Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

Fo reals.

Were these brackets randomly put together? This seems like faaar too much of a coincidence.

Also, you don't need to wait two days to start the next one. Usually it only needs one day. Especially with an ad on the main page.
LawnGnome said:
No one cares if you abstain or like neither game. Just don't post anything.
I care...

In a contest over the best game, it's important to hear what people think.
This is unfair these two shouldn't be put up against one another... Its like asking if you like Coffee or Tea... Kool Aid or Soda... They are different things...

Modern Warfare 3... BUT I CALL SHENANIGANS

Battlefield 3 hands down, the demo was brutal, and made me stop playing Black Ops until hmmm forever.

Mostly because I just rented MW3 and it honestly feel like it's just a slightly upgraded black ops, which is a slightly upgraded MW2...etc etc. Glad I skipped MW3 cuz I wasted $60 on black ops which should have been a DLC.

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