Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

Battlefield 3
I swear to god, the next person who says shenanigans, I'll pistol whip the shit out of him.
spartan317 said:
This is unfair these two shouldn't be put up against one another... Its like asking if you like Coffee or Tea... Kool Aid or Soda... They are different things...

Modern Warfare 3... BUT I CALL SHENANIGANS


sorry but i gotta disagree. we're talkin bout a FPS with a heavy online experience. MW3 and BF3 are essentially the same game (note: both games are largely bought for the online gameplay, not the campaign. in which case MW3 is superior), differences however come to surface in the online multiplayer experience.

name me a FPS modern warfare game that came out this year which could contend.
Who plays Battlefield 3 for Team Death Match?

What objective type on MW3 isn't just a prolonged Death match?

Yes they are FPS. So is Halo and Crysis and Left 4 Dead and Doom... The only differences are the focus of the game.

Modern Warfare was about a story and then de-evolved into team deathmatch for all.

Battlefield, in my opinion, hasn't been about killing the other team more. It has been about working as a team to accomplish a goal. People die in the process but how many times have you watched a CoD dick run into battle alone and guns blazing just to see him respawn right next to you mere seconds later. Those people don't survive long in Battlefield do they, why?

Because they are not the same game... just similiar

Should've put battlefield up against bastion and arkham city against assassin's creed...
Make these bitches fight
Longo_2_guns said:
Were these brackets randomly put together? This seems like faaar too much of a coincidence. Also, you don't need to wait two days to start the next one. Usually it only needs one day. Especially with an ad on the main page.
The brackets were organized to make for interesting matches from start to finish, so no, this wasn't random. I also put these two together in the first round just so we could get past it. Obviously I don't think either will eventually win game of the year, but part of the method is keeping people interested.

And we're doing two days BECAUSE of the "ad" on the front page. Not everyone checks GR every day.
danielrbischoff said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Were these brackets randomly put together? This seems like faaar too much of a coincidence. Also, you don't need to wait two days to start the next one. Usually it only needs one day. Especially with an ad on the main page.
The brackets were organized to make for interesting matches from start to finish, so no, this wasn't random. I also put these two together in the first round just so we could get past it. Obviously I don't think either will eventually win game of the year, but part of the method is keeping people interested.

And we're doing two days BECAUSE of the "ad" on the front page. Not everyone checks GR every day.

Noo...I was hoping my patented method of names out of a hat was used.

Ah well, do what you think is right Daniel. Well have fun with it...sort of...
Is there enough time for one matchup every two days? Will this be completed by the end of the month?
used44 said:
Is there enough time for one matchup every two days? Will this be completed by the end of the month?
Dammit used. Why do you also have to be a voice of reason and logic?! Why can't you just post endlessly witty one-liners?!
MW3, because I just hated BF3 so much. I enjoyed the multiplayer for a little while but its a FPS, and shooting anyone was almost useless. Me, "Well that's a kill!" Opponent, "Nope, still alive." How come you can spam guns with almost no recoil but short bursts recoil like a mofo.
danielrbischoff said:
used44 said:
Is there enough time for one matchup every two days? Will this be completed by the end of the month?
Dammit used. Why do you also have to be a voice of reason and logic?! Why can't you just post endlessly witty one-liners?!

Hey it's not like GR is known for doing things in a timely and concise manner. Who cares if their best of 2011 game gets revealed in March... '13.
danielrbischoff said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Were these brackets randomly put together? This seems like faaar too much of a coincidence. Also, you don't need to wait two days to start the next one. Usually it only needs one day. Especially with an ad on the main page.
The brackets were that Skyrim inevitably wins

Fixed that for you :D

No, I seriously doubt that either of these will actually win. Clone deathmatches seldom produce more than a draw.[/b]

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