Very good. I had no idea you all were staying so healthy.
A long time ago, before I got into games journalism, I was a personal trainer. Phenomenal shape. But five years ago I herniated two discs in my spine, had to have surgery, and basically fucked everything up for myself.
The pain left me in a depression which had me gaining over 100 lbs, and I became completely sedentary. Working at the computer all day didn't help things.
Almost a year ago now, I decided to get control of my pain. I've lost over 80 lbs now.
Anyway, I've been following a strength training program - heavy squats, overhead press, bench press, deadlifts - and today I smashed a personal goal I've had for over a decade.
I've always wanted to deadlift 315 (3 45 lb plates on each side of the barbell - something about that many plates made it seem impossible), and not only did I do it today, but I did it for five reps.
Felt really great going from thinking I'd barely ever even walk again, to doing something like this. Was a good motivating moment for me, and I wanted to share. Texted my wife and told her I "Booker T'd my goal weight"...