Dead games/series that most deserve a sequel

Starfox. The crappy game for GC doesn't count. I'm talking about another Starfox 64 game, new worlds, new story, same game-play, same barrel rolls.
I'm gonna go with Gladius on the original Xbox.

I absolutely loved that game, and I am still waiting to see what happens after that cliffhanger ending.

If you ever see it in a bargain bin consider picking it up. It was a turn based rpg of sorts. Some compare it to Final Fantasy Tactics.

(They set it up for a sequel but due to poor sales cancelled it...which I think is retarded)
Claw for PC, Cat Pirates with treasure and brutal platforming.

Hell if I'm ever gonna finish it but Panzer Tactics; takes all the cute out of TBS and shoves in dry, dull, tactics. A man's war-game where it kicks your unthinking, uncalculating ass.
WickedLiquid said:
Starfox. The crappy game for GC doesn't count. I'm talking about another Starfox 64 game, new worlds, new story, same game-play, same barrel rolls.
InB4 Daniel talking endlessly about Starfox 64.
Brute Force
Blinx: The Time Sweeper
(the shitty sequel does not count. at all.)
Jet Force Gemini
Jet Set Radio Future
MechAssault <3
Dark Watch
..........Ultimate Spider-man.

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