

Let's talk international food. ... NYnsjScXXw

I would try almost everything in that video. I had a bacon insider from Jack in the Box a while ago, but it turned out to be undercooked bacon in a plain-jane beef patty.

My mom and I like to go to whatever local world market we can find, and look at all the ridiculous stuff they have, like spotted dick in a can. MattAY, do you like spotted dick? I must know.
Green_Lantern said:
The original Vsauce is better.

No one cares, thats not what this topic is about. Yes Michael is the best, but the others are great too.

Now back to food, I love food.
intoTheRain said:
Green_Lantern said:
The original Vsauce is better.

No one cares, thats not what this topic is about. Yes Michael is the best, but the others are great too.

But the video wasn't even interesting - rather boring - even though various foods of the world is a pretty interesting topic....
Food. Yes, this is a topic I could indulge myself in, yes...

When ever I watch that show "Man versus Food" or whatever it is, I get so Goddamn hungry. Every gigantic meal he eats looks amazing and makes me wish I was in his position of devouring the dish.

When I went to America at the end of 2012 for a holiday, man we ate so much awesome food... at Disneyland in California, they had this wicked restaurant where it was like a buffet but they bring the food to you, until you told them to stop. The food consisted of BBQ ribs, chicken and sausage.

Living with someone who grew up in another country really highlights the huge difference in the types of diets people in other parts of the world have. You become introduced and invited to try many different kinds of exotic foods. And by exotic, I mean nasty, nasty stuff that I refused to even consider trying.

We'll start off with probably the most infamous of the bunch...


This is just your basic every day egg, except for the little extra addition of a chicken or duck fetus inside. Hearing one being crunched into is somethin else.

Next we have, Blood Pudding

This is a mixture of animal meat and blood that barely even looks edible, but I'm told it's great. I said I would take their word for it.

Then there are the little parts of the animals that they don't let go to waste that I would never think to make a meal out of.

Grilled chicken feet

Pig (I mean, the whole pig)

The snout, ears, cheeks are some of the favorite parts

Then some of the garnish type products are out there too.


This is a "shrimp paste" that smells like if you took an aquarium full of dead fish and left it out in the hot sun for a week. If it's being folded into something being cooked on the stove, amplify that by x10.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
There's an Argentinian stew that's basically just the reject animal parts you would never want to eat all thrown into a broth.

I'd eat my hat first.
Yeah... I'll take PB & J sammich... Hold the blood.

As for Ting's video some of that looks cool, some gross, and some a heart attack waiting to happen.
Yeah... those "exotic foods", no thank you.

I'm going to Japan at the end of the year with some friends, so I'm looking forward to trying out some food there!
Spotted dick is lush! Especially with custard....wait -

I'm sort-of-am-but-not looking forward to visiting China. They have lots of shit I've never tried - including Scorpion.
Mmmm, scorpion makes your lips numb. So good.

The only hard part for me in China was the spicy food. I'm not good with spicy food.
Yeah, I eat spicy food here and love it. But something tells me Chinese spicy will be on a whole different level.
Most things in that video sound great. I'd eat most of them.

C_nate said:
Blood Pudding
Grilled chicken feet
I eat blood pudding a couple times a month and it's delicious. I really don't understand Americans' (assuming you're American) disgust of blood pudding. Unless you eat your steak cooked through like a chump, you've eaten blood. Why would blood pudding sound so disgusting? (Oh and I should add it looks nothing like that picture. It's more like a sausage when cooked.)

Chicken feet aren't bad, but they're a pain to eat. There's like 1 mm of meat on the bone and you have to get around the toes with your mouth.
Kakulukia said:
Unless you eat your steak cooked through like a chump, you've eaten blood.

Uh, no. The red juice in red meats is the myoglobin protein. Nice try, vampire.

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