Greatest Videogame Level Ever

Frozen said:
But anyway, my favorite level has to be that apartment complex (at least I think it was an apartment complex) in Silent Hill 3. I hate it and love it at the same time because it creeps me the hell out. Aint no level in any game sent chills down my spine like that one. Actually the silent hill games are the only games that I have to play with the lights on. But that same reason is why I hesitate to buy any game in the series.
Sure you're not thinking about SH2 or SH4? The only apartment scene in SH3 is when Heather sees her father, and it's only like 10 minutes worth of FMVs.
He must be thinking of Silent Hill 2. And I would have to agree with that choice. Awesome level.
It probably was SH2... like I said, I don't play games much anymore to really remember specifics! All I know is that it was one of the most kickass moments in gaming... wherever it was.
I would have to say the dungeon levels/the final Bowser castle levels from the Super Mario Bros. for the NES

I love Mario :)
Crono Trigger: Magus's Castle
FF7: Shinra Tower
MGS2: Battle through Arsenal with Snake
DMC: Battle Mundis
Mega Man X3: Intro level
Mario: Very first level
Any of the Boss battles in Crash Bandicoot: Warped, or any of the levels where you run from giant boulders or bears or dinosaurs. The best is when you escape from a bear while riding a bear.
Longo_2_guns said:
Any of the Boss battles in Crash Bandicoot: Warped, or any of the levels where you run from giant boulders or bears or dinosaurs.
Oh yeah, those are truly fun.
Longo_2_guns said:
The best is when you escape from a bear while riding a bear.
Unbearable! - 3rd warp room - Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Also, I like Crash 2's Jetpack levels.

Oh, and you mustn't forget the prison complex level in Serious Sam 2, or the mission in Freelancer where you and a couple of AI wingmen (and women) have to take down an entire Rheinland offensive fleet.

Then again, I found a lot of levels in Serious Sam 2 fun, especially those ones with either a vehicle or a cannon.
grandmagoodtimes said:
kingg5 said:
hmmm i always like theD day levels in WW2 games always like them.

I have to agree. Storming the beaches of Normandy in COD2 was pretty epic. You can feel the intensity.
Storming the red square as a Russian soldier in COD was an amazing feeling. The music and the cries of your comrades made it a great level.

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