why it's funny because neither is Dwight. But anyway, the point is there are people on GR who would make great mods *cough*Rakon*cough but we've got 4 mods (including me) and 2 admins who visit this forum on a regular basis. For a forum with slow traffic it's all we need.
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