Greatest Videogame Level Ever

Omaha Beach from MoH:AA
The first Russian missions from CoD
THE BARRENS (kidding)
The first hour of Hellfire Peninsula in WoW
Gears of War - Act 3 (the Immulsion facility where it's all dark and spooky, then the underground mining area)

Meh, I don't play many games anyways.
The Sanctuary Fortress from MP:echoes and Phendrana Drifts from MP.

Spirit Temple from OofT

The last level in the Special Zone, Funky, where it tells you in coins that you are an awesome player.
it may not mean much, but the Naboo Plains in Star Wars: Battlefront. killing Gungans that look like Jar-Jar never gets old
Heterosapien said:
"We Don't Go to Ravenholm" Half Life 2

that is a pretty sweet level. and killing crap w/ the grave gun + saw blades..

God of War 2.. has some pretty sweet levels.

but bot are too recent to classify as greatest.

I think the level in FF7 with all the mini games is the best.
w. chocobo racing and sledding and fighting.

the Golden Something i forget the name.
mr_evil_guy said:
Gears of War - Act 3 (the Immulsion facility where it's all dark and spooky, then the underground mining area)

Is it me or did the train in the final act look like it was lifted directly from Unreal Tournament? I felt Epic were being lazy when I got there. :|
kmg0 said:
used44 said:
The Facility in Goldeneye 007.
That being the 2nd level if I remember correctly. That level was genre defining for me.

Getting the invinciblity code in that level was the most satisfying moment I have had in gaming. It was SO hard when I started and I thought it was impossible but then after many tries, I got it and I felt great.

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