Anderson Cooper vs Terry Jones, and the Quran Controversy

You guys all realized that this is about ONE lonely dude on the internet who's burning... ONE book... right?

We should of all just ignore the dude... but no! WE had to bring CNN into this!
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
this is the stupidest thing ever. and america wonders why the world hates us.

"hey, i'm religious and all, but lets burn anthers religion's bible. just cause they are assorted with terrorism. never mind how long our religion has been associated with terrorism. good idea, huh? and we'll scream free speech all the time. government is so great for religion when we make it work for us, huh?"

god, i hate america sometimes....

At least we have the freedom to do such a thing. Try burning a pile of qurans in, hell, the muslim world, and then watch the first bullet pass between your eyes.

America is the most kickass place in the world compared to most of the world. Free speech and freedom of religion is a dream to some.

They're going to STONE AND LASH A WOMAN FOR SHOWING HER FACE IN IRAN, and you say you hate america?! are you fucking serious?!
Yeah it is one dude doing this.

But sometimes it takes one dude to cause a major John Brown, Malcolm X, and so forth.
dude, i light a Quran on fire every time I roast a marshmallow, and if you know anything about me you know I fucking love roasted marshmallows. 8) You don't see me patting myself on my back about it.

If you're dumb enough to follow one person, whose cause is so stupid, well then you're probably watching FOX News, and Anderson Cooper isn't on the FOX News network anyway. Crisis averted.
It was canceled but the batshit pastor says it was canceled because the "mosque" (there is no mosque, it is a community outreach center" is being moved.

But it isn't being moved.

This is all batshit. If the GOP wins majority in either the house or the senate the madness will continue. We are boned.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
this is the stupidest thing ever. and america wonders why the world hates us.

"hey, i'm religious and all, but lets burn anthers religion's bible. just cause they are assorted with terrorism. never mind how long our religion has been associated with terrorism. good idea, huh? and we'll scream free speech all the time. government is so great for religion when we make it work for us, huh?"

god, i hate america sometimes....

At least we have the freedom to do such a thing. Try burning a pile of qurans in, hell, the muslim world, and then watch the first bullet pass between your eyes.

America is the most kickass place in the world compared to most of the world. Free speech and freedom of religion is a dream to some.

They're going to STONE AND LASH A WOMAN FOR SHOWING HER FACE IN IRAN, and you say you hate america?! are you f****** serious?!

just cause you have the right to free speech doesn't mean you should always practice it.
the limits of Free speech need to be crossed every so often - to remind us of why we live in such a great country. (Not trolling).

Again, I like any forms of speech that make freedom of speech seem like a bad idea. That way you ensure that you never quell minority/dissenting opinion.

They are not destroying a building or physically damaging anyone? They are burning copies of books - they probably bought on their own property. If there is a potential fire hazard than it needs to be address - but if its in a controlled bonfire - let them have their ignorance.
UrbanMasque said:
the limits of Free speech need to be crossed every so often - to remind us of why we live in such a great country. (Not trolling).

Again, I like any forms of speech that make freedom of speech seem like a bad idea. That way you ensure that you never quell minority/dissenting opinion.

They are not destroying a building or physically damaging anyone? They are burning copies of books - they probably bought on their own property. If there is a potential fire hazard than it needs to be address - but if its in a controlled bonfire - let them have their ignorance.

Agreed. It is their right as Americans to do idiotic things like burn Qurans and Talmuds (everyone forgets that he said he was going to burn Talmuds because Jews don't blow themselves up. We just overtly rule the world via our control of banks, media and governments.). I just would have hoped that we would have learned in the past 100 years that book burnings are barbaric, inhuman acts. Moreover, if we were a more progressive society we-

What's that?

Progressive is now a derogatory term and that shemale Ann Coulter is doing a liberal book burning, hosted by Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh handing out Obama effigies and officiated by Bristol Palin in her new dance dress and hundreds of thousands are going to be in attendance?

Well, that's their right. If you need me, I'll be breaking into SETI to tell aliens to enslave us for our own sake.
StalfrosCC said:
It was canceled but the batshit pastor says it was canceled because the "mosque" (there is no mosque, it is a community outreach center" is being moved.

But it isn't being moved.

This is all batshit. If the GOP wins majority in either the house or the senate the madness will continue. We are boned.

It's a mosque with a community outreach center. ... en-mosque/

Hey, the economy still sucks. Democrats have been in majority for four years now. We're already boned thanks to that.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Hey, the economy still sucks. Democrats have been in majority for four years now. We're already boned thanks to that.

Yes, clearly the decline of the economy is based solely on the past 4 years and has no bearing on effects made during the Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush administrations, nor the partisanship that has afflicted the Congressional Minority who rather than pose any solutions in the past 4 years have continued to say "No" on any potential reform, and continue to blame acts on the Obama administration that were enacted through Republican support during the Bush administration.

Uhm, you got finanical reform, health reform, and the stimulus. The big three got passed despite the Party of No label. Why is it that when republicans vote "no" it's BAD but when democrats do it it's patriotic?

Why is it that the economic collapse took place despite being under barney frank's (D) watch? Dems do no wrong?

Stimulus doesn't work. The rest of the world got hit with recession, and countries have gotten out thanks to little or no stimulus.

The fact that you see a difference between the two parties is amazing. There isn't any. We're getting fucked one way or another, take your pick.

Please don't take my attacks on the dems as a sign I support the republicans. We haven't had a good president for decades, and we've never had a honest and decent congress in our history. Regardless of who is in charge, we're getting the short end of the stick.

Back on topic, other places are burning books now, riot in Pakistan leaving one man dead, and 3 years ago bibles were burned in the middle east in protest.

hey, how about all the radical muslims square off against all the radical christans, and then we bomb the lot of them. Two birds with one stone.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Uhm, you got finanical reform, health reform, and the stimulus. The big three got passed despite the Party of No label. Why is it that when republicans vote "no" it's BAD but when democrats do it it's patriotic?

No one has even mentioned "patriotic". Where did this even come from?

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Why is it that the economic collapse took place despite being under barney frank's (D) watch? Dems do no wrong?

Dems do wrong. The difference is that Dems offer solutions, while the Republicans offer No and hate and fear-mongering.

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
The fact that you see a difference between the two parties is amazing. There isn't any. We're getting f***** one way or another, take your pick.

A Dem will tell you he's going to fuck you.
A Repub will lie about it, and fuck you even worse

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Please don't take my attacks on the dems as a sign I support the republicans. We haven't had a good president for decades, and we've never had a honest and decent congress in our history. Regardless of who is in charge, we're getting the short end of the stick.

Agreed. My final straw was when they failed to pass the health care bill for 9/11 first responders.

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
hey, how about all the radical muslims square off against all the radical christans, and then we bomb the lot of them. Two birds with one stone.

4chan's plan for today is to search for "Nuke Mecca"
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
The fact that you see a difference between the two parties is amazing. There isn't any. We're getting f***** one way or another, take your pick.

Trippysmurf said:
nor the partisanship that has afflicted the Congressional Minority who rather than pose any solutions in the past 4 years have continued to say "No" on any potential reform.

A house divided against itself cannot stand, ya'll!

Yeah, so good luck to everyone. We're pretty much on our own now.

In a moment of weakness the Republican party wagered it all on becoming a xenophobic terrorist group. Sure, they have all the momentum for now, but they've also become a xenophobic terrorist group. So they're pretty much off my ballot for now.

I don't necessarily vote a straight ticket, but hell! Are the middle-of-the-road conservatives hiding out? Changing parties? Gone extinct?

So maybe now the libertarian vote will take from the republican vote, like the independent vote takes from the democratic? Finally, a balance.

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