My friends think I should write a health book


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Hey guys.

I know I crap on a lot about health and fitness and I'm sure I'm probably really annoying to people about it. A few mates of mine have come to me asking me for advice on health, fitness etc. I try to offer advice, but at the end of the day it's up to them to try and take action.

A few of said friends have suggested I should try and write a book (an eBook or something) about my experiences, my own findings and what I've learned from other people. I like doing creative things like that, so the idea is interesting, but in saying that... I'm an enthusiast, not a professional. I do not have any formal qualifications to health, sports science etc. and I'm certainly not into "bro science".

What do you guys think? Would it be interesting to read something like that, especially if it's themed around being a gamer? I like the idea of trying to write a health/fitness piece, to try and base it all around honesty and experience.
If you can write enough about it to fill a book, I'd say give it a try. Just start it and see where it goes.
Yeah, I don't really know how long such a book should be, and I'm unsure if I have the experience or knowledge to fill one out, so to speak, especially if I want to base it all on honesty and experience. I don't want to throw bullshit in there for the sake of it, e.g. exercises I don't believe in but others do, or nutrition that I don't believe in but others do etc.
If you are going to do it, it is going to be YOUR book. You should only put in the stuff that YOU believe works.Tell about your experiences, what worked for you and what didn't and if you must mention something you don't believe works, explain why you feel that way.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the input. I've written down some notes about it, but nothing totally worth while, I suppose.

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