Game of the Year - 2016


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Is it too early to discuss this, or is the time just right?

There's a few games which are coming up very soon, such as Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian. They might change on people's lists, which is fine! But how about we start thinking about what our favourite games this year might be? I reckon we should try and finalize our lists by late December.

Let's categorize them into the following, if you've played these genres. If you haven't played any of the particular genre or can't think of a suitable answer, don't worry about it. Copy and paste the list below and throw down your entries.

1. Best first person shooter -

2. Best multiplayer -

3. Best action/adventure -

4. Best platformer -

5. Best fighting -

6. Best racing/driving -

7. Best RPG -

8. 12. Best VR -

9. Best graphics -

10. Best soundtrack -

11. Best story/narrative -

12. Best performance (voice acting) -

13. Best DLC -

14. Best Handheld -

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 -

16. WORST GAME OF 2016 -

17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) -
This list is based off games I've played and finished this year. Games that I've really enjoyed, or otherwise. Either way, they've had an impact on me in 2016.

This list may be subject to change before the deadline.

1. Best first person shooter - Overwatch.

2. Best multiplayer - Overwatch.

3. Best action/adventure - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

4. Best platformer - Salt & Sanctuary.

5. Best fighting - Nil, I didn't play any fighting games this year.

6. Best racing/driving - Nil, didn't play any racing/driving games this year.

7. Best RPG - Dark Souls III, followed by Final Fantasy XV.

8. 12. Best VR - Sadly, I didn't get to play any VR games this year, so nil.

9. Best graphics - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

10. Best soundtrack - Final Fantasy XV, followed by Dark Souls III.

11. Best story/narrative - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, followed closely by Life Is Strange.

12. Best performance (voice acting) - Nolan North as Nathan Drake in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

13. Best DLC - The Witcher III: Wild Hunt's Blood and Wine, followed closely by Dying Light: The Following.

14. Best Handheld - Didn't play any hand held games this year (seriously), so nil.

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

16. WORST GAME OF 2016 - No Man's Sky.

17. Most disappointing - No Man's Sky, followed closely by Mirror's Edge: Catalyst and Dex.
1. Best first person shooter - xxx

2. Best multiplayer - TBC

3. Best action/adventure - TBC

4. Best platformer - Inside:
Limbo but with a bit of colour, but with sadly a bit less challenge also.
It got really fucking weird at the end too!

5. Best fighting - Furi:
Absolutely loved this game. Nothing but pure boss fight after boss fight,
which is why I've place dit in this category. Trial and error in order to
learn your foes' moves. Some hate it, some love it - I'm the latter!

6. Best racing/driving - xxx

7. Best RPG - Final Fantasy XV at the moment.

8. Best VR - I've only played Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes...but
that was released 2015 so I dont know haha!

9. Best graphics - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided:
Really nice to look at, even put me off during action sequences...
that's my excuse when I die anyway ;)

10. Best soundtrack - Final Fantasy XV - easily. So good!

11. Best story/narrative - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided:
Great story, love the whole secret political stuff sometimes,
and Deus Ex tells it really well. It did fall shy in a few occasions,
but I'll still give it this title.

12. Best performance (voice acting) - Firewatch:
Yeah, even though it has a dissapointing ending, the voice acting in this
is sublime, I get so hooked to the characters and the voice acting is
certainly a large contributor.

13. Best DLC - xxx

14. Best Handheld - xxx


16. WORST GAME OF 2016 - TBC

17. Most disappointing - TBC
I think the only new games I played this year were Stellaris, XCOM 2, and Overwatch. So I dunno how I'll fill this out.
1. Best first person shooter - Overwatch

2. Best multiplayer - Overwatch

3. Best action/adventure - Dark Souls 3

4. Best platformer - Slain: Back from Hell

5. Best fighting - Dark Souls 3 PVP

6. Best racing/driving - Formula 1 2016

7. Best RPG - 7 Days to Die

8. Best VR - n/a

9. Best graphics - Uncharted 4

10. Best soundtrack - Star Fox Zero

11. Best story/narrative - Batman: The Telltale Series

12. Best performance (voice acting) - the cast of The Deadly Tower of Monsters

13. Best DLC - Star Wars Battlefront Death Star (Haven't started Blood and Wine.)

14. Best Handheld - n/a

15. Best Indie Title: The Deadly Tower of Monsters

16. Best Puzzler: Nightmares of the Deep

17. Best Strategy: tied between Darkest Dungeon and Tharsis

17. Most disappointing - No Man's Sky

19. Most surprising: Overwatch

20. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 - Uncharted 4

21. WORST GAME OF 2016 - Tom Clancy's: The Division
I will fill this out eventually.

1. Best first person shooter - Overwatch

2. Best multiplayer - Overcooked. Nothing like couch co-op to get you screaming at friends and loved ones.

3. Best action/adventure - Uncharted 4

4. Best platformer -

5. Best fighting - EA UFC 2

6. Best racing/driving -

7. Best RPG -

8. 12. Best VR -

9. Best graphics - Firwatch had some beautiful scenery

10. Best soundtrack -

11. Best story/narrative - deus ex

12. Best performance (voice acting) - Firewatch. This was the charming duo game of the year for me.

13. Best DLC - All the Fallout 4 things

14. Best Handheld -

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 - Overwatch

16. WORST GAME OF 2016 - No Mans Sky

17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) - Battleborn
1. Best first person shooter - Doom

2. Best multiplayer - Overwatch

3. Best action/adventure - Overwatch

4. Best platformer - Mirrors Edge: Catalyst

5. Best fighting - Blazblue: Central Fiction

6. Best racing/driving - Forza Horizon 3

7. Best RPG - Pokemon Sun and Moon

8. 12. Best VR - N/A

9. Best graphics - Uncharted 4: Thiefs End

10. Best soundtrack - No Man's Sky

11. Best story/narrative - No Man's Sky

12. Best performance (voice acting) - Troy Baker (Batman: Telltale Games)

13. Best DLC - Foundation Update: No Man's Sky

14. Best Handheld - Pokemon Sun and Moon

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 - Pokemon Sun and Moon

16. WORST GAME OF 2016 - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) - Overwatch
Im going to limit this just to games I played instead of projecting or predicting based on reviews and videos. I have a bunch of GOTY contender games installed and waiting on my consoles and I just haven't had the time to play them or I've been waiting for the right moment and now the year is over and I haven't played them! Oops! It also turns out that this year I've mostly played a lot of games that came out pre-2016, so this may be especially difficult to fill out.

1. Best first person shooter - Titanfall 2

2. Best multiplayer - Overcooked

3. Best action/adventure - Overcooked

4. Best platformer -

5. Best fighting - none

6. Best racing/driving - Forza Horizon 3

7. Best RPG -

8. Best VR - none

9. Best graphics - Forza Horizon 3

10. Best soundtrack - Forza Horizon 3

11. Best story/narrative - Batman: The Telltale Series

12. Best performance (voice acting) - the ridiculous cast of Gears of War 4

13. Best DLC - Animal Crossing New Leaf: Welcome Amiibo

14. Best Handheld - SteamWorld Heist

15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 - Titanfall 2

16. WORST GAME OF 2016 -

17. Most disappointing - Fire Emblem Fates
1. Best first person shooter - Doom

2. Best multiplayer - Overwatch

3. Best action/adventure - Uncharted 4

4. Best platformer - Unravel

5. Best fighting - Street Fighter V

6. Best racing/driving - DIRT Rally

7. Best RPG -

8. 12. Best VR -

9. Best graphics - Starwars BF, Uncharted 4

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