Ah shit, that sucks used. Sorry to hear about that.
I keep heaps of old game boxes. I still have my Perfect Dark + RAM pack special box, but I don't really keep console boxes.
[Edit] This is going to sound super lame but, I dunno there's something almost "magical" about having old game boxes from when you were a kid... I've still got heaps of old N64 game boxes, like Perfect Dark (as said above), The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
It sounds silly but Majora's Mask holds a special place in my heart for still having the box. It's because it was the first N64 game my parents bought me (for my 13th birthday) and it was the first N64 game we had that was "mine". We had N64 games before that sure (our first was Super Mario 64) but they were all shared, joint presents and such.