Bad Games You wish were good

Killer 7. Man, I was looking forward to that game forever, but it was just too pretencious for my liking. Battalion Wars and Otogi 2 are close seconds.

And btw, I thought Indigo Prophocy rocked.
For what its worth, Indigo Prophecy had a good storyline until we got to the final chapters. The cinematics were also fun to watch, but less fun to do. So for me it was ok, a C game at the very least
Star Wars Galaxies, it makes a poor single player which is how it is played now a lot of people have left and are yet to be replaced.

Ohh and Fable could have been a lot better than it was.
^Didn't you play World of Warcraft of SWG for a long time?

FFXI-it was a decent MMORPG, but not amazing
Halo 2-Actually, I just wish they left Halo 1 alone.
X-Men Legends-fun, but nothing amazing. I wanted an amazing X-men game
Kingdom Hearts-I tried so hard to like it, but I just hated it and I wish it was better.
Test Drive- for ps2 fell in love with them for psx but this one was a let down

Tekken4- I hate Marduk and Combot but the game just didnt do anything for me like the previous ones

Enter the Matrix-potentially could've been great but in reality wasnt up to par

Halo2- wasnt bad but I never got a speeding ticket to get home to play it. Multiplayer was fun but depending on the trash talkin factor and that plasma blade.

Delta Force Black Hawk Down-damn near every gun on there is a magic sniper rifle Im taking in headshots from a good 300m from sidearms.

Final Fantasy 10-2- I enjoyed it because of it being a true sequel to 10 but you mean to tell me if Vegnagun was in Bevelle all that time...they didnt bother to use that against sin. Oh I forgot Yevon had tto hide the technology.

The Punisher-It was cool but once the interogation kills wore thin it was just Max Payne or dead to Rights without the cool disarms

Omg Driv3r- I remember having that old school "Im about to play my new game" feeling when watching the opening credits then as soon as I had to control it I thought "this is to GTA as Killzone was to Halo"

X-Men Legends 2- no replay value at all regardless if you have Iron Man Deadpool and Professor X it just wasnt a step up from the first one.

Close Combat First to Fight- I only enjoyed it in co-op since my friend came home from Iraq last year and we played together but the game is too short.
Nefro said:
Kingdom Hearts-I tried so hard to like it, but I just hated it and I wish it was better.
:shock: how could you say such hurtful things.

There are a bunch of games i wish were better. However, i have a thing where i could like even the worst of games.

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