Did you think the year 2007 is the best video games years?

The best year in my opinion would have to be 2004. Almost EVERY game that was considered great before this year, had a sequel, and almost all of them turned out to be better this time around. Like this :
Halo, Metal Gear Solid 2 ( And 1 ), Half-Life, GTA3 ( And Vice City ), Metroid Prime, Warcraft 3,
Halo 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Half-Life 2, GTA: San Andreas, Metroid Prime 2, World of Warcraft, Burnout 3 ( C'mon! I know earlier editions might not have been 'great' (Even though I did enjoy Burnout 2) ( Too many inside curves lol), but I can't make a 2004 list without including Burnout 3 on it! Can't you go to jail for that? )
Oh, and these games aren't listed from 'most' favorite to 'least'. These are just the main ones that stuck out in my mind. ( So yeah, they're ALL favorites! :P )
I can't remember another year that had sequel after sequel, each one being better than last time.
When I think of great years in video game history, I think of...1998 and 2004, 2001 would get a mention as well. All those years had...waves of some spectacular stuff.

Honestly, I think 2007 was just another year in gaming...at least from what I can see so far. Indeed, if the lists in the first couple of posts in this topic are all 2007 can mount, I don't think it's even close. Beyond Bioshock, which 2007 games have a shot at entering into the debate for the greatest games of all time? Portal is a fun trip, but it's just a short experiment to tempt people to buy the Orange Box. Perhaps next year a Half-Life/Portal fusion will blow our minds, but Portal on it's own...nah. Half Life 2 Episode 1/2 is pretty great, but it's just a continuation...basically an expansion pack.

I honestly don't feel 2007. :/

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