Grand Theft Auto V to be revealed 11/2/11

Whatever the looks HUGE! Loving the mountains, whether you'll actually be able to play in them I dont know. But if you can, I reckon they'll be a lorry mission going up winding roads slowly with cops chasing you!

There's always one...."Steal a SWAT van.."........oh for fuck sake.
Well, since it's going to be L.A. area, I'm hoping they recreate places quite famous like they did in GTA IV. They modeled Time Square amazingly. I'm hoping we can see a comedic version of Hollywood's Walk of Fame.
The wide open spaces and the mountains and vineyards look really awesome. A big change from the previous games. I'm pumped!
Chinatown was focused on Triads (Chinese Yakuza essentially). and there were TONS of racial stereotypes in that game as well. The protagonist was chasing after a sword handed down by his father...
kingg5 said:
One racial stereo type they haven't had that you could play is an asian.

How so?
Isn't it more racist to say "We have to make people play as an asian, there's already been a black guy".

Just like Mass Effect.
When you are GOAL is racial diversity, in a sense that is racism. Reverse racism as some would call it, but I think that's a stupid term.
danielrbischoff said:
Chinatown was focused on Triads (Chinese Yakuza essentially). and there were TONS of racial stereotypes in that game as well. The protagonist was chasing after a sword handed down by his father...

Yup, San Andreas had three major US cities in one game: LA, San Francisco and Las Vegas. There is a china town in San Francisco (I forget what they named it) where you run missions for the Chinese.

San Andreas really set the bar high for GTA. Many argue GTA 4 is nowhere near as good despite the fact it was a next gen game. I'm glad Rockstar took a break from GTA and branched out into other games like Red Dead Revolver and LA Noire. But now that we're back in GTA territory, fans are expecting a lot.

Considering how San Andreas, a game from a previous generation, was able to fit three major cities into one game without any loading times while travelling to either one, I think it's disappointing to ONLY include one of those cities in this game. I'm sure Los Santos will be larger than everything in San Andreas but we've been there and done that. I probably shouldn't nitpick, because as long as the story is enjoyable and the missions are fun it will be a great game. But I'd just like to see something we haven't seen before in the GTA series.
GTA IV was too realistic and ....bland.

V looks to be an HD GTA III era game, madness included.
WickedLiquid said:
I'm glad Rockstar took a break from GTA and branched out into other games like Red Dead Revolver

You mean Red Dead Redemption?

How about a GTA game that isn't just a city or a state but an entire country? A game SO big that even if you were to drive from one end of the world map to the other it would take you over 24 hours in real time. The only way to travel great distances from one state to another would be by plane. I think a game that big would literally take years to achieve 100%.

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