Game of the Year Nominations

I've gotta give mad hot props to Bioshock. That was the only mega-hyped game that easily exceeded my expectations this year (although CoD:4 is a very close second). As far as handhelds go... I'm gonna go with Silent Hill: 0rigins, simply because I'm such an uncontrollable nut for anything that has to do with the creepy lakeside town. (And because it was the only handheld game I played this year :?)
Longo_2_guns said:
JCD said:
COD4 multiplayer is brilliant, but Halo 3 multiplayer is brillianter.
And buggier. I can't believe how often I yelled, "what! That's Bullshit!" while playing online.
Oh please, do you think it could have had anything to do with your .5 kb/s conection?
I have not played COD 4 yet, so I won't comment, but by all accounts, it will be a contender.

I still say that it's Bioshock or Galaxy though, it's a toss up between the two.

Of course if this were something that was dumb like the Video Game Awards, Halo 3 would win...which it does NOT deserve...
but what about Brawl?
if it lives up to the hype, then it'll be one hell of a contender for the best Wii game
HK-47 said:
but what about Brawl?
if it lives up to the hype, then it'll be one hell of a contender for the best Wii game
It has the potential to win best game over all.
Boringman54 said:
JCD said:
HK-47 said:
but what about Brawl?
if it lives up to the hype, then it'll be one hell of a contender for the best Wii game
It has the potential to win best game over all.
It could, but for 2008. It's not coming out this year as everyone should know by now.

Not every one spends all day reading "nintendo power" and praying to there god Miyamoto

that should keep you occupied for an hour or so
crazycracker22 said:
Boringman54 said:
JCD said:
HK-47 said:
but what about Brawl?
if it lives up to the hype, then it'll be one hell of a contender for the best Wii game
It has the potential to win best game over all.
It could, but for 2008. It's not coming out this year as everyone should know by now.

Not every one spends all day reading "nintendo power" and praying to there god Miyamoto

But they should!
JCD said:
Longo_2_guns said:
JCD said:
COD4 multiplayer is brilliant, but Halo 3 multiplayer is brillianter.
And buggier. I can't believe how often I yelled, "what! That's Bullshit!" while playing online.
Oh please, do you think it could have had anything to do with your .5 kb/s conection?
Usually I'd agree with you, but there is one problem with that. I played mostly at my cousins house with supa-fast intranet or on splitscreen.
For me it would have to be Bioshock. I've yet to play Galaxy, but I'm sure it's a cert for Wii GOTY.

Nothing else really stands out for me as a game that really deserves merit.

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