Getting F-I-T!


Because a few people posted in the resolutions topic about losing weight this year, and I'm interested in fitness in general, I am posting this topic.

What are your fitness routines, and what are some of your fitness goals?

So far this year I haven't really done anything fitness related. I've gone to the gym twice, once to try out my new jump rope I received for Christmas, and last night I attended a cycling class. But I'm not really in a hurry to get started again into any routines for another couple weeks because I'm making sure I let a strained hip flexor heal before beginning the routine I want.

Last year was the first year I undertook any serious fitness regimen. Sure, I had exercised before. I ran some now and then, rode my bike to work, did Wii Fit, lifted weights, but I never really had any goals or something to motivate me.

But then I decided I wanted to get stronger and run some races. I adopted a core set of lifting exercises, 3x a week, and ran 3-4x a week. Nearly everyday I worked out, running and lifting, so it's easy to see why I injured myself as I did going so hard, but I enjoyed it and I feel it was worth it. I loved the challenge of each new workout.

I built my lifts around squats, deadlifts, and bench and overhead presses, and supplemented them with pullups, pushups, and rows. My starting goal was to squat my bodyweight, increasing the weight on each lift 5lbs. every session. I did that. By the end of last year (I started this regimen around mid-March) I managed to achieve intermediate status on every lift, according to these ExRx Strength Standards. I was pumped (physically and mentally) with my progress. By the end of the year I could deadlift just over 300lbs. (by then my squat was out because of my hip).

I ran my runs around a 10k and half-marathon training schedule. Last July I ran my first race, a 10k, and finished just under an hour. Last September I ran my second race, a half-marathon, and finished in just over two hours. I know the times could be better, but I was ecstatic I was able to even run those races. I was running more than ever and by the end of the training a double-digit mile run felt really good, and this coming from someone who has "athletic asthma." I never could've imagined I could run so far for so long. I did that.

This year I have even greater, more specific goals.

I plan to resume squatting and, along with deadlifting, get the weight to 2x my bodyweight. My bench press sucks, and last year I didn't even break 200lbs. This year I plan to do just that. My overhead press? I hope to get above the 140lbs. I stalled at last year. I love the feeling of just being able to lift heavy stuff and shove it over your head.

As for running, I plan to run more races, perhaps just 5 and 10ks, and focus on getting better times. A marathon? Maybe toward the end of the year.

I'm excited for summer, too, because I plan to exercise more outside and use more of nature as a gym. I also want to vary my workouts more, maybe do more cycling or yoga or shadow boxing.

Really, I never thought working out so much would be as fun as I've found it to be. I think having specific goals and being dedicated to them helps a lot, so after having so much fun just beginning last year, I'm really excited for this year.
The original or Plus? I got Plus for Christmas, and although I've only used it a couple times, I like it. The new activities are pretty fun. I mean, who doesn't want to use their balance board to ride a virtual Segway?
Wow, you must be pretty fit!

I just go on a run every Saturday morning until I can no longer breathe (so usually about half a mile :p).

And on about 3 nights a week I do anaerobic stuff, like press-ups and sit-ups etc. I dont have a specific time or amount to these exercises, I just go until it hurts too much or, again, until I can no longer respire!
i try to stay fit by staying active. I prefer to play tennis, some jogging, and swimming in the summer. In the winter i play on basketball and volleyball leagues. I find lifting and other regimented fitness routines really boring and never have any ambition to stick to them.
Bretimus_v2 said:
What? Wii Fit actually works? I thought it was just lies.

anything works as long as you're burning more calories than you're consuming for the day... it's really quite simple

right now...

about 2200 calories a day (cutting) , 40/40/20 split, 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fats

monday - chest

4x10 Incline Dumbell Press
4x10 Flat Dumbell Press
4x10 Incline Dumbell Fly's

25 minutes HIIT

tuesday - back

4x10 Close Grip T-Bar rows
4x10 Wide Grip Rows
4x10 Close Grip Pulldowns

30 minutes medium intensity on the cross trainer

wednesday - no lifts

45 minutes moderate/high intensity on cross trainer

thursday - legs

4x10 squats
4x10 leg extensions
4x10 leg curls
4x10 calve raises

30 min low intensity

friday - shoulders

5x10 DB military press
5x10 lateral raises
2x10 front raises

forgot a couple sets of shrugs for traps.. traps tend to grow like weeds, so i don't need to work them that often or hard

25 minutes HIIT..

on my third week of this routine, i change it entirely every 5th week..

i'll be doing a 5x5, 2 on 2 off after this one.

recently started cutting and am down 11 lbs in 3 weeks... 5 lbs probably being water weight

edit: as for my goals.. 9% BF @ 190 Lbs for this long as the weights are increasing by a rep or 5 lbs every time i step in the gym i'm happy, i have no weight goals for lifts.. just body goals.
Richard Simmons?

All I know is I was feelin' pretty damn good going swimming every day last year; an hour of monotonous back-and-forth every morning but I felt great, and could lift nearly twice as much as I can now :oops:
keepithowitis said:
Richard Simmons?

All I know is I was feelin' pretty damn good going swimming every day last year; an hour of monotonous back-and-forth every morning but I felt great, and could lift nearly twice as much as I can now :oops:

noooothing beats swimming
Shaft said:
i try to stay fit by staying active. I prefer to play tennis, some jogging, and swimming in the summer. In the winter i play on basketball and volleyball leagues. I find lifting and other regimented fitness routines really boring and never have any ambition to stick to them.

I want to involve more play in my activities this year, whether basketball, frisbee, swimming (which I suck at), etc. I'm particularly excited to do that stuff outside this year because I'm planning to get some Vibram Five Fingers.

intoTheRain - thanks for the breakdown! I knew you were a pretty accomplished lifter, so I was hoping you would.

Also, Bretimus, Heath Bell (SD Padres' closer) lost 25lbs. on Wii Fit! Just imagine if Nintendo did "I Lost X Pounds with Wii Fit!" commercials. I like Wii Fit more as a supplement to my other workouts with its yoga and balance activities, things I don't focus on as much as others.
Ted_Wolff said:
The original or Plus? I got Plus for Christmas, and although I've only used it a couple times, I like it. The new activities are pretty fun. I mean, who doesn't want to use their balance board to ride a virtual Segway?

Plus dog. I be rollin' on that segway (Also, the driving range is awesome).

But seriously, it is a great way to log your progress. I run with Abby and the dog and play pickup basketball, but tracking my weight and BMI on the wii fit every day is a good way to keep it in the front of my mind. Plus it chastises you if you miss a day or gain LOL. It is pretty fantastic imo.
I go to the gym twice a week.

Although I've only gone once in the last few weeks.

I'll get back into it eventually.
Yeah, I always feel bad when the Wii board (WiiBo) tells me I missed a day :(

And yeah, I think the driving range game is really cool.
intoTheRain said:
keepithowitis said:
Richard Simmons?

All I know is I was feelin' pretty damn good going swimming every day last year; an hour of monotonous back-and-forth every morning but I felt great, and could lift nearly twice as much as I can now :oops:

noooothing beats swimming

I work out with 1 of my friends at home sometimes.

My usual routine;
Work all day - means throwing around 9-10kg every couple of minutes, lifting transmissions (30kg ish) and various other things in between office work.

Caesar Salad and Monster energy at lunch :)P)

Office work for the afternoon unless it gets hektik busy, at which point i resume tyre fitting.

Get home, take dogs for 1km walk. Take husky back out for 500m run after a little break.
2 hour break
15 push ups, 15 sit ups
25 dumb-bell (9.5kg), 7 straight arm lifts.

That's my basic. I'm slacking off at the moment (less dumb bells, less tyre fitting..etc) because i'm still out of shape.
The activity that I did the past two summers averages about 12000 calories burned a day. But it screwed up my knee pretty bad so I haven't been able to do as much since then as I would like.

Here's a video of a typical drum corps rehearsal....
Just imagine that for 7 - 12 hours a day

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