Games that made you cry.

wait, wait.....none.

yeah, games don't get to me. movies, yes, games, not really. It takes really realistically brutal stuff (i.e. Schindler's List) or stuff that carries personal emotional context (i.e. watching video of the WTC towers getting hit and collapsing - seriously, when i went to the temp. memorial in NYC this summer, i was at the brink of tears the entire time i was there).

Games just don't have that realism for me.
Nick, your avatar reminds me of Brothers in Arms. If you weren't on the brink of tears during those games, then you have no heart.
it's from band of brothers. and i've never played those games, so it would be hard for me to have had that emotional experience that you had.
BF: Bad Company.

That is one of only a few games so shit i ended up playing the demo more than the actual game itself.
i cried after i realised it was 8 days after i bought it when i was going to return it :(
Nick, if you like Band of Brothers you will like Brothers in Arms. The graphics of the games are a little dated now, but the storytelling is top-notch. The gameplay can be a a little frustrating (a First-Person Shooter with a very tactical cover/suppression system), but you can get the hang of it and it leads to some intense moments.

Also, the latest in the series, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway is being released to the Xbox360, PS3 and PC on Sept 23rd.
i suppose i'll have to check those out. I actually think i played the demo once, but i can't really remember. Now that i'm 17, i guess i can go buy them, but unfortunately, i have shit for money.
I don't think I've ever cried when playing a video game... not from an emotional storyline or anything like that at least... and I'm a chick! =P lol

I have however cried from frustration on more than one occasion.

(I'm ok with your sensitive sides though hehe) :lol:
To be honest, I too have never cried when playing videogames but ... as many have already said - many times sad emotions came to the surface while I was playing these games and watching the sadder scenes.

This would probably be my list:

- Final Fantasy 10, when Auron goes away and Tidus too
- Grandia II when Ryudos brother Melfice dies and when Marreg dies
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, death of the Boss and to be honest even the boss battle against The Sorrow was kind of sad
- Kingdom Hearts, ending scene
- Grand Theft Auto IV, when Pegorino kills Kate and the ending line of Niko: 'In the end ... what did I accomplish ... ?' or something in these lines
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, death of Emma
- Metal Gear Solid 4: death of Big Mama (Eve) and the death of Naomi

and the saddest scene: Metal Gear Solid, death of Sniper Wolf on the original Playstation.

That would be all ... for now. ;)
For me it would be the MGS games, although i didnt actually cry, i felt something deep within me that was close to it. Still counts right?

Now that I think about it.... Persona 3 when you realize your character dies in the end. It is so sudden and you don't expect it one bit. He just kinda look like he fall asleep.....and never woke up.

Good thing there is FES because I wouldnt even realize it.

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