Game of the Year - 2017


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I don't think it's too early to throw this thread out here, I actually think it's come to that time again. Let's talk about the Game of the Year for 2017!

Like last year, you can categorize each of your favourite games, e.g. best first person shooter, best sports, best fighting etc. If you haven't played a particular genre, don't worry about it!

Your list is subject to change by your own account, of course, as there are still a few games coming out this December for the holiday season.

1. Best first person shooter -

2. Best multiplayer -

3. Best action/adventure -

4. Best platformer -

5. Best fighting -

6. Best racing/driving -

7. Best RPG -

8. 12. Best VR -

9. Best graphics -

10. Best soundtrack -

11. Best story/narrative -

12. Best performance (voice acting) -

13. Best DLC -

14. Best Handheld -

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 -

16. WORST GAME OF 2016 -

17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) -
This list is based off games I've played and finished this year. Games that I've really enjoyed, or otherwise. Either way, they've had an impact on me in 2017.

Still working on it!

1. Best first person shooter - Destiny 2 (PS4) - Solid first person shooter, didn't really experience any bugs or flaws. A bit repetitive, though.

2. Best multiplayer -
Destiny 2 (PS4), followed by Lovers (Nintendo Switch) - Destiny 2 is a lot of fun to play with online with mates, while Lovers is a great couch co-op game.

3. Best action/adventure -
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - Almost my Game of the Year, a great story, huge environment and challenging game play.

4. Best platformer - Super Mario: Odyssey (Nintendo Switch) - I had way too much fun with this game. My main gripe with this one was that compared to previous Mario games, it felt short.

5. Best fighting - Injustice 2 (PS4) - The only fighting game I played this year, and I liked it for the most part.

6. Best racing/driving - Didn't play any racing/driving games this year.

7. Best RPG - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Switch), followed closely by Nier: Automata and then Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch) - Some people might argue that the Legend of Zelda doesn't quite count as an "RPG", but I disagree.

8. Best VR - Once again, I didn't get to play any VR games this year.

9. Best graphics - Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4), followed closely by Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - As always, Naughty Dog absolutely nails it.

10. Best soundtrack - Nier: Automata (PS4), followed by Super Mario: Odyssey (Nintendo Switch) - Nier: Automata has an amazingly beautiful soundtrack, has a real Ghost in the Shell or/and classic anime vibe.

11. Best story/narrative - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Honestly, I preferred the very simple approach that the game took.

12. Best performance (voice acting) - Tough tie between Claudia Black (Chloe Frazier, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy) and Ashly Burch (Aloy, Horizon Zero Dawn).

13. Best DLC - Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds (PS4) - I loved this DLC piece, this is DLC done right.

14. Best Handheld - Metroid: Samus Returns (3Ds) - I'm embarrassed to admit but it's the only hand held game I've played this year, and I loved it.

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2017 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Switch), followed closely by Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - Breath of the Wild is hands down, my favourite game of 2017.

16. WORST GAME OF 2017 - Mass Effect: Andromeda - As a hardcore Mass Effect fan... this was a stab to the heart. Thank you, EA, for destroying one of my favourite gaming franchises... oh wait, one more from EA.

17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) - Star Wars: Battlefront II - It's been said already but while this game had the potential to be great, it's loot box and progression system completely destroyed it. This is what happens when companies think more about money than actually making a good game.
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I'm not 100% certain, but I think the only game I purchased this year was Injustice 2 (not counting Persona 5 and Uncharted Lost Legacy which I ordered on Black Friday and I have not had the opportunity to play). Anything else I've played was from a previous year, like the Deadpool game and InFamous First Light, both of which I finished at least the story, or Dishonored 2, which I still haven't finished and I received it for Christmas last year. I'm hoping to finish it before Christmas this year!

So I guess Injustice 2 wins every category for me by default!
Yeah, I haven't played a single new game this year either.
Shit, I am just now getting around to Shadow of Mordor and Wolfenstein: The New Order. That's how far behind I am.
1. Best first person shooter - Destiny 2 (but it's the one of the two 2017 FPSes I have played the other being Battlefront 2)

2. Best multiplayer - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood expansion

3. Best action/adventure - Nier: Automata

4. Best platformer - None played

5. Best fighting - I'd put Street Fighter V here since it's always updated but I'd have to go with Tekken 7

6. Best racing/driving - None played (of this year's releases)

7. Best RPG - West of Loathing

8. 12. Best VR - Non

9. Best graphics - Battlefront 2

10. Best soundtrack - Nier: Automata

11. Best story/narrative - Nier: Automata

12. Best performance (voice acting) - Hellblade

13. Best DLC - Does FFXIV: Stormblood count as DLC?

14. Best Handheld - Non

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 - You meant meant 2017, right? The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild* - I wouldn't say it's the best in any single category (maybe with the expection of Open World games) but as an overall product nothing can beat it in terms of wholeness.

*I played this on Wii U I borrowed from a relative, I usually stick to PC only.

16. WORST GAME OF 2016 - Agents of Mayhem - I don't see what's the point of making a multiplayer game without any multiplayer. WTF.

17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) - Battlefront 2 - It is a lot of fun. It can be a lot of fun. You can have a lot of fun. But the lootbox gimped progression system kills the joy after couple of matches when I suddenly start to feel the need to do something more progressive with my time.
1. Best first person shooter -Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

2. Best multiplayer - Destiny 2

3. Best action/adventure - Yakuza 0

4. Best platformer - Crash Bandicoot: The N. Sane Trilogy

5. Best fighting - N/A

6. Best racing/driving - N/A

7. Best RPG - Horizon: Zero Dawn

8. 12. Best VR - N/A

9. Best graphics - Horizon: Zero Dawn

10. Best soundtrack - Yakuza 0

11. Best story/narrative - Horizon: Zero Dawn

12. Best performance (voice acting) - Yakuza 0

13. Best DLC - XCOM 2: War of the Chosen

14. Best Handheld - N/A

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2017 - Yakuza 0

16. WORST GAME OF 2017 - N/A

17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) - N/A
1. Best first person shooter - N/A

2. Best multiplayer - N/A

3. Best action/adventure - Prey

4. Best platformer - Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy

5. Best fighting - N/A

6. Best racing/driving - N/A

7. Best RPG - Nier: Automata

8. 12. Best VR - N/A

9. Best graphics - Assassin's Creed: Origins

10. Best soundtrack - Nier: Automata (the battle music especially!)

11. Best story/narrative - Nier: Automata (more for the multiple ending routes, and the intrigue it creates throughout)

12. Best performance (voice acting) - Assassin's Creed: Origins

13. Best DLC - Haha! Good one ;)

14. Best Handheld - N/A

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2017 - Nier: Automata (less GOTY, more surprisingly good and the best I played this year)

16. WORST GAME OF 2017 - Can't really say as I've only played like 4 new games this year and they were all mediocre at minimum!

17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) - Assassin's Creed: Origins
- the game wasn't bad. But as with all recent AC games, the story needs bumping up. There was absolutely no point in some narratives.
- It gets really boring, really fast. The world map is almost TOO big. (A trophy to complete all location objectives is going to kill me!)

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