GR Presents: Final Fantasy 7 Live Action Cast

Alright, my money is backing Cameron and Jackson at this point. Both make visually pleasing movies, can direct action and drama. Whedon is great. I love Whedon, but sometimes his emotional moments come off way too sappy/unrealistic.

Cameron made Titanic. That's where I'll put my money. (five times in theater)

TTTHHHAAATTTSSS right Ari. And if you don't like it you can take your HACK clients elsewhere because this movie is about the story. The actors will compliment the storyline and not their own ego.

Next up.
Our Protagonist,

Nominations Open (two actors per person).
For cloud...we need a semi-known or unknown actor methinks...

And since the game is Japanese....I say go Japanese on the actor.

I nominate Tadanobu Asano then, he was in Ichi the Killer, the remake of Zatoichi, and had a role in Thor as Hogun. He also played Ghengis Kahn.

If we are going white boy...honestly I can't think of anyone who can play Cloud well...but if I had to pick I would just go with Jay Baruchel, the kid from Tropic Thunder, Knocked up, and the lead in How to Train your Dragon. Plus he was in a movie called The Trotsky which was pretty good.
See, this is where it becomes stupid. Animation all the way.

But with that in mind - ...

Leonardo Di Caprio? He can act and do the whole "Who AM I?!" thing well I reckon. Albeit it's a little old now.

Fuck it - Michael Cera, make it a comedy.

OR go full throttle fuck it - Christopher Walken.
I also think we should have a lesser known actor in the Cloud role?
The BIG STARS should play more supporting roles.
Please submit pictures of the actors you have in mind (medium/small sized pictures). I'm going to research this a little bit but I don't have any one in the pipeline - I'm interest in who you think would work.

My first nomination
Zac Efron -

Haven't really seen much of what he has been in - this is purely based on look.
Since Cameron is directing, the actors will all be CGI.

And the actors mentioned so far are all too old. Gotta go with very young actors.
He was quoted on saying that the actors were just as integral in Avatar. So age shouldn't be AS important. Nonetheless, first person that came to mind was


Callin MacAuliffe, he played Sam in I Am Number Four.
Cameron? So Sephiroth will be a Saturday Morning Cartoon villian with no character depth at all? Meh, it fits.

I already got a jump start on Cloud. Andrew Garfield playas.
used44 said:
Cameron had zero involvement with Salvation.

It was the only one he approved of... And if he could approve of that piece of shitte then well. When's the last time Cameron was at the helm of something that felt like it could end well? Early nineties wasn't it. Not counting documentaries...

But oh well... moving on... Even though it is a japanese game cloud is WHITE... even has green eyes (mako)... The only asian in the group is Yuffie who we could go ahead and write out of it because she annoys me...

Tom Felton

Jackson Rathbone

If we are going to over look bad choices and shitty movies then both of them deserve another chance... While not unknown they both have been supporting characters in bad movies and they made the most of it...
Age definitely matters - ESPECIALLY when picking cloud - because his supporting cast will likely be in his age range. So depending on who sets the pace for the film's age group will likely determine who we pick to be his love interest and his enemy.

Personally - I like Jay Beruchel for that reason (kind of age ambiguous). But remember cloud is dealing with a LOT of issues - the lead should be able to pull off deep emotions especially Rage and Regret.
used44 said:
Tom Felton is kind of a neat choice.
I like Felton too. But I havent really seen him in anything else - so it would be going out on a limb for me to put him in there. Shia is too big of a name for this film.
Cloud options:
( I like what has been brought up so far)
Tom Felton

Jay Baruchel

Jackson Rathbone

Callin MacAuliffe

Tadanobu Asano

Alex Pettyfur

Andrew Garfield

Zac Efron

I would like to move get this chosen and pick Tifa by Tuesday Evening.

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